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This paper continues the exploration, started in [5] and [7], of the properties of the overlap assembly operation. In particular, it strengthens the results given in [5] regarding the closure of language classes under iterated overlap assembly and the decidability of the completeness of a language. It also enhances the results regarding closure properties of terminating sets

of languages (which are almost equivalent to maximal (adult) languages in [3, 30]). Finally, it investigates the problem of deciding whether a given string is terminal with respect to a language, and the problem of deciding if a given language can be generated by an overlap assembly operation of two given others. Further directions of research include investigations of decision problems such as those studied in Section 5.5.3 for various other language classes, and finding an efficient algorithm that, given a languageL, outputs a pair of languages (if they exist) whose overlap assembly equalsL.

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This thesis investigates two formal operations that model the action of the DNA Polymerase enzyme on DNA strands, and studies their properties. First, an overview of results on some well-studied formal language systems in the literature, based on operations inspired by enzy- matic reactions on DNA is presented in Chapter 2. Although these bio-inspired operations are based on various enzymes such as restriction enzymes, ligases, polymerases etc., the focus of the original contributions of the current thesis is exclusively on modelling of the actions of the DNA polymerase enzyme.

The operation of “directed extension” is proposed, extended to languages and its closure properties for various classes of languages are studied in Chapter 3. The language equations involving the operation are studied, along with the definition of the inverse of the operation. Some relevant questions such as finding necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an inverse operation are answered, and a solution to finding an optimal inverse is given.

The operation of “overlap assembly” that was originally proposed by Csuhaj-varju, Petre and Vaszil is studied in Chapter 4. After settling closure properties of various language classes under this operation, some decision problems are solved. A theoretical analysis of how the iterated version of the operation can be useful in creating a DNA combinatorial library, known to have practical applications, is presented.

The study of the overlap assembly operation is continued in Chapter 5. This operation is compared with the related superposition operation, and it is shown how the positive closure properties of the iterated version of overlap assembly follow from their counterparts for the iterated superposition. Next, closure and related properties of the terminating sets are studied, and some decision problems are solved.

The operations studied in this thesis are exclusively inspired by the actions of the DNA polymerase enzyme. As a future work, it may be worthwhile to formulate formal operations that can model the actions of other enzymes such as restriction endonucleases, along with poly- merases. As another future direction of study, it would be interesting to examine complexity problems for both operations described here. An example is finding lower and upper bounds for the complexity of the result language when the operation is applied between two initial languages of known complexity. Some complexity results of the iterated version of overlap as- sembly may also be interesting to address. It is possible that optimal algorithms to solve some well-known string problems, such as the shortest common super-string problem, may become easier to design and analyze using such results.


Since this thesis is formatted as integrated-article, all the technical chapters should contain exactly the same content of the published articles and no change is allowed. Therefore, we list the modifications implemented according to the comments provided by the thesis examiners as follows.

Implementation of the comments

- page 50, lines 5-6: “models the action of DNA Polymerase enzyme, an enzyme that plays a major role” is changed to “models the activity of DNA polymerase enzymes, enzymes that play a major role”.

- page 50, line 11 and page 51, lines 2, 3, 5, 10: Grouped multiple citations in each of these locations.

- page 51, lines 11-12: “the action of the DNA Polymerase on DNA strands” is changed to “the extension activity of DNA polymerase enzymes on DNA strands”.

- page 54, equation after line 2: w∈Σ+ in the equation is replaced byw∈Σ∗.

- page 55, line 2: Added the sentence “Similarly, ifX is REG andY is LIN (CF), then

the resultLx⊕Lyis in LIN (CF).”

- page 64, line 6 after the equation: “of the DNA Polymerase enzyme” is replaced by “of DNA polymerase enzymes”.

Closure properties of overlap assembly



Throughout this appendix, all languages are considered to be defined over a fixed alphabetΣ.

The sets pref(w), inf(w), and suff(w)contain, respectively, all prefixes, infixes, and suffixes of

w. A prefix (resp., infix or suffix)xofwisproperifx6=w. We employ the following notation: Pref(w) =pref(w)\ {w}, Inf(w) =inf(w)\ {w}, and Suff(w) =suff(w)\ {w}. This notation is naturally extended to languages; for example, Suff(L) =S


We useto represent catenation. Formally,xy=xyfor allx,y∈Σ∗.

By FIN, REG, LIN, CF, CS, and RE we denote the families of finite, regular, linear (context- free), context-free, context-sensitive, and recursively enumerable languages, respectively. The complexity class NSPACE(f(n))(resp. DSPACE(f(n))) is the set of decision problems that can be solved by a non-deterministic (resp. deterministic) Turing machine, M, using space

O(f(n)), where f(n)is the maximum number of tape cells thatMscans on any input of length

n. The complexity notations ofOandΩare used as usually defined in the literature.

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