This chapter was reviewed by Dr. Charles Clifton.
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(a) AFC concept 1 (b) AFC concept 2
(c) Rod concept (d) Yielding endplate connection
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MacRae, G.A., Urmson, C.R., Walpole, W.R., Moss, P., Hyde, K. and Clifton, G.C., (2009). ‚Axial Shortening of Steel Columns in Buildings Subjected to Earthquakes‛, Bulletin of the NZ Society of Earthquake Engineering.
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Sidwell, G., (2010). ‚Low Damage Buildings - the Realisation‛, in Proceedings of the Steel Structures Workshop 2010, Research Directions for Steel Structures, compiled by MacRae G. A. and Clifton G. C., University of Canterbury, 13-14 April.
Tsai, K.C., Lee, C.H., Tsai, C.Y., Lin, C.H., (2010). Large Scale Seismic Testing of Steel-Framed Structures at NCREE , in Advances in Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering, Chapter 42, Volume 13, 451-460, Springer, ISBN Number 978-90-481-8745-4
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Yamada et al., (2010). Full Scale Shaking Table Collapse Experiment on 4-Story Steel Moment Frame, 7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering & 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering Joint Conference March 3-5, 2010, Tokyo, April 2010.
This section describes developments in damage-resistant design of rocking post-tensioned multi-storey timber buildings. The seismic structural system can be either timber post- tensioned frames and/or walls. Braced dissipative systems already introduced in chapter 8 for steel structures can be easily applied to multi-storey timber buildings.