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Marginal Lands; Ecosystem Services; Landscape Planning


The Molise region has a high naturalistic and environmental value that could also become a source of important tourism-economic development.

The identification of priority action areas can become strategic, in order to preserve the actual resources, and, at the same time, to improve local economy. In this paper the TiBs inside the commuting zones are identified as areas undergoing possible transformation because of demographic, logistic (infrastructures), socio-economic (employment, commuting) reasons.

They were then integrated with possible TiBs in LFAs, in order to include also lands with disadvantaged economic situation, in contrast with their high environmental values. Priority action areas constitute 35% of the whole regional surface.

Fig. 4: ES values distribution (Source: our elaboration, 2018) The ES monetary values assessment was performed, at the meta-data level and it is based on literature values, both for whole region and for priority areas. Results showed an important role of priority action areas (in terms of weakness or resource) and they support policies in which nature conservation and conservation management do not necessary pose a trade-off between the environment and development (de Groot et al., 2010). Multicriteria assessment frameworks, taking into account different landscape aspects (TiBs and LFAs, in this study), can contribute to a sustainable ecosystem use, identifying contexts more strategic, able to generate substantial ecological, social, and economic benefits.

The proposed integrated approach is aimed to improve knowledge and awareness about the strategic choices at policy level and to facility institutional/public communication, in order to achieve a real implementation of planning policies arising from a shared and transparent analysis process.


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Elena Cervelli, RTDA (art. 24, L. 240/10) in “AGR/10 Rural buildings and agro-forest land planning”, Ph.D. in Territorial Planning and Science (Di.Pi.S.T. - University of Naples Federico II), Architect, graduate cum laude at the Second University of Naples “SUN”; she attended the post graduate course in "The new urban policies" at the University Roma 3.

Her research fields are landscape, territory and environment, with a focus on landscape rehabilitation and regeneration, land use changing sustainable processes and environmental assessment (ecosystem services, landscape metrics). Since 2010 she collaborates with the Department of Agricultural Science - University of Naples “Federico II”. She collaborated with the National Research Council of Italy, involved in international research projects funded by European Union and United Nations (UNDP United Nations Development Programme), with the Department of Architecture of the University of L'Aquila and with the Department of Architecture of the Second University of Naples.

Stefania Pindozzi is tenure track -researcher of Rural buildings and agro-forest land planning at the Department of Agricultural Science, University of Naples Federico II. She completed her PhD in Science and Technologies for Environmental and Forest Management at the University of Tuscia in Viterbo (Italy) and her undergraduate studies in Environmental Engineering, with honor, at University of Naples Federico II. Her research interests include land use change scenarios analysis, environmental impacts of livestock manure management practices and biomass supply chain.

She has collaborated actively with researchers in several other disciplines from agricultural science and engineering. She has published papers in national and international journals about the environmental and agricultural engineering sector.

Donatella Cialdea is a full Professor (Urban Planning) at the University of Molise since 1988. She is the Director of the Laboratory L.A.Co.S.T.A. (Laboratory for activities relating to the Territorial Development and Environment) at the University of Molise in order to prepare students and operators in the Geographical Information Systems field). Already Dean of the Faculty of Engineering from 2009 to 2012 and the Coordinator of the PhD Course in "Landscape Analysis and Valorisation" at the University of Molise, based consortium with the University of Sassari, from the cycle XX. She was the Scientific Coordinator of the International Master Level I Pro.D.U.C.T.I.V.E. Coast (Proposal for the Development of Urban and Coastal Territory in relation to the Value of the Environment), aimed at the technical-scientific training of a specific professional figure - the Selective Interpreter of Territorial Data).

How to cite item in APA format:

In A. Leone & C. Gargiulo (Eds.), Environmental and territorial modelling for planning and design.

(pp. 52 - 55). Naples: FedOAPress. ISBN: 978-88-6887-048-5, doi: 10.6093/978-88-6887-048-5


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