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Name student: Steven S. (ID xxxx)

Interview date: 14-1-2009

Name interviewer: A. M.

INTRODUCTION I‟m really happy that we are going to have this chat. I just want to tell you

a few things before we get started. First of all, I want you to know that the things you tell me are confidential. That means that I won‟t tell your parents or anyone else about the things you say to me. However, a part of doing research like this is writing about what I learn from you. Just to let you know, when I write about things, I always make sure that you and your parents stay anonymous, that is: I‟ll use different names for you, so nobody will know it‟s you. Can you think of a name you would like me to use? I can‟t guarantee that I‟ll use it, but I‟ll certainly keep it in mind! ………

Now, as you know, the reason we are having this chat is because I want to learn more about what things and which people you feel are important to help you learn since you were very little to now, and how you think they influence how you do in school. I would also really like to hear about when you were younger and maybe if things were different from how they are now. So I‟ll be asking you questions about school, home, friends and other important people in your life. And you can help me by giving me examples of things that have happened recently and when you were little. I have a paper here with information that I got from the questionnaires that you and your parents filled out since you were in Nursery class. It also has information about your school and names of the schools you went to. We‟ll keep that in front of us, as it might help you to remember things. Furthermore, you can probably hear my funny accent. That is because I grew up in Holland. So I might use words you don‟t know and you might use words that I don‟t know. So I‟ll ask you to explain to me what those words mean and you can ask me to do the same.

We‟ll start with when you were really young…. PRE-SCHOOL

1. Can you tell me about your first memories? How old were you?

2. Can you remember what kind of things you learned when you were very little, under five? Who or what did you learn them from?

3. Possible follow up Do you remember any of the things you did at home at that


Who did you do them with and what did you learn from them? HLE=2; no bedtime; no tv watching; not played with friends; no family meals; book=every day (no library), looking at books, pointing at letters, play writing, singing abc-songs; counting games during daily grinds; singing songs together.

4. Do you remember what it was like at Happy Park? Do you remember your teacher at Nursery? Can you give me some examples of things you used to do there?

5. Do you remember any of your friends from Nursery? Can you think of something that you learned from them?


7. So then you went to Prior Preston Primary School. How easy did you find it to learn in Primary School? Can you give me some examples of what you found hard and what was easier? What about at Tuttons Primary School? Why did you change schools? Y5: liked school, coped well

8. Did you have a favourite teacher? Why was that? Can you give me an example of the things s/he did that helped you to learn? What about at Tuttons Primary


9. Can you give me an example of the kind of things other teachers or adults at Prior

Preston Primary school did to help you with school and learning? What about at

Tuttons Primary School?

10. Can you tell me about the friends you had at Prior Preston and Tuttons? Do you think they influenced how you did in school? Can you give me an example? Y5 has a lot of friends & best friend in class

11. What happened when you worked on your homework after school? Can you tell me where, how and when you did it? occasionally got homework

12. Was there anyone around to help you with your homework if you needed it? Can you give me an example of how they helped you? Mum helped 2-3 times per week / later once a week / Y5: help some of the time

13. What kind of things did you do as a family before you were 11 that you think helped you with Primary school? often: play computer games, listen to read, read to, shopping; 3-4 hrs TV; occasionally: games, educational computer, educational visits outside the home; hardly ever: sports, library. Plays pretend games and computer games.

14. Can you give me an example of what used to happen if you disagreed with your parents about something, for instance their rules about jobs around the house, television or bedtime? shout/ tell off

15. When you were at Prior Preston and Tuttons, what kind of things did your parents say to you about learning and school? Can you give me any examples? parents asked about what he did in school

16. Do you feel these talks were important for how well you did in Prior Preston and

Tuttons? Can you give me an example?

17. How about discussions and activities with other adults who are important to you, e.g. another family member, a sports coach, or a religious person. Do you think these helped you with learning? How?


18. Can you tell me a bit about how you think you are doing in school right now?  excellent in Math, Science, ICT, Arts; pretty good in English, average in PE

19. How did you do in your Key Stage 3 SATs? What were the result for English, Math and Science? Expected 7 for E, SC.& M.

20. How did you choose your GCSE subjects? Who or what influenced you?  interest, useful for job, do well; not: like teacher, friends, parents

21. Can you give me some examples of things you find hard and things you find easier in Secondary school? How do you deal with things you find hard?

22. What do you think is the reason that you are doing well in school? Can you give me an example? above prediction

23. Why do you think some children do better in school than others?

24. Have you got a favourite teacher? What is it that s/he does that helps you most with school? likes most classes; positive about teachers

25. What about homework? Can you tell me what happens when you work on your home work after school? homework room at school; revision for SAT‟s computer; 2-3 hrs homework; parents check home work.

26. Tell me a bit about the things you do as a family. What do you feel you learn from these experiences? 3-5 meals together, discuss current events/TV, shopping, visit relatives

27. What kind of things do you do in your free time now? How does this influence your experience in school? gone out with friends; reading; dance class; 2-3 hrs computer games; spend with family.

28. How do you feel your friends influence you? How does this impact on how you‟re

doing in school? Why? no problem behaviour; support from friends; makes friends easily, popular

29. What usually happens if you disagree with your parents about any of the rules at home, for instance about computer time or how long you can stay out with friends? hardly ever falls out; never breaks rules; shout/ tell off

30. What kinds of things do your parents say to you about school, education, or learning? Do you feel these discussions are important for how well you do in school and learning? most days ask about school, sometimes friends and teachers

31. How about discussions and activities with other adults who are important to you, e.g. another family member, a sports coach, or even a religious person. Do you think these help you with learning now? How?

32. Which people do you think have given you the most help with school and learning so far and what did they do to help you?


33. What job you would like to have when you leave school? How did/will you decide on that? University

34. What will you need to do to make sure you can have that job?

35. What do you feel are the most important things for your future that you have learned so far from school, home and friends?

36. Do you think there are things that happened in your life that have influenced how well you‟ve done in school, that we haven‟t talked about? Can you give me an example? family violence, new partner for parent; religion


Well, we are almost done. Thank you so much for telling me all about your life. As I said at the beginning, the reason I wanted to talk to you was to get a better idea of what you think is and has been important in helping you learn and dealing with school. This talk has been very helpful. We have talked about school, teachers, your home and parents, about friends and about your future plans. But maybe you feel that someone or maybe something that we did not talk about is important as well. Can you think of anything?

Well, just in case you think about anything after I have left or if you feel you want to say anything else about something we talked about, I‟ll leave this card with you. You can write down anything you think of and just pop it into the post, my address is already on the card and you don‟t need a stamp. It also has my email address on it, so you can always drop me a line if you think of anything. As I said before, everything we talk about is confidential. You know we are also talking with your parent. We would like to have a chat with someone in your school as well. Of course we won‟t tell her/him anything about the things you have said. We just want to hear what they think their role is in helping students in school. Which teacher or staff member would you say knows you best in this school? Probe: Who is your form teacher?

Name teacher: ……… Subject taught/function: ……… Name school: ………..

Now there‟s one more thing I wanted to ask: