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Animal Care Personnel


3. Animal Care Personnel

We are morally responsible for any living thing that we cause to be dependent upon us, including animals used in research, teaching and testing. Exemplary standards of humane care and treatment must be exercised by each person associated with captive animals. Satisfactory buildings and equipment are, of course, necessary; however, of even greater importance is the common sense and concern of all levels of personnel involved in the care and use of experimental animals. Only the general responsibilities of such persons can be outlined here; detail will vary with the institution and programs involved.

In every institution utilizing animals, a competent professional staff member must be clearly designated with overall responsibility for care of experimental animals.

a) Chief or Director

The Chief or Director of animal care in large institutions is responsible for administration of the animal care facility and should be directly responsible to a senior administrative official; and should also be an ex-officio member of the ACC. This individual should be qualified in an appropriate scientific discipline,

possess considerable experience with a variety of species, understand the requirements of research and be a competent administrator.

This individual should be responsible for establishing or promoting participation in educational programs which will, at the technical level, improve the quality and efficiency of animal care and, at the professional level, assist in the proper training of prospective investigators in the use of laboratory animals.

The responsibility to ensure that animals used for research, teaching and testing are of a high quality, appropriate to the requirements of the investigator or teacher should also rest with this individual.

In small institutions, the duties of "Director of Animal Care" may be assigned on a part-time basis.

b) The Scientist-Teacher

The scientist-teacher should have knowledge of the characteristics, care and handling of the species being utilized, and be committed to comply with the guidelines for care and ethical use of animals as contained in this Guide.

The primary responsibility for the prevention of pain and discomfort in the experimental situation lies with the investigator.

c) Animal Care Staff

It is the responsibility of the institution, through its ACC, to assure that its technicians have the

opportunity to become as well-qualified as possible. As in any field, opportunity for continuing education should be provided, and all personnel should be encouraged to participate.

Support staff are in a prime position to ensure both high quality animal care and the success of an

experiment through their diligence and daily observation of their charges. It is noteworthy that distress in animals is not limited to the experimental situation, but may result from improper housing and handling.

Animals respond in a positive manner to gentleness and considerate attention from their attendants.

Staff working with experimental animals may be involved either in their daily maintenance or in the performance of primary experimental procedures or a combination of these roles.

It is important that these persons be skilled and conscientious, as the well-being of the animal and the success of the experiment on a day-to-day basis, are in their hands. In addition to in-house training, formal courses in animal health and animal care technology are now offered at 15 community colleges across Canada. Organizations exist which provide training programs for the animal technician, leading to certification in his/her field; e.g., Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science (CALAS). A co-operative venture between employers and a community college has recently been undertaken (Benn and McLaughlin, 1992).


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