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On the first several days of treatment, rescan after every 3 hours and reapply treatment whenever the energy is imbalanced or

In document 100 Pranic HealingProtocol (Page 40-45)


14. On the first several days of treatment, rescan after every 3 hours and reapply treatment whenever the energy is imbalanced or

diseased. Gradually reduce frequency of treatment based on the results of the scanning to 3 times per week for the next several months or for as long as necessary.


a.) use W prana all throughout, b.) apply the treatment gently and

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c.) energise gradually.

1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

2. Instruct the patient how to do deep abdominal Pranic Breathing properly. Do 12 cycles before start of treatment. Continue PB during entire treatment.

3. General sweeping several times with LWG.

4. Localise thorough sweeping alternately with LWG and ordinary LWV on the entire brain: right side, left side, middle, front, back, center and base of the brain.

Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

5. Localise thorough sweeping on the crown chakra, forehead chakra, ajna chakra, and back head minor chakra.

Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

Energise each of the chakras with LWG - 3 breathing cycles then with EV - cycles or with gold - 3 cycles.

6. Localise thorough sweeping alternately with LWG and ordinary LWV on the throat chakra and secondary throat minor chakra.

Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

Energise the chakras with LWG - 3 cycles, LWB - 3 cycles then ordinary LWV - 3 cycles.

7. Localise thorough sweeping alternately with LWG and ordinary LWV on the entire spine and both sides of the spine.

8. Localise thorough sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra and the liver.

Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

Energise the solar plexus chakra with LWG - 3 cycles, LWB - 3 cycles then ordinary LWV - 3 cycles.

9. Localise thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energise the heart chakra through the back heart chakra with LWG – 2 cycles then ordinary LWV - 5 cycles.

10. Localise thorough sweeping on the front and back spleen chakra.

11. Localise thorough sweeping with LWG on the navel chakra and lower abdominal area.

Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

Energise the navel chakra with LWR - 3 cycles.

12. Localise thorough sweeping on the kidneys.

13. Localise thorough sweeping on the meng mein chakra.

14. Localise thorough sweeping on the sex chakra and basic chakra.

Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

Energise them with LWR - 3 cycles.

15. Localise thorough sweeping alternately with LWG and LWO on the arms and legs and their minor chakras.

Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

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Energise the minor chakras with W - 3 cycles or LWR - 3 cycles.

16. Stabilise and release projected energy.

17. Repeat treatment 3 times per week for as long as necessary.


A medical clarification regarding the cause(s) should be initiated immediately. Until further medical clarification please use this protocol. Once the cause is known the appropriate pranic treatment should be applied.

1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

2. Apply Advanced General Sweeping 2 to 3 times.

3. Do localise thorough sweeping on the head area, the crown chakra, forehead chakra, ajna chakra, back head minor chakra, and the spine.

4. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energise the heart through the back heart chakra with LWG then with LWV. This is to strengthen the physical heart.

5. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front, sides, lower portions and back of the lungs alternately with LWG and LWO.

Energise the lungs directly through the back of the lungs with LWG, LWB then ordinary LWV.

6. Do localise thorough sweeping on the jaw minor chakras, throat chakra, secondary thoat chakra. Energise with a little of LWG then with more of ordinary LWV.

7. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back spleen chakra, front and back solar plexus chakra, navel chakra and the meng mein chakra.

Rescan frontally and sideways. Inhibit the meng mein chakra with LB simultaneously will it to become smaller, 1/2 to 2/3 the average size of the other major chakras.

Rescan the chakras.

If the solar plexus chakra is still overactivated, inhibit it with LB simultaneously will it to become smaller.

Do not over inhibit the solar plexus chakra.

8. Repeat localise thorough sweeping on the head area. Slightly Energise the crown chakra, ajna chakra, back head minor chakra with LWG, LWB then ordinary LWV.

Do not over Energise. Rescan the head area, apply more localise sweeping.

9. Do localise thorough sweeping on the navel and basic chakras. Energise with W.

10. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy. Give thanks.

