• No results found

Here some of the commands that can be used for comparing the contents of the file are presented. These commands compare the contents and, depending on various options, generate outputs of what the differences are between the various files. There are also commands that can be used to compare the contents of directories.


The cmp command compares the contents of two files and generates output into standard output. It is possible to have one of the files be standard input but not both. You can use a - (hyphen) to indicate that the file is standard input, which is

terminated using Ctrl-d. The cmp command should be used for nontext files to find out whether they are identical. For text files, use the diff command, discussed later.

The following are the outputs generated by the cmp command: No output if the files are exactly identical.

Displays the byte number and line number of the first position where the files are different.

The flags that can be used with cmp command are

-l to display, for each difference, the byte number in decimal and the differing bytes in octal.

-s to return only an exit value without generating any output. The values of return code are: 0 for identical files, 1 if the files are different, or 2 if the cmp file is not successful in comparing the files.

Examples If you want to compare the new version of an executable file with the old version of the executable file, execute

the following command:

cmp new_prog1 old_prog1

If the files are identical, no output will be generated, but if they are different, output similar to the following will be generated:

new_prog1 old_prog1 differ: byte 6, line 1

You can use the -s flag, if you are using the cmp command in a shell script to determine whether two files are identical. Following is part of a shell script that uses the -s command:

ret_code='cmp -s new_prog1 old_prog1' if [[ $ret_code -eq 0 ]] then

echo "Files are identical ..." else

echo "Files are different ..." fi

If the files are identical except that one file has extra bytes at the end, use of the -l flag will generate the following output:

cmp -l new_prog1 old_prog1 18 12 63

cmp: EOF on new_prog1


If you have files that are sorted and you want to compare them, use the comm command. The comm command can be used to either exclude or include the common lines between the two files. You can use a - (hyphen) to indicate that one of the files is to be accepted from standard input.

The default output is generated on the standard output in three columns, which are as follows: Lines that exist only in the first file.

Lines that exist only in the second file.

Lines that exist in both files.

The following is a list of flags that can be used with the comm command:

-1 to suppress the display of the first column.

-2 to suppress the display of the second column.

-3 to suppress the display of third column.

Examples Let us assume that the there are two files named file1 and file2. The content of the files has been displayed using the more command as follows:

more file1 line 1 line 2 line 3 line 5 line 6 line 7 line 8 line 9 more file2 line 1 line 2 line 3 line 4 line 5 line 6 line 7 line 9

If you compare the two files, file1 and file2, you will get the following output:

comm file1 file2

line 1 line 2 line 3 line 4 line 5 line 6 line 7 line 8 line 9

The output shows that file1 has one line that is not there in file2 (in column 1); file2 has one line that is not there in

file1 (in column 2); and there are seven lines that exist in both file1 and file2. If you are interested only in the differences, you can drop column 3 as follows:

comm -3 file1 file2 line 4

line 8

If you are interested only in finding out which lines are identical in file1 and file2, you can drop columns 1 and 2 as follows:

comm -12 file1 file2 line 1 line 2 line 3 line 5 line 6 line 7 line 9


You can compare text files with the diff command but cannot compare nontext files. You can use diff to compare

individual files or multiple files with identical names in different directories. For comparing individual files, use a - (hyphen) to indicate that one of the files is to be accepted from the standard input.

The group of output lines of the diff command is preceded by an information line containing the following information: Lines that are different in the first file. This may a single line number or two line numbers separated by a comma, meaning the lines within that range.

Action code, valid values of which are a (for lines added), c (for lines modified), and d (for lines deleted).

Lines that are different in the second file. This may a single line number or two line numbers separated by a comma, meaning the lines within that range.

The diff command generates ed commands. The ed commands can be applied to the first file, and doing so will make the second file identical to the first file.

Three forms of output are generated by the diff command. These are as follows:

Number1aNumber2,Number3, which means that the lines Number2 through Number3 in the second file must be added to the first file after line Number1 to make them identical. This form is followed by the actual lines from the second file preceded by a > (greater than sign).

Number1dNumber2, which means that the lines Number1 through Number2 must be deleted from the first file to make them identical. This form is followed by the actual lines from the first file preceded by a < (less than sign).

Number1,Number2cNumber3,Number4, which means that the lines Number1 through Number2 in the first file must be modified by the lines Number3 through Number4 in the second file to make them identical. This form is followed by the actual lines from the first file, each preceded by < (less than sign), and then actual lines from the second file each preceded by > (greater than sign)

The following is a list of some of the flags that can be used with the diff command:

-b to ensure that more than one space or tab character is considered as one. However, leading space or tab characters are processed as is.

