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Various electrical appliances: TV’s, computers, etc., create static electricity that sticks to the aura, pollutes it and prevents energy to go through it. Furthermore, our negative thoughts and feelings, and the negative thoughts of others towards us contaminate the aura. Not only do we need to clean the physical body, but we also need to cleanse the electromagnetic field, which affect the physical body.

We can cleanse the aura in a number of ways. Here is one way to cleanse it: the therapist stands opposite the patient. He places his hands above the head of the patient and moves them from the head to the feet three times back, three times forward, and three times to the sides. He shakes the hands each time he moves his hands from the head to the feet to get rid of the residue of negative energy. Before and after the treatment the therapist must wash his hands up to the elbows. It is possible to sweep, to peel the aura by small movements of the hands and to imagine that a "vacuum cleaner" is sucking up the dirt. The hands should be shaken at the end of each turn. Next the aura is charged with clean energy. The charging is carried out with the positive hand.

Another method addresses three levels:

The bones - the cleansing is done by passing a cupped hand from head to toes with long and continuous movements for five minutes. The distance is eight inches from the body.

The blood system - The movement is clockwise at a distance of sixteen inches from the body, and it is done with a flat hand for three minutes.

The nerves - The movements of the fingers is sharp and short, imitating piano playing. The distance is twenty inches from the body and the time- one minute.

The treatment is given without any contact with the patient and with the receiving hand (with most people it's the left palm). It is good to have flowers near by to throw the polluted energy on them.

The flowers exist on a lower energy level and polluted energy for us feeds them. You can also cleanse the aura with crystals or burn salvia (a healing herb) and allow the smoke to wrap around the body. Soaking the legs for ten minutes in water with sea salt heightens the body vibration and cleans the lower energy centers. It is good to have a bath with sea salt and soda powder. You can also rub the body, especially painful joints with this mixture.

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Tibetan cymbals

Tibetan cymbals are an additional method of cleaning the aura. The movement of the cymbals is from the top of the body towards the bottom sideways, forward and finally backward. Everyone can do this for himself. The cymbals can also clean the atmosphere in the office and at home. If you want to get rid of any pain or contamination in a certain part of the body, place the receiving hand at a distance of two inches from the painful area. Make circles above the spot and draw out the contaminated energy. Pull out your hand at a distance from the aura and flap it to get rid of the

polluted energy. Imagine throwing the pollution far away into the ground, if there are no flowers or plants nearby to absorb it.

In most cases it is enough to clean the aura to improve health. Depression and bad moods often are the results of accumulation of patches of static electricity in the aura. It is important to remember that there is no point in transferring energy without first cleaning the aura. If the aura is dirty it will not allow new energy to penetrate. Cleaning is the first thing one should do.

To protect the aura we imagine a large bell covering us, or we can also imagine a ball of white or blue light around us. We can also breathe light through the legs and head and fill with light the aura during exhalation. The aura can be consciously pulled in towards the body when we choose to be less vulnerable to outside forces.

In the central axis of the body there is an etheric channel called Antahkarana. It links us with Earth and Heaven, with our soul and higher dimensions. The Antahkarana is the central channel of a Pillar of Light, which surrounds us. Visualizing the Pillar of Light and the Antahkarana brings harmony to the aura and protect us.

We are all made of energy fields, which influence other beings and things around us. The human being is a tiny part of a greater essence. It is the meeting place of different energies, a fact that the mind finds difficult to comprehend. People are ready to exercise for the fitness their physical body.

What are they ready to do for the fitness of their aura, which is actually responsible for the health of the physical body?

Below are exercises, which strengthen the aura. While exercising it is important to feel the contact with the ground, and imagine that the feet have become roots that penetrate deep in the ground. By grounding ourselves we receive the energy of the earth. By grounding we align the energy centers of the body which helps us bring the light into the entire body.

Exercise No. 1

Stand in the position of Tai Chi – slightly bent the knees to allow the flow of energy from the ground, the shoulders are dropped and the tongue touches the palate. Breathe deeply through the stomach.

(the count from one to five) and then relax by blowing out the air. Do this exercise several times as it increases the capacity to absorb, retain, and emit energy.

Exercise No. 2 - The image of the egg

You can imagine the aura as an egg of dazzling white light, which gradually widens. Feel that by growing and expanding it increases the light. At first the light spreads out from the center of the heart. Feel that the heart radiates energy, visualize that the aura is spreading to about ten feet on every side of the body and then it grows to the size of the room, the size of the country, the size of the earth and eventually the size of the universe. Then in the opposite direction reduce the aura to its natural size. It is best to do this exercise with rhythmical breathing.

Exercise No. 3 - The Thread of Life

Imagine a coil thirty inches in diameter, which is wrapped around you, it begins from the feet and goes up clockwise. It pulsates with a violet flame, which strengthens the aura. After feeling comfortable with the movement, visualize a similar coil, which goes around in a counterclockwise direction. In the beginning do the movement separately. Later on continue the two movements at the same time. It is important to experience a clockwise movement that attracts energy to the center and a counterclockwise movement that radiates energy outwards. It is also good to visualize yourself within a column filled with violet light with a protective white wrapping. Violet, the color of the fire, has purifying attributes. Try to feel that a violet fire consumes the physical and psychological pollution and leaves you purified.

Exercise No. 4

Stand on one foot, move the hands downwards and upward several times in front and the sides of the body with the palms of the hands cupped and facing the floor. Continue to move the hands in rhythm. Try to feel the air drag. Afterwards change the position and stand on the other leg. Continue the movements. After some time try to "pull" the aura - stretch out your hands slowly in every direction in a rhythmic way with a cupped palm. Feel the air resistance when you outstretch the hands. Do this exercise with Ravel's "Bolero" which is very rhythmical music. The exercise helps to capture the earth magnetism.

Exercise No. 5 - The column of Light

Stand fully relaxed and imagine that you are in a column of six feet in diameter. It protects you from every outer influence. Breathe deeply and see in your imagination how the column is filled with an orange color with every breath. The entire body emits orange energy and it fills the column with this energy. Imagine after five minute a white light pouring on you. It covers you and brings peace of mind. Imagine sunshine on the navel, which warms your body. Bring the sunshine to the heart, feel how the heart radiates love and fill the aura with light. Say aloud, "I am made from light, I serve the light and the light revives me, protects me, guides me and heals me.” This important exercise purifies, doubles the size of the aura, and fills us with energy.

There are other exercises, which strengthen the aura including different kinds of respiration, Tai Chi, Chi Kung exercises and Yoga postures. To jump on a trampoline activates the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid and is another way to receive energy. Remember that any time you need protection, you may ask Archangel Michael to surround you with his blue light and to cut with his sword all the treads that bind you.

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Energetic exercises