5. Discussion & Conclusion
This study was motivated by the assumption that the reading comprehension ability can be affected by the text difficulty. However, the results of Multivariate Tests indicated significant difference between set of scores but the results of post hoc test showed that this difference lie between test 1 which was easier than participants current reading proficiency level and two other tests (test 2 and test 3 ) which were in the level of the participants and harder than participants’ level, respectively. In general, the findings suggested that text difficulty did not affect reading comprehension of the learners when it is harder than the participants’ level. This may be due to the fact that, as the difficulty of the text increases, the readers resort to more reading strategies. The findings of tis study was in line with the findings of Chiang (2015) who
investigated the effects of varying text difficulty on L2 reading attitudes and reading comprehension. Results indicate that varied difficulty levels of reading text did not significantly affect participants' reading comprehension.
However, the findings of this study was in contrast with the ideas of Weaver and Bryant (1995) who assumed that students were better able to predict comprehension when text materials matched their reading level as opposed to being too easy or too difficult.
The result of this study also was in contrast with the ideas of (Laufer, 1992; Hirsh & Nation, 1992; Nation, 1997) who asserted that materials with a heavy burden of vocabulary and grammar may hinder the students from reading fluently (Laufer, 1992; Hirsh & Nation, 1992; Nation, 1997).
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