-C LINE to produce the output is a format different from the default format. The output first identifies the files being compared along with their creation date and time. Each modified group of lines is separated by a line with an

*(asterisk) followed by lines from the first file and lines from the second file. The lines removed from the first file are designated with a - (hyphen). The lines added to the second file are designated with a + (plus sign). Lines that exist in both files but differ are designated with an ! (exclamation point). Changes that lie within the specified context lines of each other are grouped together as output.

-c LINE to produce the output is a format different from the default format. The LINE parameter is optional. The output first identifies the files being compared along with their creation date and time. Each modified group of lines is separated by a line with an * (asterisk) followed by lines from the first file and lines from the second file. The lines removed from the first file are designated with a - (hyphen). The lines added to the second file are designated with a +

(plus sign). Lines that exist in both files but differ are designated with an ! (exclamation point). Changes that lie within the specified context lines of each other are grouped together as output.

-D String to create a merged version of the first and second files on the standard output. The C preprocessor controls are included so that a compilation of the results, without defining String, is equivalent to compiling the first file, while defining String compiles the second file.

-e to generate output that can be input to ed to produce the second file from the first file.

-f to create output that is the reverse of what is produced by the -e flag.

-i to compare the two files ignoring case of letters. ●

-l to generate formatted output. It also generates a summary at the end.

-n to generate output in the reverse order of the -e flag. Additionally, it generates the count of lines added and deleted.

-r to execute the diff command on all identically named sub-directories of the specified directory.

-s to generate output to obtain a list of identical files along with differences between identically named files. This will also generate a list of files that are only in one of the directories.

-S FILE to ignore files. This option can be used while comparing directories to ignore filenames that collate less than that of the specified FILE.

-t to preserve the original indentation of the lines. The indentation of lines in the output can be modified by the use of

> (greater than sign) or < (less than sign in the output).

-w to ignore all space and tab characters. That is, treat them identically for comparison purposes.

Examples Let us assume that we have two files, file1 and file2. The contents of the files are shown using the more


more file1

This is the first line This is the second line This is the fourth line This is the fifth line This is the sixth line This is the seventh line This is the eighth line This is the NINTH line more file2

This is the first line This is the second line This is the third line This is the fourth line This is the sixth line This is the seventh line This is the eighth line This is the ninth line

The plain vanilla diff command on file1 and file2 will generate output as follows:

diff file1 file2 2a3

> This is the third line 4d4

< This is the fifth line 6,8c6,8

< This is the seventh line < This is the eighth line < This is the NINTH line ---

> This is the seventh line > This is the eighth line > This is the ninth line

which means add This is the third line to file1, delete This is the fifth line from file1 and modify line 6 and 7 to This is the seventh line and This is the eighth line in file1 to make file1

identical to file2.

If you do not care about space and tab characters, use the -b flag in the following command:

diff -b file1 file2 2a3

> This is the third line 4d4

< This is the fifth line 8c8

< This is the NINTH line ---

> This is the ninth line

and tab characters.

You can display the output in special format using the -C or -c flag in the following command:

diff -C 0 file1 file2

*** file1 Thu Nov 28 22:15:23 1996 --- file2 Thu Nov 28 18:05:59 1996 ***************

*** 2 **** --- 3 ----

+ This is the third line ***************

*** 4 ****

- This is the fifth line --- 4 ----

*************** *** 6,8 ****

! This is the seventh line ! This is the eighth line ! This is the NINTH line --- 6,8 ----

! This is the seventh line ! This is the eighth line ! This is the ninth line

The output contains the filenames being compared and their creation date and time, and the output has a format different from the default diff format.

If you want to generate output in a format that can be input to ed, use the -e flag as in the following command:

diff -e file1 file2 6,8c

This is the seventh line This is the eighth line This is the ninth line .

4d 2a

This is the third line .

This output can then be input to ed to be applied to file1 to make it identical to file2. This can be used to maintain a base version and incremental changes so that any version can be created by applying the changes to the base version. Let us see an example of how we can make file1 identical to file2 using the -e command.

Let us redirect the output of the diff command to a file called diffout as in the following command:

diff -e file1 file2 > diffout

If you execute the more command on diffout, you will get the following output:

more diffout 6,8c

This is the seventh line This is the eighth line This is the ninth line .

