• No results found

In this study, we hypothesize that D&O insurance increases a firm’s cost of equity by providing incentives for D&Os to lower care and vigilance in financial reporting/disclosure and to take more risks. We find that D&O insurance coverage is positively associated with the ex ante cost of equity. Investors also react negatively to the announcement of an increase in D&O insurance. In addition, a high level of D&O insurance is associated with low

financial reporting quality, low stock liquidity, low analysts forecast accuracy and high forecast dispersion. We also find that D&O insurance is positively associated with a firm’s stock beta but is not positively associated with future cash flows or firm value. Overall, our evidence is consistent with the notion that D&O insurance shields D&Os from the discipline of shareholder litigation and lowers their level of care and vigilance in business decisions. Conceivably, the risk anticipation argument can also be a plausible explanation for our results. While we conduct extensive robustness tests and find no evidence consistent with the risk anticipation argument, we acknowledge that we are unable to completely rule it out.

Given that our findings suggest an unintended consequence of D&O insurance, one may wonder why firms still purchase D&O insurance. A reason is that D&O insurance is often required by risk-averse D&O candidates. Second, the purchase of D&O insurance is invariably a decision of the board in practice and hence agency incentives can play a role. Third, securities litigation, and particularly a secondary market lawsuit, is subject to

pocket-shifting (some shareholders gain at the expense of others) (Baker and Griffith, 2010). As a result, shareholders can have different views about D&O insurance, depending on their investment strategies and specific circumstances (e.g., the timing). Therefore, we are

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