Alsu Shafigullina, Guzel Azatovna Khaziakhmetova, Maria Pavlova Kazan Federal University, Institute of Economics and Finance, graduate student.
Kazan Federal University, Institute of Economics and Finance.
Kazan Federal University, Institute of Economics and Finance, student of master degree. Abstract
The external environment of a modern enterprise sets constraints in the analysis of economic activity, focusing only on the financial indicators. At the same time, undeniable need make ensure the development of all sides of the business, a benchmark in the development of which specified in the system design including non-financial indicators. Balanced scorecard as, on the one hand the focus and reference point when assessing the activities of the enterprise can be powerful help system traditional reports on the performance of the economic entity.
The article is devoted to the development of a balanced scorecard for the enterprises of petrochemical complex «Tatneft»
Keywords: the balanced scorecard, holding, enterprises, goals, objectives, indicators Introduction
Monitoring of system, management process and results of economic activity of enterprises that are a part of a petrochemical complex “Tatneft” revealed some problems. These problems include lack of uniform approach and accurately certain direction in ensuring their strategic development. The conflicts of interests separating subjects of management from subjects of property, on the one hand, and another - management of a complex and its staff, prove need of formulation and cascading of accurate system of target indicators of economic activity. The last have to cover not only financial side of work of the enterprises of a complex, but also define accurate and concrete reference points of development of not economic parties of managing to which we carry social, ecological, political and so forth processes, to show relationships of cause and effect of their change.
Despite abundance of developments in the field of creation of the balanced scorecard, the problem of institutional fixing of the mentioned process’s algorithm and its results is relevant. In this regard, authors offer and prove expediency of creation of work in the following sequence: formation of the strategic map of complex’ goals; cascading the strategic map of the objectives of the complex to the levels of enterprises; definition of communication of indicators system on each level of management of a complex; installation of target values of indicators; definition of responsible persons for achievement of target values of indicators; optimization of strategic initiatives; formations of the internal institutes defining rules and restrictions in "work" of balanced scorecard.
Use of this algorithm will allow reproducing the system of indicators which values will reflect effectiveness of various parties of enterprises managing of a petrochemical complex “Tatneft”
Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204
Vol. 7, Issue 12, December 2017
Page 160
The theoretical and methodological basis of the research represented by achievements and well-known developments of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of the problem under consideration. Their integrated use realized in the above-mentioned algorithm of research.
Logical and gnoseological analysis of the formation of balanced scorecard the company based on the using of the dialectical method of cognition. The research of essence of system of indicators of activity of the enterprise defined by need of use of a method of scientific abstraction and pair categories of dialectics. The retrospective analysis of the objectives of the petrochemical complex enterprises required the use of the historical-logical method of investigation. The achievement of the objectives set in the study based on the principles of systemativeness, interconnection and interdependence of the dynamics of socioeconomic relations associated with governance. The information base of the research provided by the corporate reporting data of OJSC TATNEFT.
Results and discussion
The purposes of management define alternative requirements to formation of system of reporting indicators. They are necessary when determining the development strategy of the enterprise: for the objective analysis of a situation in the enterprise, for assessment of investment attractiveness, financial stability etc., which is diagnostics of results of managing [1]. Despite similarity of the analyzed systems of indicators, some of their components can be not suitable for the purposes of strategic management or for operational activity, in particular, of carrying out a financial evaluation [2].
Modern operating conditions of the enterprises do not allow its management to be limited to the analysis of monetary indicators as development of their economy caused by not economic factors (ecology, the social sphere, policy, etc.) considerably. In this regard, realization of capacity of balanced scorecard, which provides transformation of vision in strategy, investment projects, feedback and training, seems reasonable.
The system includes four aspects of the enterprise activity– finance, the market and clients, internal processes, employees and infrastructure. Its balance is defined by methodology of an integrated approach to assessment of material and immaterial assets of economic entity that act as instruments of ensuring strategic development of the enterprise. The balanced scorecard strengthens the system of planning and control of realization of strategy in life at all levels of company management that is especially relevant in work of the Petrochemical complex “Tatneft” together with a set of the enterprises – its participants. [3] Creation of the above-named system can be carried out by using of research potential of a method "ascent from the abstract to the concrete" through "cascading" which allows to define connection of strategy of each enterprise with the general strategy of a complex. [1]
Преимущества системы сбалансированных показателей определяют направление вектора исследования в сторону анализа системы целей предприятий нефтехимического комплекса «Татнефть» и разработки названной системы показателей.
Advantages of system of the balanced indicators define the direction of a research towards the analysis of system of enterprises’ purposes of a petrochemical complex “Tatneft” and developments of the called system of indicators.
Использование процедуры каскадирования позволяет исключить названный недостаток: «получить именно те цели, которые в процессе декомпозиции от самого верхнего уровня
Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204
Vol. 7, Issue 12, December 2017
Page 161
передадутся конечному предприятию и тем самым донесут до него миссию холдинга». Кроме того, согласовывать стратегии предприятий со стратегией комплекса в целом.
The mission of OJSC “Tatneft” is designated as follows: "Strengthening of international and recognized positions and ensuring forward development of the company in the status of one of the largest vertically integrated Russian producers of oil and gas, oil and gas processing products and petrochemistry, thermal and electric energy on the basis of effective management of assets of shareholders, rational use of natural resources and corporate social responsibility". The mission is capacious, it covers areas of activity of the corporation and priorities in management.. At the same time in it communication with strategic objectives of separately taken enterprise of the company is not traced. For example, PJSC Nizhnekamskshina which primary activity consists in production of tires. Using of the procedure of cascading allows excluding the called shortcoming: "to receive those purposes which in the course of decomposition from the most top level will be transferred to the final enterprise and by that will inform it of the mission of holding". Besides, to coordinate the strategy of the enterprises with the strategy of a complex in general. [1]
Structure of the Petrochemical complex of PJSC “Tatneft” under the direction of “Tatneft Neftekhim” Managing Company (fig. 1) includes five types of managing. The structure united by operational communications and divided organizationally - a legal form of independent functioning:
1) Production of materials and semi-finished products; 2) Processing;
3) Rendering services in repair; 4) Supply;
5) Sales of products.
Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204
Vol. 7, Issue 12, December 2017
Page 162
Figure.1. Organizational structure of a petrochemical complex PJSC Tatneft
Focused specialization on one type of business and dependence on other divisions of a complex causes emergence of the conflicts. These conflicts have to be resolved in the system of plans and budgets of these enterprises [4]. Accurate structuring plans and budgets of a complex defines need of identification of the centers of expenses and profits. The structuring of the plans carries out the functions of solving auxiliary (for example, supply - OOO Tatneft-neftekhimsnab). Structuring the budget carries out the functions of producing and selling finished products and obtaining operating profit to be distributed (for example, PJSC Nizhnekamskshina, LLC Plant of Truck Tires, LLC Nizhnekamsk Plant of all-steel cord tires, JSC Nizhnekamsktekhuglerod, JSC Nizhnekamsk Mechanical Plant, Kama Trading house). [5]
Realization of an algorithm of structuring balanced scorecard assumes [1]: – development of the strategic map corporations;
– its cascading on the lower levels of management and inter-level coordination; – installation of target values of indicators;
– definition of responsible persons for achievement of target values of indicators; – optimization of strategic initiatives;
– institutionalization of process of creation balanced scorecard.
According to model of the balanced indicators, development of the strategic map of the purposes of a complex assumes: