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The overall aim of this thesis to identify the behavioural causes of size dimorphism was achieved through demonstrating size-dependent spatial behaviour and trophic ecology in juvenile life stages of a wild size


dimorphic population. Although personality traits related to foraging under different risk situations under experimental conditions, no relation to growth or size was found. These findings therefore indicate that intraspecific interactions such as size-dependent interference competition play a key role in maintaining intraspecific size variation and trophic polymorphism in the wild population. The competitive ability of individuals may, however, be underpinned by variation in boldness to forage under risk. Furthermore, the non-significant relationship between boldness and growth suggested that the heterogeneous environment plays a significant role in providing the potential for habitat and resource segregation to occur and so subsequently, enables the divergent growth.

Further experimental work is required to elucidate the relationship between individual competitive ability and the development of size variations and size dimorphism. One possible approach includes initially measuring individuals foraging under risk to determine boldness followed by keeping individuals in groups to assess their competitive ability and interference behaviour. Their growth rates would then be monitored to elucidate whether group living (i.e. constant competitive pressure) leads to the development of size dimorphism. A combined experimental-field study involving initially assessing individuals’ boldness or competitive ability under laboratory conditions followed by their release back in their natural habitat could be conducted to directly test whether size-dependent dispersal is driven by boldness/competitive ability. Here, the experimental part of the study would need to be conducted under a short time frame so as not affect individuals’ behaviour in the wild when released. Combined experimental- field studies have the potential to demonstrate direct ecological consequences of behavioural variation (Fraser et al. 2001; Cote et al. 2010a).

Despite the River Frome pike population exhibiting size dimorphism, when kept in isolation in the laboratory, such a bimodal size distribution did not develop. As highlighted by Adriaenssens & Johnsson (2009), predictions of consequences in wild populations of personality traits measured in the laboratory should be taken with caution as laboratory


conditions cannot fully represent the conditions in the wild. Measuring personality traits in the wild is difficult, as conditions cannot be controlled and could therefore vary between individuals. Thus, to test for a relationship between behavioural type (bold/shy) and the development of size dimorphism, the best approach would again be a combined laboratory-field study. As the fish could not be released back into the wild due to legislative restrictions relating to fish stocking activities in the present study site, an alternative to releasing into the wild using River Frome pike would require using isolated and artificial channels. However, such a site was not available during the present study. As few studies on personality have been conducted on size dimorphic species, this avenue of research would enable a wider research gap to be closed involving state-dependent personality models. While this thesis has focused on the behavioural causes of SSD in juveniles, more research into the ecological consequences of SSD in adults is needed. Intra-SSD has been reported for pike, especially in males, and is believed to have significant consequences on the behaviour and reproductive fitness of individuals (Knight 2006). Although it has been suggested that male alternative reproductive tactics (MARTs) occur in pike, with small males exhibiting protandry and sneaking behaviour on the reproductive site (Knight 2006), this has not yet been proved. These tactics are thought to maximise reproductive fitness and compensate for small size during male- male competition or/and female mate selection (Morbey & Ydenberg 2001). In species with indeterminate growth, the age of sexual maturity has also been found to be lower in smaller sized individuals due to the trade-off between resource allocation to growth or reproduction (Kozlowski 1992; Heino & Kaitala 1999). Although small males that undertake sneaking have generally been considered to be low-quality males who are unable to attract a female themselves (Goncalves et al. 2003), in reviewing evidence, Reichard et al. (2007) suggested that females may actually seek to mate with sneaker males. This is because sneaking may be a means by which females increase fertilisation rates, and fitness and genetic diversity among the offspring (Reichard et al. 2007). Ultimately, the presence of SSD may only be important if there is an implication for reproductive fitness. To improve


our understanding of the life-time consequences of SSD by using pike as a model, an assessment of age and size at reproductive maturity is necessary. Subsequently, the relationship between age and size at maturity and the expression of MARTs and female mate-selection needs to be ascertained. The combined application of fixed and portable PIT antennae would allow the arrival of pike to the spawning sites to be determined, and the movement of individuals on the spawning ground and their mating strategies to be observed. The use of genetic (e.g. microsatellite-based) analyses to determine parentage of fertilised eggs (Chakraborty et al. 1988; Jones et al. 2001) could then reveal the relationship between reproductive success and size-dependent reproductive behavioural strategies. This would enable a determination of life-time fitness consequences of variable body sizes, which would contribute greatly to the understanding of SSD.


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