• No results found

Defining Equilibrium for Symmetry-breaking Phase Tran-

4.6 Conclusion

5.1.4 Defining Equilibrium for Symmetry-breaking Phase Tran-

An interesting issue that has been addressed recently concerns the differ-ences in Boltzmann and Gibbsian’s approaches to give an account for the phenomenon of spontaneous magnetization (ferromagnetic phase transition).

Werndl and Frigg (2018) point out that whereas in the Gibbsian framework of statistical mechanics there can be no spontaneous magnetization (because the magnetization is zero for any arbitrary value of the temperature and any arbitrary value of N ), in the Boltzmannian framework, for any arbitrary N, the magnetization will be non zero at a certain temperature, which means that using Boltzmannian framework will allow us to define spontaneous mag-netization also for finite N . The latter rises many interesting questions. The first, which is addressed by Werndl and Frigg 2017, is whether this means that Gibbsian and Boltzmannian frameworks lead to different empirical re-sults. The second, that remains to be addressed, is whether this implies that

Botzmannian approach offers a more suitable framework to account for phase transitions that involve symmetry-breaking than the Gibssian approach. Fur-thermore, whether this is related with the the property of ergodicity-breaking that is associated with symmetry-breaking phase transitions.

5.1.5 Analogue Experiments

During the past years, physicists have tried to gain insight into domains of nature that are beyond experimental reach by testing the hypotheses at stake in systems that are analogous to, but not identical with, the target system.

For instance, in order to study properties of black holes, which are empir-ically inaccessible, they have recently performed experiments in analogue systems, such as fluids, which have the methodological advantage of being manipulable in the laboratory. The philosophical question that arises then is: what does justify the confirmatory power of such indirect experimental procedures? A common justification that is found in the literature hinges on the notion of universality, according to which the target and analogue systems, despite their differences, instantiate the same macroscopic behav-ior (Unruh and Sch¨utzhold 2005, Dardashti, Hartmann, and Thebault 2015, Dardashti, Thebault, and Winsberg 2015. However, how to demonstrate the relevant universal behavior in this context remains an outstanding problem.

Questions that deserve to be addressed in future research are: How can we demonstrate the existence of universal behavior, for example in the case of black holes? Is the notion of universality present in the case of black holes the same as the one that characterizes critical phase transitions? How can we compare the strength of different notions of universality? And in what sense this a affects the confirmatory power of analogous experiments?

5.2 Summing up

An important lesson from what has been discussed here is that, when we con-sider the case of phase transitions, the concept of emergence must be taken with a grain of salt. Although it is true that there are good reasons to believe that phase transitions are “emergent” in some sense, this does not necessarily imply that phase transitions undermine important notions of reduction that have been at stake in the philosophical literature. In particular, in Chapter 2, I have argued that the physics of classical phase transitions are not ad odds with a notion of inter-theory reduction that compares the values of the relevant quantities in two different theories. This notion of reduction may ap-pear weak to some philosophers, but it is enough to justify the success of the thermodynamics of phase transitions and to establish a connection between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. More importantly, it allows us to build a connection between the macroscopic behavior of phase transitions that we observe everyday with the cooperative behavior of interacting lower level entities.

Another claim that it was made here was that the justification of infinite limits is primarily an empirical task that can be achieved if it can be shown that the limit is controllable. Although in Chapter 2 and 3, I have defended the view that we are justified in using the thermodynamic limit in the theory of phase transitions, this does not imply that we have the same justification for the use other limits in statistical mechanics. As it was shown in Chapter 3, the infinite-time limit is particularly hard to justify, because generally one does not have control over how fast this limit approaches the experimental values. It would valuable to continue investigating the role of the infinite-time limit and the possibility of offering an empirical justification for it.

Finally, in Chapter 4 I have argued that the physics of phase transi-tions could actually help us provide reductive explanatransi-tions for stock market crashes. It would be worth investigating whether similar interpretations can

be given to other models that use physics to explain cooperative behavior in social sciences such as models for vehicular traffic (e.g. Chowdhury et al.

2000) and Galam models for the process of workers’ strike in big companies (Galam et al 1982) .

As we saw, the topic of phase transitions raises many foundational ques-tions that are of interest for both physicists and philosophers. Fortunately, in the last years philosophers have begun paying attention to some of these issues, but it is clear that more work needs to be done in the future.


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