The number of regions of the Russian
5. Conclusion
150 novice teachers attended our training-seminar. Analysis obtained by methods of operative measurement data (questionnaires, observation, questionnaires, interviews, introspection and self- analysis, self-reports of novice teachers) shows the presence of high interest and emotional involvement in these forms of work. The rise of communicative competence, deep self-perception and understanding of the group members, the emergence of persistent changes in professional identity, the conscious possession of norms and ways of collective life, the emergence of diverse interpersonal relationships,
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conscious possession of restructuring techniques of personal and professional standpoints in the process of creative collaboration with the team, colleagues, pupils, parents is obvious [Ryseva, Yu. V., 2009]. The positive results of experimental work were manifested not only as a quantitative increase in activity of novice teachers, but in the qualitative restructuring of their activity, the restructuring of the standpoint of the personality of novice teachers. Thus, this study contributes to the rationale for the purposes, the content of forms and methods of improvement of professional and pedagogical qualifications of novice teachers taking into account the requirements of a person-centered education. The obtained results supplement and clarify the concept of the creative teacher’s self-development, provide a theoretical justification for the application of positive factors and consider the negative factors affecting the professional activity of novice teachers in the secondary education school.
The training seminar "Problems of professional and pedagogical activities of novice teachers in education" and the three-year program "The School of the Novice Teacher", which train novice teachers in the methodology of constructing the professional and creative process, allow to identify and implement the reserve capacities of teachers, also to make "prestige maps" and to evaluate the effectiveness of their activities. The results of the research provide opportunities for the use of methodologies in making the curricula in teachers training courses.
The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.
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Semantic structure of the word-formation family in the aspect of language dynamics
Natalya N. Matveeva1,Venera G. Fatkhutdinova1 ,Lidiya V. Krasilnikova2
1 Kazan Federal University, Leo Tolstoy Institute of Philology and Intercultural communication 2 Lomonosov Moskow State University, Faculty of Philology
The subject of the study was the semantic structure of the word-building nest in the aspect of linguistic dynamics. The aim of the work is to reveal the points of contact between the synchronic and diachronic approaches in the description of complex word formation unit semantics that are capable of modification and evolution. The following methods of linguistic unit study were used in the work: analytical- descriptive, functional-semantic, prospective and retrospective word-building analysis and the method of etymological reconstruction.
Results. It is proved that the dynamic approach in the study of statistical linguistic objects assumes the inclusion in the synchronous semantic description of diachronically marked linguistic facts. Thus, the systematization of derived words receives a qualitatively new level of generalization and allows us to represent the role of derivational processes in the formation of Russian language lexical system more clearly. It is revealed that the aggregate of nominative units forming a word-building nest can be the source of ethnic-cultural information. The specificity of chronologically marked derivative internal form is explained by the unique character of their lexical and word-forming semantics, as well as by the permanent modification of the language derivational-semantic space. Against the background of motivated linguistic unit general system, the words-chronofacts are distinguished by the irregularity of word-formation relations and by the specifics of concept lexicalization ways. The results of the research confirmed the hypothesis that the antinomy of statics and dynamics is most clearly manifested in the word-forming system of natural languages.
Key words: Russian language, semantics, word-formation nest, synchrony, diachrony.
Until recently the study of derivative words and complex units of word formation in modern linguistics was based, as a rule, on a synchronic approach that takes into account the static characteristics of the language. In the framework of the system-structural and structural-semantic directions, the results of word-forming processes and other derivation acts were first analyzed, which was of great importance for the description of natural language word-forming system architectonics, see, for example, [Word Formation 2015], [Matthews 2014], [Štekauer 2012, etc. However, the fundamental delineation of two aspects of research - diachronic (genetic) and synchronic one - did not always contribute to the explanation of the derivation mechanism and the internal organization of the language.
