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In document Vol. 7, Issue 8 , August 2017 (Page 84-86)

To be ahead / come

6. Conclusions

Due to the fact that polysemy is one of the important phenomena in cognitive linguistics, this phenomenon in Azerbaijani Turkish was investigated in this paper and reasons behind the creation of polysemy such as schemas, metaphors, and radial category were studied. It was discovered that different meanings of each adverb is explainable due to radial categorization.

First, a radial network was drawn for each adverb and based on that network, the more concrete and prototypical meaning as well as the marginal ones was investigated. Probing into different meanings of an adverb, it was proved that radial category is able to organize the adverbs in Azerbaijani Turkish. Also it was elicited that metaphors are the most important factors in creating polysemous adverbs in this language. Furthermore, it was concluded that schemas of our everyday experiences played a great role in creating conceptual metaphors.

In general, the results of this research are in line with other cognitive linguists’ outcomes. Also, this research can be of a great help to language teaching department. The outcomes are conducive to composing better and more precise dictionaries and translation machines.

Cognitive approach to language has attracted so many adherents throughout the world; however, few relevant studies have ever conducted in Persian and Azerbaijani Turkish in terms of morphology, semantics, syntax, and so on.

Thus, it is suggested that more studies be carried out regarding polysemy in other categories such as nouns, compound adjectives and so on in other languages and dialects spoken in Iran.


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Page 85

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Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 7, Issue 8 , August 2017

Page 86

Verbal Protocol Analysis and Report in SLA and L2 Assessment

Payam Nour, Kobra Tavassoli

ELT Graduate Department, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran


For the last three decades, verbal protocol has become a popular instrument to study such cognitive processes as problem solving, human-machine interaction, reading, writing and test performance. The individual’s verbal stream of thoughts can thus be assumed as a mirror to the internal processes in use. This paper is a survey of the historical background of verbal protocol as a research tool, the contribution of the verbal protocol in SLA and L2 assessment followed by the procedure to be conducted in verbal protocol analysis and report. After verbalization, transcription and data analysis, the researchers obtain invaluable and rich information about not only those internal processes, but also the subjects’ mental representations on which they operate in a task performance. In addition, verbal protocols can retrieve misconceptions or intellectual growth, strategy learning and application, task performance, and emotional reaction. The subjects in a verbal protocol session are initially coached to carry out a problem- solving task, while verbalizing their thoughts. The examiners record all verbalizations, map them into code schemes, write them down in a verbal report, and analyze those coded segments to testify their research questions. Verbal protocol analysis can be utilized in SLA and LA areas for a variety of purposes. For example, verbal reports during the experts and novice subjects’ performance on a single task can inform the researchers of different paths they take.

Keywords: Data Analysis; Coding Scheme; SLA; Think aloud; Verbalization; Verbal Protocol;

In document Vol. 7, Issue 8 , August 2017 (Page 84-86)