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It is the responsibility of the PHC supervisor to “sign off” the monthly data report before it is sent for capturing into the DHIS information system.

Signin off must be done either on-site or off-site. The validation rules described in this section should be a guide to check the quality of the data. PHC

supervisors should apply these basic validation rules to the data in the monthly report as a minimum quality check before the data is signed off (to

confirm validity of the report). If there is a deviation from any of these rules, the reasons for such deviation should be investigated. If the data is correct

and there are special circumstances or an explanation for the deviation, these should be included in the Comments column of the report.




PHC headcount under 5 years plus PHC headcount 5 years and older must be equal to PHC headcount total

Under 5 years plus above 5 years headcount must be equal to the total headcount

Doctor or Nurse clinical work days must be less or equal to the available work days

The actual clinical workdays reported here cannot exceed the total available workdays and should not be less than 70% of the available workdays without an explanation in the comments column. The available workdays are not routinely collected, but should be calculated as: workdays this month x number of nurses or doctors. For example, if 5 professional nurses and 20 workdays this month, the available work days =100

Do not report work hours here. Clinical workdays means the proportion of available workdays spent on direct patient contact. There should be a space on the daily collection tools to record this for every clinician according to the options below:

Not more than 30% of the available work days should be lost to meetings, training, leave etc. If more than 30% a reason should be provided; for example, Doctor on 10 days sick leave in this month Facilities that are open 24 hours should calculate work days in 8 hours; therefore 3 workdays in every 24 hours. The work load in these facilities is usually lower than facilities that are open for “working hours” because these facilities often handle emergencies and maternity cases only after hours

Child under 5 years weighed must be less or equal to headcount under 5 years

Children < 5 years weighed cannot be more than headcounts < 5 years. All children should be weighed once a month

Children visiting the clinic more than once a month

9 Month Measles should be more or less

equal to fully immunised less than 1 year 9 Month Measles injection is usually the completion of the primary immunisation schedule = fully immunised < 1 year Children that still need to catch up any/all of the DTP/Hib, HepB or polio immunisations at 9 months ANC clients tested for Syphilis must be

equal to, or more than, first ANC visits All antenatal clients should be tested for syphilis at the 1st ANC visit Some ANC clients will be tested more than once in pregnancy. Very seldom will the client come for the booking visit with blood results 0.25 workday 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 0.5 workday 4 hours 5 hours 6 hours 1 workday 7 hours 8 hours 1.25 workdays 9 hours 10 hours 1.5 workdays 11 hours 12 hours

Antenatal client tested for HIV should be

equal or less than first Antenatal clients Ideally all antenatal clients should be tested for HIV early in their pregnancy, ideally at the first antenatal clinic visit Some antenatal clients might come back at a later stage for HIV testing which might result in slightly higher HIV tests than 1st antenatal visits in the same month

Antenatal client tested positive for HIV

must be less than Antenatal clients tested HIV positive ANC clients can not be more than the HIV test done on ANC clients. Report only once at the event of HIV positive result. Do not report all HIV pos ANC clients here

Nevirapine prophylaxis to women during labour should be equal or less than HIV positive Antenatal clients

All HIV positive antenatal clients should receive Nevirapine prophylaxis during labour. Nevirapine dose to HIV positive women cannot be more than the HIV positive ANC clients

Due to the “time lag” between the HIV positive test of antenatal clients and delivery there might be month to month variations where more Nevirapine doses were issued than HIV positive ANC clients in the same facility

Nevirapine prophylaxis to baby born to HIV positive women must be less or equal to Live births to women with HIV

All HIV exposed babies should receive Nevirapine within 72 hours of birth. There cannot be more Nevirapine doses than Live births to HIV positive women

Women without known HIV status at delivery that are getting HIV tests post-delivery within 72 hours and test positive, should also be counted as Live births to women with HIV

HIV tests done should be either more, equal or less than Clients pre-test counselled

Ideally all patients counselled should be tested, so the two figures should be more or less the same. Post-test counselling or follow-up counselling after an HIV positive result should not be counted as pre-test counselling as this will inflate the denominator and result in low percentages for HIV testing rate

Clients pre-test counselled and refuse testing. Clients that come back more than once for counselling before they agree to be tested

HIV positive tests should be equal or less

than the HIV tests done HIV positive tests cannot be more than the HIV tests done. Report only once at the event of HIV positive result. Do not report all HIV positive clients here Suspected TB case smear positive must be

less or equal to sputum sent Suspect TB patients are the number of patients from whom sputum was taken and sent to the laboratory. The PHC facility should be regularly suspecting TB in any adult with chronic cough. Normally, one would expect at least 1-2% of the adult headcount to require a sputum exam. If fewer sputa are sent, the PHC facility is not adequately seeking new TB patients. There cannot be more suspect cases positive than TB sputum samples sent

Suspected TB case smear positive – treatment start should be less or equal to TB suspect smear positive

There cannot be more suspect cases starting on treatment than TB suspect smear positive. Do not include already diagnosed PTB clients referred to your clinic to start TB treatment as suspected case smear positive treatment start STI contact slips issued should be more or

less equal or more than the STI new cases seen

All STI cases should receive slips to notify sexual partners /contacts to come for

treatment Clients with more than one contact. Clients who refuse to take contact slips

Occupational HIV exposure given ART should be less or equal than occupational HIV exposure new cases

ART given can be a little less as the HIV positive clients do not receive ART Rx .

Rape case given ART must be less or equal to Rape case new

ART given can be a little less as the HIV positive clients do not receive ART Rx

Primary Health Care Facility Supervision Manual

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