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4 Emotional Intelligence

In document Lexicon Ethics by Raz Kr (Page 83-89)

After reading thischapter youwill he ableto understand

What is Emotional Intelligence (El)

Utilities and application of El in administration and governance

What is Emotional Quotient

Importance of EQ

El and Effective Leadership

Future of El is Bureaucracy

Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Quotient in work place


Emotion is an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness


Whereas,theterm'affective'isdefinedassomethingpertaining to feeling or emotions, especially pleasurable or unpleasurable

aspects of a mental process



Intelligence is a set of cognitive abilities which allow us to

acquire knowledge, to learn and to solve problems



Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions,to assessand generate emotions so as to assist thought,to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth

(Mayer and Salovey, 19971,

According to Coleman (1998),"emotional intelligence7' refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions, well in ourselves and in our relationships


In simple words, emotional intelligence refers to attributes such as understanding one's feeling, empathy for others, and the regulation of emotions to enhance one's life,

Background of Emotional Intelligence

Aristotle wrote about emotional intelligence in 350 BC, centuries before the term became popular


Although the term

Emotional Intelligence' was first coined by two colleagues from Yale University, Peter Salovey and John Mayer, DanieE Goleman is responsible for the current popularity of the subject with his groundbreaking bestseller in 1995, Emotional Intelligence - Why it tan matter more than!QJ (IQ here means Intelligence Quotient)


Why Emotional Intelligence?

EQ can lead one to healthy relationships and to have the ability to respond to the challenges of one's life and career in a positive manner.

Emotional Intelligence


Heart and Head Combined

It is important to understand that Emotional Intelligence is

not the opposite of intelligence, it is not the triumph of head over heart


it is the unique intersection of both


Think about the


definition of emotion, intelligence


and especially, of the three

parts of our mind - affect/emotion, cognition/thinking, volition/ motivation


Emotional Intelligence combines affect with cognition and emotion with intelligence


Emotional intelligence,then,is theabilitytouseyour emotions to help you solve problems and livea moreeffective life


Emotional intelligence without intelligence,or intelligence without emotional intelligence, is only part of a solution


It is the head working with

the heart,

Mayer & Salovey (Ability Model)

In the words of Mayer and Salovey, Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulateemotions so as to promote

emotional and intellectual growth


We tan see that there are four different areas as perceived by Mayer and Salovey in above definition


Perceiving Emotions


In order to properly understand the emotions


it is, first


necessary to accurately perceive them, in many cases, this might involve understanding non-verbal

signals such as body language and facial expressions


Reasoning with Emotions


Reasoning with emotions involves

using emotions to promote thinking and cognitive activity


Emotions help prioritize what we pay attention and react to; we respond emotionally to things that gamer our attention,

Understanding Emotions


The emotions that we perceive can carry a wide varietyofmeanings


If someoneis expressing angry emotions, the observer must interpret the cause of their anger and what it might mean. For example


if your boss is acting angry, it might mean that he is dissatisfied with your work; o; il could be because he got a speeding ticket on his way to

work that morning or that he's been fighting with his wife






Managing Emotions


The ability tomanage emotionseffectively is a key part of emotional intelligence. Regulating emotions, responding appropriately and responding to the emotions of others are ail important aspect of emotional management


Domains of El as Given by Daniel Goieman

Goleman gave five domains that delineate the parameters of emotional intelligence:


Being self aware


The ability to recognize a feeling as it is happening is fundamental to EL If we are unable to notice our emotions, we can be overwhelmed and also flounder at

the mercy of these strong feelings,


Managing emotions


Thisrestsupon self-awareness;once aware,

we need to handie our emotions. The goal is to 'balance' the emotions, i


e,, neither emotional suppression nor emotional excess


It is a continuous exercise and those who can handle emotions can fate life's upsets better and far more quickly than those who do not







Underlyingthe accomplishment of any sort of goaf is the ability to marshal our emotions in pursuit of that end


For creative tasks, focus and mastery (learning to

delay gratificationandstifleinappropriatedesires} areimportant



and emotional control is essential



Recognizing the emotions of others


People' skills are based

on a capacity for empathy andthe ability to stay tuned to the emotions of others


Empathy kindles altruism and Ires at the basis of professions that deal with caring for others, such as teaching, management, and the healing arts





Interpersonaleffectiveness Isdependent on ourabilitytomanagetheemotionsofothers


Brilliantprojects and Innovative Insights are often never realized because of a lack of social competence and leadership skill



Attributes of an Emotionally Intelligent Administrator

An emotionally intelligent administrator will possess the ability to


Handle conflicts constructively



personalize from the angers of others

Deal with uncertainty and change

Identify and abide by core values and beliefs that shape the choices you make

Understand and empathize with positionsdifferent fromothers

To enroll people into his/ her vision

Manage difficult/ unreasonable persons in all situations

Relevance of Emotional Intelligenceinthe Current Environment of Civil Services

Civil services today work in anenvironment that is beset with numerous problems, challenges, and even contradictions such as


Fast changing social structure and values


Increasing regional, economic and digital divide, rising

population and unemployment,

Inadequacy ofbasicnecessitieslike housing and drinkingwater

and infrastructure and so on


Increased awareness of the masses as well as existence of

significant number of voiceless and marginalized poor


Widespread application of information technology which has helped the government on one hand,but has alsoput pressure

on the government to "appear tobeperforming andin control of things*


The ?3rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments have led to decentralization of decision making and created a new class of politicians over the civil services




There is an all pervasivedemand for improved governance


A paradigm

shift has occurred in the idea ofgovernance


of what

governments should do and also how they should govern.On one hand, governments are expected to move out of many areas, and on the other hand they are expected to perform multiple roles



Thereis,however,a consensusthatgovernment shouidperform better,bemore responsiveandtransparent,and enhancescope for participation of people and civil society



Issues get politicized easily and quickly,


There is anall pervasive and increased cynicism andcontempt of politics and administration



Inner dissent and conflicts over policies, programmes and implementation thereof are more open and sharper



There is an increased tendency on part of the people to resort to agitation and aggression


The common man is no longer satisfied easily


Even a small instance can provoke people to

indulge in harmful and destructive activities


Increase in the number of frustrated and disgruntled people has only added fuel to the fire



The administration itself is beset withmany problems-political pressures


rampant corruption,obsolete and outdated methods, procedures and laws, Jack of avenues for growth, over



self aggrandizement and so on


Thus the work environment of the civil services is much more complex, demanding andevenhostileattimes


Andgivenitspresent state, it is in no position to handle and tackle the problems in the old ways


Even the well intendingcivil servants cannot do much because all their energies are exhausted in sheer survival. Herein lies the roJe of Emotional Intelligence, The emotionally intelligent civil services can achievea lot if they are professionally competent and positive in their approach



How can Emotional Intelligence Help Civil Services?

Emotional Intelligence (El) car help in three ways at the workplace


To achieve amicable work environment


Improvement in the behavior and performance of individual workers


Improvement in organizational performance

Numerous organizations in public and private sectors have used El and reported positive results. To name a few- US Air Force, US Navy, johnson and


, Motorola and so on


In India, HPCL has used El to create an environment that fosters emotionally intelligent leadership


As an initial measure it has trained frontline leaders and provided them with opportunities to put El into practice


Specifically, the awareness and the application of El helps in the following manner


Greater interpersonal skills (crucial for good citizen centric administration)

In document Lexicon Ethics by Raz Kr (Page 83-89)