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Information shared with staff around the full opening plan, returning to site, amendments to

A Full risk assessment reviewed and shared with staff and stakeholders half

usual working patterns/practices and groups.

termly. Following consultation it is available on the school website.

Governors consulted on full opening plans.

A Reviewed RA will be emailed to governors for comments and amendments. Weekly amendments and evaluation sheets to be shared with each chair of Governors and Academy Director. Directors and

Governors to sign off RA after consultation between Head and Governors as described above. Shared by 23/10/20 On website by 2/11/20 A

Union representatives consulted on full opening plans.

A RA will be read and checked against published union guidance

Union advise will be sought from the school representatives before publishing on the website.

Risk Assessment published on website, where more than 50 staff.

A The amended Risk Assessment will be published on the school website after

consultation with Governors, Directors, Union representatives and staff and no later than 2nd November

20.11.20 A

Communications with parents:  Plan for full opening  Social distancing plan Wellbeing/ pastoral support/ support and acknowledgement to parents of home learning  Attendance  Uniform  Transport  Behaviour  Test and trace

 Staggered start and end times

 Expectations when in school and at home (if self-isolating is necessary)

A Communication with parents is regular and changes are detailed as need via emailed letters.

All letters are sent to staff via email so that they understand what is happening across the school.

Paper copies can be available from the school office.

Ongoing A

Pupil communications around:  Changes to timetable  Social distancing

arrangements  Staggered start times

A Weekly assemblies will be filmed or zoomed to classes so consistent messages can be delivered by the Headteacher. Ongoing A

 Expectations when in school and at home (if self-isolating is necessary)  Travelling to and from

school safely

On-going regular communication plans determined to ensure parents are kept well-informed

A Communication will continue from school to parents through emails, letters, website updates and social media posts. Parents have been reminded that they are not to take messages to class teachers at drop off or collection time. Urgent messages can be left with SLT at the entrance points. Parents will be asked to communicate with school via email or calls to the office.

Detailed plans will be shared with school office staff so that they can answer queries. Staff will be expected to refer questions to Headteacher or SLT if

In place and ongoing

they are unsure as is common practise.




Meetings and decisions that need to be taken prioritised.

A Virtual governing body and Directors meetings will continue

HT to continue weekly briefings with Director and SLT

In place and ongoing


Governors are clear on their role in the planning and full opening of the school, including support to leaders.

Approach to communication between Leaders and governors is clear and understood.

A Governors have been communicated with via email and training on completing risk assessments provided. Risk Assessment shared and if necessary, a virtual meeting will be held


Updated and sent again 13.11.20


Governors prepared for start of school year (clerking, etc).

A Academy directors are in place and both schools have full governing body. SIP to continue as planned and revised during the autumn term.

In place and ongoing



The school’s annual calendar of events has been reviewed and decisions made on cancelling or

A No school trips have been booked for the next academic year.

Reviewed January 21

School events,

including trips

going ahead with events in the immediate term, including school trips.

This will be reviewed at October half term. Local visits outside of school are now possible. Purpose will be discussed with EVC and if deemed

appropriate to learning, RA undertaken. No visits involving coach or car travel will be agreed in the autumn term. Harvest festival has been booked to take place digitally. Reception Christmas event will be a pre- recorded podcast style narrative. Pupils will practise actions and live performance elements to go alongside this in classes and perform to parents outside. Performances will be one class at a time with only 2 guests per child. Guests will be asked to wear masks to allow for higher numbers of visitors.

All other year groups will record an item in class to be shared on the school website. All permissions for this will be sought before publication on the website.



Additional costs incurred due to COVID19 are understood and clearly documented.

This continues to be recorded by the SBM and her team. Claims submitted for

reimbursement for example, increased premises related costs; additional cleaning; support for FSM

A Monies have been received for free school meal costs from first 2 weeks of lockdown. Discussions have taken place with ‘SMB services’ and they have advised claims cannot be made if school will end year in position better than budget. Keep records and review before another claim is made.

Any loss of income understood, including the impact of lettings and the financial implications of possibly not restarting.

M New financial year, some impact already included in new budget. Impact of COVID on income currently off set in some part by savings

made by changes to staff hours required. Insurance claims, including

visits/trips booked previously.

None required. Some trip money still held by school this may need to be refunded. All costs were recouped. Reintroduction or re-contracting

services, such as:  Cleaning  IT support  Catering

A IT support contract has been increased in both schools in new financial year in light of extra strain on IT

requirements. This may need further funding. Improved internet speeds with new provider to match with NP are being sought for LB. Plan to be running by March 2021 In house cleaning and catering services have been running

throughout Additional cleaner recruited for NP for day time clean.

Consideration given to any support that may be brokered through working together, for example, partnerships, trusts etc.

A The two trust schools will continue to work closely together through this time.

Support provided by SBM network with other finance

professionals but only remotely.

Before and

after school


Approach in place for before/after school clubs implements the necessary protective measures.

After hours care needed for pupils in different year group bubbles.

Enhanced handwashing needed

M Busy Bears and Little Bears (breakfast and after school care) at both schools will continue to run. Registers will be taken and available in case a child in out of hours care has a positive test for COVID-19. In this instance, these children will self-isolate in line with government and school policy.

At the start of the school day, pupils will be taken to their classes at their allotted time by a member of staff. 8.15 - Year 6 8.30 - Year 3, 4, 5 8.45 - Year 1, 2 8.55 - Reception 1/9/20 L

Nursery pupils will be taken by members of nursery to Busy/Little Bears

At the end of the day, an LSA from each year group bubble will take the children to BB/ 2.25 - Year 6 2.40 - Year 3,4,5 2.50 - Year R 2.55 - Year 1,2

After school clubs outside of extended school provision implement the necessary protective measures.

Mixing pupils and staff from different bubbles

Social distancing and enhanced cleaning

M Clubs have not run as planned this term due to increased duties for staff and the need to reintroduce pupils to school routine. This will be reviewed in January. Mel’s football will be available to specific year groups and these will not be mixed. Rock Band to take place during PPA time on a Friday. We will run two bands so bubbles will not be mixed. Music tutor in attendance will

Reviewed January 21

follow EMS RA and guidelines.

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