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VC Domain Managed Status Changed traps

This section describes the *ManagedStatus, *Cause, *RootCause, and *ReasonCode OIDs found in each *ManagedStatusChanged traps in the VC Domain MIB.

The ManagedStatus enumerations (vcDomainManagedStatus, vcEnclosureManagedStatus, and so on) for all managed status changed objects (vcDomainManagedStatusChanged,

cEnclosureManagedStatusChanged, and so on) are described in the following table.

Managed status Description

unknown Indicates the condition of the component could not be determined normal Indicates the component is fully functional

warning Indicates a component threshold has been reached or error condition is imminent minor Indicates an error condition exists that has little or no component impact

major Indicates an error condition exists that significantly impairs the component

critical Indicates an error condition exists where the component no longer provides service disabled Indicates the component is disabled and non-functioning

info Indicates a non-service affecting condition exists such as initializing components and system login/logout

The Cause string indicates why an object transitioned to the current managed state from the specific objects perspective. A network failure is an example Cause string.

The RootCause string indicates the root causes for an object transitioning managed states. The RootCause for a network failure could indicate all uplink ports of the network have failed.

The ReasonCode provides an object specific reason for the managed state transition. The reason codes are unique between objects, allowing more specific actions to be taken programmatically from SNMP management stations.


The following is an example of a domain Cause string:

2 of 7 profiles contain unmapped connections in the domain The following is an example of a domain RootCause string:

Modules not redundantly connected, failure of module enc0:iobay1 or enc0:iobay2 or enc1:iobay2 will isolate some modules; Port enc0:iobay5:d3:v1 loop detected and automatically disabled

The domain managed status ReasonCodes are provided in the following table.

Domain reason code Description

vcDomainOk All enclosures and profiles are normal in the domain. vcDomainAbnormalEnclosuresAndProfil


One or more enclosures and profiles are abnormal in the domain.

vcDomainSomeEnclosuresAbnormal At least one enclosure is not OK or Degraded.

vcDomainUnmappedProfileConnections The profile contains connections that are not mapped to a server port. vcDomainStackingFailed All stacking links between one or more modules have failed.

vcDomainStackingNotRedundant Some stacking links between one or more modules have failed, but connectivity still exists between modules.

vcDomainSomeProfilesAbnormal One or more profiles in the domain are abnormal. vcDomainUnknown The condition of the domain cannot be determined. vcDomainOverProvisioned More than 16 VC modules are in the domain.


The following is an example of an enclosure Cause string:

2 of 6 Ethernet modules are abnormal in enclosure enc0 The following is an example of an enclosure RootCause string:

Module in bay enc0:iobay3 has been removed

The enclosure managed status ReasonCodes are provided in the following table.

Enclosure reason code Description

vcEnclosureOk The enclosure is normal.

vcEnclosureAllEnetModulesFailed All Ethernet modules are abnormal, none are OK or degraded. vcEnclosureSomeEnetModulesAbnormal One or more Ethernet modules are abnormal.

vcEnclosureSomeModulesOrServersInco mpatible

The enclosure contains incompatible modules, or configured modules are missing.

vcEnclosureSomeFcModulesAbnormal One or more FC modules are abnormal.

vcEnclosureSomeServersAbnormal At least one server is in a known state and no servers are OK, or at least one server is degraded.

vcEnclosureUnknown The condition of the enclosure cannot be determined, or the state of servers or modules is unknown.


The following is an example of a module Cause string:

Port enc0:iobay5:d3:v1 loop detected and automatically disabled The following is an example of a module RootCause string:

Port enc0:iobay5:d3:v1 loop detected and automatically disabled The module managed status ReasonCodes are provided in the following table.

Module reason code Description

Module reason code Description

vcEnetmoduleEnclosureDown The module is unable to communicate with the enclosure/OA. vcEnetmoduleModuleMissing A configured module has been removed.

vcEnetmodulePortprotect A condition has been detected on the port causing port protection to be activated.

vcEnetmoduleIncompatible The module is incompatible, for example, a configured Enet module is replaced with an FC module.

vcEnetmoduleHwDegraded The module is being reported as degraded by the OA. vcEnetmoduleUnknown The condition of the module is unknown.

vcFcmoduleOk The FC module is functioning normally.

vcFcmoduleEnclosureDown The FC module is unable to communicate with the enclosure/OA. vcFcmoduleModuleMissing A configured module has been removed.

vcFcmoduleHwDegraded The module is reporting a degraded hardware condition. vcFcmoduleIncompatible The module is incompatible, such as replacing a configured FC

module with an Enet module.

vcFcmoduleUnknown The condition of the module is unknown.


The following is an example of a physical server Cause string:

Server enc0:dev1 unable to communicate with enclosure enc0 The following is an example of a physical server RootCause string:

Server enc0:dev2 profile pending

The physical server managed status ReasonCodes are provided in the following table.

Physical server reason code Description

vcPhysicalServerOk The server is functioning normally.

vcPhysicalServerEnclosureDown The server is unable to communicate with the enclosure/OA. vcPhysicalServerFailed The server is in a failed condition.

vcPhysicalServerDegraded The server is in a degraded condition. vcPhysicalServerUnknown The condition of the server is unknown.


The following is an example of a FC fabric Cause string:

1 of 2 uplink ports are abnormal on BackupSAN fabric The following is an example of a FC fabric RootCause string:

1 of 2 uplink ports are abnormal on BackupSAN fabric The FC fabric managed status ReasonCodes are provided in the following table.

FC fabric reason code Description

vcFabricOk The fabric is functioning normally.

vcFabricNoPortsConfigured The fabric does not have any uplink port configured.

vcFabricSomePortsAbnormal Some uplink ports for the fabric are in an abnormal condition. vcFabricAllPortsAbnormal All uplink ports for the fabric are in an abnormal condition. vcFabricWwnMismatch A WWN mismatch condition has been detected.


The following is an example of an Ethernet network Cause string: Network BLUE has failed

The following is an example of an Ethernet network RootCause string:

Port enc0:iobay5:X3 is unlinked; Port enc0:iobay5:X4 is incompatible The Ethernet network managed status ReasonCodes are provided in the following table.

Ethernet network reason code Description

vcNetworkOk The network is functioning normally.

vcNetworkUnknown The condition of the network is unknown.

vcNetworkDisabled The network is disabled.

vcNetworkAbnormal The condition of the network is abnormal. vcNetworkFailed The network is in a failed condition. vcNetworkDegraded The network is in a degraded condition. vcNetworkNoPortsAssignedToPrivateNetwor


No ports have been assigned to the private network.


The following is an example of a profile Cause string:

3 TCServer profile connections for server in bay enc0:devbay3 are not mapped The following is an example of a profile RootCause string:

The TelecomServer profile is assigned to an abnormal server in bay enc0:devbay1

The profile managed status ReasonCodes are provided in the following table.

Profile reason code Description

vcProfileOk The profile is normal.

vcProfileServerAbnormal The server the profile is assigned to is abnormal. vcProfileAllConnectionsFailed All connections in the profile have failed.

vcProfileSomeConnectionsUnmapped One or more connections in the profile are not mapped to a physical port.

vcProfileAllConnectionsAbnormal All connections in profile are abnormal. vcProfileSomeConnectionsAbnormal Some connections in the profile are abnormal.