The main tendency of the linguistic paradigm at the beginning of the 21st century is its striving to the integration of scientific research various methods and aspects. In many recent studies, the dynamic approach is implemented increasingly. It is aimed at the gap overcoming between synchrony and diachronicity. It allows to penetrate deeper into the history of the language, namely in the processes of grammatical, word-formation and lexical semantics evolution, see [Stockwell 2009], [Kay 2015], etc. The subject of our research was the semantic structure of the word-building nest in the aspect of linguistic dynamics. In order to denote a group of words with the same root the term "word-building nest" is used in traditional Russian linguistics, which refers to the "ordered set of words in respect of production characterized by a common root" (Tikhonov 1985: 36), cf. in English: "family of word" or "word families" [Bauer 1993].
The aim of the work is to reveal the points of contact between the synchronic and diachronic approaches in the description of complex word formation unit semantics, and also to prove the necessity of addressing the facts of diachrony during the analysis of motivated linguistic signs. For this, the word- formation nest should be considered as a lexical and a nominative microsystem.
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Materials and methods. The material for the study was the data of Russian explanatory, word-building and ideographic dictionaries. The work used general scientific methods of research: analytical- descriptive, functional-semantic, prospective and retrospective word-building analysis and the method of etymological reconstruction. The diachronic approach to the analysis of linguistic facts, which makes it possible to reveal the word-forming structure and the internal form of Russian derivatives, became one of the most important in the study.
Results and discussion
The word-formation nest, being a collection of single-root words, plays an important role in the organization of the lexical-semantic system of language, the evolution of which is conditioned by the emergence of new and the disappearance of obsolete lexical units. In the nineteenth century the founder of Kazan linguistic school I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay revealed the essence of language dynamics as follows: "The statics of language is only a particular case of its dynamics or rather kinematics. An eternal movement of the clutch points beyond the indivisible language units takes place in the language. <...> One unit disappears, another one appears» [Baudouin 1963: 349].
An attempt to look at a word-forming nest as a lexical microsystem is closely related with the idea of distinguishing between two types of nests - lexical and word-building. The thought of scientists about the word formation nest as a multi-level language unit is quite legitimate [Tikhonov 2006], [Shirshov 2004] and, in our opinion, it has some contradictions. The terminological distinction between two types of nests is somewhat artificial, on the one hand, due to the synchronous-structural approach to the study of linguistic phenomena and, on the other hand, due to the desire of scientists to isolate word formation from vocabulary and morphology, thereby giving it the status of an independent level of language. With this approach, it becomes obvious that the study of the word-building nest as a structural-semantic whole in its dynamic development is not possible.
We can assume that the concepts of lexical and derivational nests are two sides (from the point of view of language organization level) of the same phenomenon. At the same time, according to scholars, lexical and derivational nests can differ in their composition and volume. Thus, developing the idea of their differences, A.N. Tikhonov writes that lexical nests unite all same root words, regardless of word- formation relations between them. In modern Russian, they often act as larger associations of single root words than word-building nests. The author explains the differences in the composition of lexemes in two types of nests by various changes in their formal semantic structure. The nests of same-root words are in constant motion. Thus, many words move from the center to the peripheral part of a nest or form separate nests [Tikhonov 2006: 49-53].
Indeed, in A.N. Tikhonov's "Dictionary of Russian Language" [1985], based on "living, transparent word- formative connections", for example, lie and lie down, mercy and alms, give birth, native and darling, matter and material, village and to settle, strong and stronghold, and many other words have proved to be vertex words in different derivational nests. This circumstance stems from the need to recognize that the boundaries of a nest are conditional ones, and its lexical composition is mobile. Thus, if the distribution of words along word-building nests from the point of view of synchrony rests on real structural-semantic links between single-root words, then the lexical nest includes historically related words: "the collection of words by nests and families is most often based on the consciousness of their origin unity and the relation of meaning" [Vinogradov 1977: 227].
Thus, the word-formation nest is not a union of real linguistic units, but only an abstract structure of this set, which is a kind of lexical nest reflection structure as a whole or a part of it. Such a polarization of derivational and lexical nest makes a doubt for sure. This is confirmed by the introduction of "explanatory-word-forming nest" concept into the metalanguage of linguistics, which means "the grouping of single-root words with the fixation of lexical meanings and the derivational structure of derivatives. The nest of this type accumulates two aspects in itself - the semantic and the structural one - and appears as a structural-semantic whole" [Shirshov 2004: 6]. In this regard, the notion of "lexical-word- forming nest", uniting the lexical-semantic and structural features of these linguistic units seems to us
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more successful. However, for the convenience of description, it makes sense to talk about the lexical composition of the word-building nest.
