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4.4 Asset Management Reports

4.4.1 Asset Cost Analysis Report

This report highlights the costs associated to assets. This provides valuable information in determining if the asset’s maintenance costs are as planned or if they are being exceeded. Excessive costs may indicate that the asset is either not being maintained properly, or it is aging rapidly and may be due for


Report Details:

This report provides two key cost values which included its actual to budgeted costs, and also its average maintenance cost per years of use.

The Actual to Budgeted Costs is calculated by the Asset’s Year to date cost ( ASSET.YTDCOST) divided by its yearly budgeted cost (ASSET.BUDGETCOST)

To derive the average maintenance cost, first the ‘Years of Use’ for the asset is calculated. This is derived by subtracting the asset’s Installation Date from the Current Date, and displaying the value in years. Then the Average Maintenance Cost is calculated by dividing the Asset Total Cost (ASSET.TOTALCOST) by the Years of Use.

*Note: Only assets which have at least one of these conditions - ASSET.TOTALCOST > 0 OR ASSET.BUDGETCOST > 0 are included in this report.


The report results are grouped by Site. Then the results are sorted in Descending order of Average Maintenance Cost. Totals and Averages are provided at the end of each grouping.


Six parameters are available to enable you flexibility in the data that is displayed. These parameters include Status, Failure Class, Classification, Site, Priority and Location.


Two charts display on the first page of this report. This first chart displays Asset Budget to Actual Costs.

Percentage is displayed on the X Axis, and Site is displayed on the Y Axis.

The second chart displays Average Maintenance Costs. Average Costs are displayed on the X Axis, and Site is displayed on the Y Axis.

Sample Output

Below is a sample pdf output of the Asset Cost Analysis report. The two charts of Asset Actual to Budget Costs and Average Maintenance Cost are displayed first. Then, the details of the individual assets, grouped by site are displayed.

Report Charts

Report Details

4.4.2 Asset Spare Part Report

This report details the assets with Spare Parts assigned to them. This information is critical in predicting inventory requirements in minimizing asset downtime.

The goal is to maximize the percentage of assets that have Spare Part Plans. Understanding spare part requirements enables Supply Chain Planners and Managers to better predict inventory requirements to minimize asset downtime


Additionally, a secondary purpose of this report is to highlight the inventory of the spare parts which may be assigned.

Report Details:

The Asset Spare part metric is calculated as a percentage of the total number of assets which have at least one Spare Part Item to the total number of assets.

Then, the reserved and current balance of the spare part items are displayed in this report.

*Note: This report is intended to give a top level view of the inventory for the spare part items. Therefore, condition codes are not taken into consideration.


A number of groupings are contained in this report due to the multiple relationships of Spare Parts and their Inventory locations.

- The first grouping is on Site

- The second grouping is on Asset

- The third grouping is on Available Quantity

Then, to draw the user’s attention to potential issues, the assets which have no spare parts (Spare Part Number is null) are displayed first. Then, the remaining results are displayed in ascending order of Asset Number and Siteid.


Six parameters are available to enable you flexibility in the data that is displayed. These parameters include Type, Failure Class, Classification, Site, Priority and Location.


A column chart plots the Assets with Spare Parts to Assets without Spare Parts by Site. Site is displayed on the X Axis and the percentage is displayed on the Y Axis.

Sample Output

A sample report output of the Asset Spare Part Metric report is shown below. The graph immediately conveys that the vast majority of the assets for the selected parameters (Site Bedford, Type Production) do not have any spare parts assigned to them.

Then, the specific information on these individual assets can be found in details below.

Report Chart

Report Details

4.4.3 Asset PM Plan Report

This report details the assets with PM plans associated to them. This information is critical insuring that plans are in place to properly maintain the asset.

Report Details:

Similar to the Asset Spare Part report, the Asset PM Metric is calculated as a percentage of the total number of assets which have at least one Preventative Maintenance plan assigned to them as compared to the total number of assets.

Because assets can have multiple PM Plans, the report lists all the PM plans which may be associated to the asset. Additionally, information on PM forecasting and time frequency and units are listed.


The details of the report are first grouped by site. Then, because multiple PMs can be associated to an Asset, the results are next grouped by Asset Number

Then, like the Asset Spare Part report, to draw the user’s attention to potential issues, the assets which have no PM Plans are displayed first. Then, the remaining results are displayed in ascending order of Asset Number and Siteid.


Six parameters are available to enable you flexibility in the data that is displayed. These parameters include Type, Failure Class, Classification, Site, Priority and Location.


A column chart plots the Assets with PM Plans to Assets without PM Plans by Site. Site is displayed on the X Axis and the percentage is displayed on the Y Axis.


Users of this metric report include Planners, Contract Managers, Operations Managers, Maintenance Managers, and Engineers

Sample Output

In this case below, a number of locations within a site were selected for this report. This enables a user to directly focus on the assets located in these sites to confirm if they each have PM Plans associated to them.

In this case, 33% of the assets did not have a PM Plan, and the detail section below provides more information on this.

Report Chart

Report Details

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