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Direct Physical Interaction

B. Flying Mini Copter in a Tracking System

B.4. Direct Physical Interaction

Figure B.5.: Human robot interaction by direct physical interaction, in this case mediated by pushing

B.4. Direct Physical Interaction

A prominent vision is to facilitate interaction between flying robots and humans, that goes beyond device-based remote control but instead emphasizes direct interaction with the robot. This provides a basis for working together with the robot, teaching it by demonstration and physically correcting its mistakes.

Since the setup is working with a tracking system, interaction could be achieved by track- ing the human as done in motion capturing systems and working with the modeled data. Other alternatives would be to use a depth-sensing device like Kinect of a stereo camera. The most intuitive way of interaction, however, is direct physical interaction.

This is not only the most intuitive way of interacting with a robot, it also does not require additional hardware, as opposed to also tracking the human or using an RGB-D camera. For this to work, safety is imperative in order to ensure the health of the human and the physical integrity of the robot. An example interaction is depicted in fig. B.5.

The error as determined by the control loop can be used to detect sufficiently large offsets in position, which are due to external forces inflicted on the system by physical contact. A more sensitive alternative is the use of more advanced internal models, and detecting the interaction by monitoring the prediction errors of the forward model. These methods allow us to change the setpoints of the controllers and to freely position the robot in 3D space.


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