11. Repeat treatment 3 times per week.

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HYPOTHYROIDISM - BASIC LEVEL TECHNIQUE (Endocrine) 1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

2. Apply General Sweeping twice.

3. Do localise thorough sweeping and energizing on the front and back solar plexus chakra and on the liver.

4. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energise through the back heart chakra.

5. Do localise thorough sweeping on the throat chakra. Energise the throat chakra and simultaneously will the chakra to normalize.

6. Do localise thorough sweeping and energizing on the ajna chakra.

7. Do localise thorough sweeping and energizing on the forehead, crown, and back head chakras.

8. Do Localise sweeping and energizing on the sex, navel and basic chakras.

12. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.

13. Repeat treatment three times per week for as long as necessary.


Play the Meditation for Peace and Illumination CD during healing and instruct the patient to follow the guided meditation with both feet in a basin with warm water and salt.

When done properly, this will facilitate cleansing to a certain degree and improve energizing. It also relieves pain.

1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

2. Instruct the patient how to do proper pranic breathing.

Have patient do 12 cycles of pranic breathing before start of treatment then continue during Pranic Healing treatment.

3. After the patient has completed 12 cycles of pranic breathing, apply General Sweeping several times.

4. Do localise thorough sweeping on the bones of the head, neck, shoulders, spine and ribs alternately with LWG and ordinary LWV. Energise with LWG, LWB then ordinary LWV.

5. Do localise thorough sweeping on the bones of the arms, hands, hips, legs and feet alternately with LWG and LWO.

Energise these bones with LWG, LWB then LWO-Y.

6. Do localise thorough sweeping on the lower part of the spine alternately with LWG and LWO.

Energise the lower part of the spine with LWG, LWB and LWY.

7. Do localise thorough sweeping on the minor chakras of the hands, arms, hips, legs and soles of the feet.

Energise the minor chakras with LWR.

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8. Do localise thorough sweeping on the navel, sex, perineum minor and basic chakras.

Energise them with LWR. While energizing the basic chakra, simultaneously visualize the energy saturating the skeletal system.

9. Do localise thorough sweeping on the meng mein chakra and the kidneys. Energise the kidneys with LWR.

10. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra. Energise with W.

11. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back spleen chakra. Energise with W. This has to be done with caution.

12. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energise through the back heart chakra with LWG then with ordinary LWV.

13. Do localise thorough sweeping on the lungs. Energise through the back of the lungs with LWG, LWO then LWR.

Point your finger away form the patient's head when energizing with O.

14. Do localise thorough sweeping on the throat, forehead, crown and back head minor chakras.

Energise them with LWG then with ordinary LWV.

15. Do localise thorough sweeping and energizing on the ajna chakra using EV. While energizing the ajna, simultaneously gently and firmly instruct the chakra to normalize and harmonize the other chakras and organs.

16. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy. Give thanks.

17. Repeat treatment 3 times per week for as long as needed.


Treatment is applied gently, energising gradually.

1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

2. Touch your heart with the pads of the fingers of your passive hand. Smile.

3. Remain in the same posture and attitude throughout the treatment.

4. Gentle general sweeping with emphasis on the central channel alongside the spine - several times at the back, and then in front.

5. Localise thorough sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra, navel chakra, basic chakra and the affected area.

Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until energy is clean and stable.

6. Localise thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra..

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7. Localise thorough sweeping on the entire head, the ajna chakra. forehead chakra, crown chakra and throat chakra.

Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until energy is clean and stable.

8. Continue smiling. Be aware of your heart and your crown. Invoke for guidance, protection and healing energy.

Lovingly and gently silently say caring and loving words to the infant simultaneously project loving kindness for 3 breathing cycles.

9. Rescan.

If the energy is congested, reapply gentle ordinary general sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is normalised.

10. Invoke for guidance, protection and illumination. Humbly, sincerely and with reverence, request God to assign a holy healing angel to remain with the patient. This is to further accelerate the rate of healing.

11. Stabilise and release projected energy.

In document 100 Pranic HealingProtocol (Page 40-45)