• No results found

produced in this work should be applied to other fields, such as manufacturing, construc- tion, agriculture, mining, education, etc.



This work produced evidence to support the hypothesis that an artificial consciousness mechanism, which serially broadcasts content to automatic processes, can bring advan- tages to the global task performed by such a society of parallel agents working together for a common goal. A consistent gain in performance with the “Machine Consciousness” traffic signal controller during all simulation time, throughout different simulated scenar- ios, could be observed, ranging from around 10% to more than 20%, when compared to the “Parallel Reactive” controller without the artificial consciousness mechanism.

Based on the results of the experiments, it would be worth it to apply the technology to big cities with high traffic. However, it is important to point out that the infrastructure of the city must allow actuators to adaptively control the traffic lights and sensors to gather the necessary information about position and velocity of vehicles that the model expects.

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