• No results found

Wehavepresented and testedSTRAW, asimple and automatimethodfor generat-

ing initial eletroni ongurations for QMC alulations. STRAW is based on the

butionsinthe angularoordinates sothat they avoideahother. The ongurations

generated by STRAW are statistially independent of eah other and are in regions

of high probability density, whih redues the length of the equilibration phase of

the alulation, during whih the statistis must be disarded. STRAW has been

implemented inQMBeaver, anopen soure QMC program [81℄.

Using an appropriate equilibration length is vital, beause when the statistis

are ontaminated bynonequilibratedongurations, both theexpetationvalues and

theirstandard deviationsanbeinaurate. STRAW simpliesthe jobofthe userto


of ontamination or spatial orrelation after an equilibration phase of one hundred


Shortening the equilibration phase inreases the eÆieny of parallel QMC al-

ulations and dereases the amount of omputer time needed to alulate onverged

expetation values. For example, using STRAW instead of a standard initialization

method in 512 proessor alulations dereases the time needed to alulate the en-


9.4 hours to 6.3 hours, animprovement of33%.

Using STRAW improves the parallel saling of QMC and will inrease the eÆ-

ieny ofalulationsusingtens tohundreds ofthousands ofproessors. This will,in

turn, allowhighly aurate simulations ona broader range of hemially interesting

systemsthanispossibletoday. QMCresultswillbeusefulasbenhmarksfortraining


(DFT)methods. Thereareseverallassesofsystemsthathaveproven elusiveforur-

rent DFT methods [91, 92℄. Reproduing QMC results for these systems will be an

importantgoal for the next generationof DFT methods.

Clearly, many other shemes for generating initial eletroni ongurations for

QMC alulations are possible. The tests for equilibration of the Markov hain,

Chapter 6

A Quantum Monte Carlo Study of


Diusionquantum Monte Carlo alulationsusing Hartree-Fok, generalized valene

bond, and multiongurationself-onsistentFieldtrialfuntionswere arriedout for

three periyli hydroarbon reations. The enthalpies of ativation and reation

are ompared to experimental, CCSD(T), and CBS-QB3 results, as well as those

of B3LYP and the reently introdued X3LYP, XYG3, and M06 family of density


For allthreereations, B3LYP geometriesand zero pointenergies ombined with

DMCeletronienergies alulatedwiththeappropriatetrialfuntionresultinau-

rayomparabletoCCSD(T)andCBS-QB3. HFtrialfuntionsaresuÆientforC-C

bonds, while GVB trial funtions are neessary for bonds. For moleules with

6.1 Introdution

The advanes in omputing power and eletroni struture theory in reent years

have inreased the role of simulations in understanding systems in hemistry and

materials siene. Eletroni struture alulations an provide information on the

geometry, moleular orbitals, and vibrations of not only stable moleules, but also


tally. Understandingthe properties of transitionstates isruialin areassuhas the

development of new atalysts and energeti materials. Transition states are diÆult

ases for eletroni struture methods, with the errors for most methodslarger by a

fator of three or fourfor transitionstates than for stable moleules.

Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) is a lass of stohasti eletroni struture meth-

ods that an, in priniple, alulate expetation values to within hemial au-

ray [57, 59℄. Although the expense of QMC will keep it from replaing traditional

methods suh as Density Funtional Theory (DFT) for routine alulations, its fa-

vorable saling [62, 63, 64℄ and parallelizability [65℄ willallowQMC alulations on

systems toolargeforother omparablyaurate methods. QMChas the potentialto

resolvedisagreementsand providebenhmarkresults whenothereletroni struture

methods are too expensive ornot reliableenoughfor a ertain appliation.


the adjustableparametersof atrialwavefuntionare optimized,and diusionMonte

Carlo (DMC), whih simulates a diusion proess to sample the exat ground state

wavefuntion of a system. The most ommon formulation of DMC uses two main

approximations. First, the fatorization of the Green's funtion that propagates the

walkers is exat only for a time step of zero. In order to propagate the walkers and

sample ongurationspae, however, a nite time step must be used. As the size of

the time step inreases, onguration spae is sampled more quikly, but the time

step error inreases. The seond soure of error is the xed node approximation, in

of error for stable moleules and transition states by onduting DMC alulations

on three periyli hydroarbon reations. Trialfuntions were onstruted for eah

reationusing Hartree-Fok (HF), generalized valenebond (GVB) and multiong-

uration self-onsistent eld (MCSCF) wavefuntions and used in DMC alulations

with time steps from 10 2

to 10 4

au. The time step and xed-node errors in the


alulations onlarger systems.


large for highlyaurate SCF methods, and for whih DFT methodsare unreliable.

DMChasthepotentialtoprovideaurateexpetationvaluesintheseases. Beause

the DMC results will beome the benhmarks against whih other alulations are

judged,itisessentialthattheybeaurate. InordertoarryoutaurateandeÆient


step for the system being studied. Studying reations involvingsmall moleules, for

whihseveral timestepsandtrialfuntionsan beompared,andforwhihtheresults

of experiments and other high quality alulations are available, will provide a base

of knowledge for researhers addressing larger problems.

6.2 Reations

Figure 6.1 shows the three reations studied in this work. Reation 1 is the 2+2

yloaddition of ethylene to formylobutane. Several mehanismshave been inves-

tigated for this reation. The supra-supra pathway with D2h symmetry is a lassi

example of a reation forbidden by orbital symmetry [93℄. In the supra-supra path-

way with C2vsymmetry, abiradialtetramethylene hain isformed, whihloses to

form ylobutane. In the supra-antara pathway, whih we examine inthis work, the

C-C bond of one ethylene twists during the ourse of the reation. This mehanism

isallowed by orbitalsymmetry, but has averyhigh ativationbarrier beause bond-




Figure 6.1: Reations1, 2,and 3.

Reation 2 is the 4+2 yloaddition of ethylene and butadiene to form ylo-

hexene. This thermally allowed reation is the prototype Diels-Alder reation and

representsanimportantlass ofreations inorganisynthesis. Reation3isthe ring

openingofylobutenetoformbutadiene. Forreation3,weexaminethesymmetry-

allowed onrotatory pathway, in whih the two terminal CH


groups rotate in the

same diretion. The disrotatorypathway isforbidden by orbital symmetry.

Althoughthese reations involvesmall moleules, withatmost sixarbonatoms,

the breaking and forming of and bonds make them diÆult ases for density

funtionalmethods, with most methods preditingreation enthalpieswith errors of

four to ve kal/mol. We ompare the DMC results with those of B3LYP and the


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