The lexical composition of the word-building nest can be the evidence of semantic derivation systematic nature, which should also be considered one of the most important factors of dynamics. The development of a word polysemy in all its variety of manifestations is a long process and depends, as a rule, on extralinguistic factors.
Let's take the lexical-word-making nest with the original verb "to ring" in the nominative meaning 'to produce, to cause the ringing (sound) by a ring, a small bell, a bell for analysis: to ring a bell'. In A.N. Tikhonov's Dictionary his derivatives, in our opinion, are not quite correctly combined into a single group with the verb to ring"" derivatives - "to produce a sound of a high timbre at a shock, shaking (about metal, glass or other objects): the bell rings" (this nest has 92 words in total). Of course, these are the words of the same root, however in modern Russian the spectrum of their portable meanings differs greatly, which can serve as the basis for the distinguishing of two separate word-building nests or one lexical.
Thus, one of the figurative (secondary) meanings of the verb to call - "to call the telephone to talk on the phone" is accompanied in modern Russian by an active word-formative determination peculiar to this meaning: to telephone; the telephone rang in a wrong time; get through to the client by phone; to phone in the evening; to call back in ten minutes; to call everyone; to call for an hour, etc. This process of derivational marking of the basis and its semantic development continues today. For example, in Russian colloquial speech, namely in the slang of office managers, a new derivative to "to call back" with a specific meaning component "to inform, to report on the solution or non-settlement of any issue, on a state of affairs which are of interest to both parties": waiting for results, he must call back; he has not call back yet; I'll call you for sure and so on. Often modern colloquial discourse has an occasional abstract noun "dialer", formed from the verb to call, in the sense of 'dialing a phone number for the purpose of communication establishment; in communication devices - a redial function of the number which is busy; the name of a button to call such a function', as well as a stable phrase «make a dial-up» - 'to call so that a phone number of a caller is reflected and recorded in a respondent's phone'. In this case, one can observe one of linguistic dynamism types, in which the main role is played by the emergence of innovation within the framework of word-formation relations modification or the word-forming structure of a word. The dynamism of a word-forming system can be found in the linguistic-cultural description of word- building nest lexical composition. This approach allows us to identify an idioethnic character of a particular concept, the ways of its actualization by word-formative marking and further derivational development.
Assuming that word-building semantics is not directly related to extralinguistic reality, it can be assumed that derivative words as nominative units are by no means devoid of national and cultural meanings. So, the nest under study has nominative units, the national-cultural character of which is beyond doubt. These are, for example, the names of persons: the bell-ringer is a 'church attendant ringing the bells'; a female bell-ringer - a woman who rings bells and a bell ringer's wife (see [Nurullina 2016: 124] for the linguistic methodical relevance of female manes); the names of rooms and objects: a belfry - "a special type of a bell tower in old churches"; a bell-tower - (colloq.) - 'a bell tower or special room at a church'; the names of artifacts: ringing bells - 'the elements (bells) on the apparel of an Old Testament high priest, which should remind him of the obligation to announce the will of God' unceasingly; abstract nouns: a chime - the ringing of bells, made by several bells or all bells ("breaking bad"), in three ways - at the beginning of a service, after a chime, etc."; a chime - 'the ringing in all the bells by turn; it happens before water blessing rites, before a liturgy during the temple festivals, etc." Undoubtedly, this vocabulary forms a special, social-cultural layer of the language, directly related to the "cultural and religious views" [Sadrieva 2016: 203] of this or that ethnos and its history.
According to the dictionary by V. Dahl, the periphery of the nest "to ring" has a number of obsolete prefixical derivatives with the general meaning of 'ringing the bell': in particular, with the semantics of intensity, an excessive nature or some thoroughness of an action: "Call, call and do not call back"; "Call,
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but do not call a lot"; "Why do you call so much?"; "Call back, you know"; "He calls to all voices"; with the