4d 2a

This is the third line .

input to ed, the output is written back to the file on which it is applied. If we execute more on the file diffout, you can see the extra line at the end:

more diffout 6,8c

This is the seventh line This is the eighth line This is the ninth line .

4d 2a

This is the third line .


To update file1 and see the result, you now use the following command:

ed - file1 < diffout more file11

This is the first line This is the second line This is the third line This is the fourth line This is the sixth line This is the seventh line This is the eighth line This is the ninth line

If you do not want to update the original file, use the command 1,$p instead of w. This generates the output to the standard output instead. You can also redirect the output to a file as follows:

ed - file1 < diffout > file1.new

To generate output in reverse order to that specified by -e, execute the following command with the -f flag:


This is the third line .

d4 c6 8

This is the seventh line This is the eighth line This is the ninth line .

If you do not care about whether the files have lowercase or uppercase letters, use the -i flag to execute case-insensitive

diff as in the following command:

diff -i file1 file2 2a3

> This is the third line 4d4

<Ti s the fifth line 6,7c6,7

< This is the seventh line < This is the eighth line ---

> This is the seventh line > This is the eighth

Notice that the lines This is the ninth line in file1 and This is the ninth line in file2 are evaluated to be equal due to use of the -i flag.

If you want to know the number of lines affected by each insertion or deletion, use the -n flag as in the following command:

diff -n file1 file2 a2 1

This is the third line d4 1

d6 3 a8 3

This is the seventh line This is the eighth line This is the ninth line

The information in the above lines is with respect to file1. It tells you that one line is to be inserted after line 2, followed by the lines to be inserted, one line is to be deleted at line 4, three lines are deleted at line 6, and 3 lines are to be inserted after line 8, followed by lines to be inserted.

To ignore all tab and space characters, use the -w flag. The difference between the -b and -w flags is that -b ignores all space and tab characters except leading ones, while -w ignores all. Following is an example of the -w flag:

diff -w file1 file2 2a3

> This is the third line 4d4

< This is the fifth line 8c8

< This is the NINTH line ---

> This is the ninth line

So far, we have seen the actions of the diff command for comparing two files. Now let us see some examples of comparing two directories. Let us assume that the two following sub-directories exist under the current directory:

testdir1 and testdir2

Further, let us see what files exist under these directories:

ls -R test*


file1 file2 file3 file4 file5 file6 testdir3


filea fileb filec filed filee


file2 file4 file5 file7 file8 testdir3


fileb filed filee filef fileg

The simplest form of the diff command without any flags to compare two directories will result in the following output:

diff testdir1 testdir2 Only in testdir1: file1 Only in testdir1: file3 Only in testdir1: file6 Only in testdir2: file7 Only in testdir2: file8

Common subdirectories: testdir1/testdir3 and testdir2/testdir3

In the above example, the diff command does not go through the sub-directory testdir3 under the directory testdir1

and testdir2. If you want the diff command to traverse the sub-directory under the directories, use the -r flag as in the following command:

diff -r testdir1 testdir2 Only in testdir1: file1 Only in testdir1: file3 Only in testdir1: file6 Only in testdir2: file7 Only in testdir2: file8

Only in testdir1/testdir3: filea Only in testdir1/testdir3: filec Only in testdir2/testdir3: filef Only in testdir2/testdir3: fileg

If you want to know a list of all files in the directories that are identical, use the -s command as in the following command:

diff -rs testdir1 testdir2 Only in testdir1: file1

Files testdir1/file2 and testdir2/file2 are identical Only in testdir1: file3

Files testdir1/file4 and testdir2/file4 are identical Files testdir1/file5 and testdir2/file5 are identical Only in testdir1: file6

Only in testdir2: file7 Only in testdir2: file8

Only in testdir1/testdir3: filea

Files testdir1/testdir3/fileb and testdir2/testdir3/fileb are identical Only in testdir1/testdir3: filec

Files testdir1/testdir3/filed and testdir2/testdir3/filed are identical Files testdir1/testdir3/filee and testdir2/testdir3/filee are identical Only in testdir2/testdir3: filef

Only in testdir2/testdir3: fileg

If you do not want to process all files whose names collate before the specified filename (in this case file2), use the -S

flag as in the following command:

diff -r -S file2 testdir1 testdir2 Only in testdir1: file3

Only in testdir1: file6 Only in testdir2: file7 Only in testdir2: file8

Only in testdir1/testdir3: filea Only in testdir1/testdir3: filec Only in testdir2/testdir3: filef Only in testdir2/testdir3: fileg