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Football league business-model

In document More... Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2018) (Page 101-108)

Dissatisfied Behavior

3.3. Football league business-model

Comparative analysis of the Russian and international football league models, as well as SWOT-analysis of the Russian football league (table 1) showed that it needs to be improved, and a new business model needs to be created.

Having analyzed the international experience of football league development in the USA, I came to a conclusion that the Russian Football Premier-League (RFPL) needs to be improved. The World Football Championship that will take place in Russia in 2018 is a precondition for improvement of the Russian league. As the international experience shows, the World Championship assumes an intense interest to football of not only the population in Russia, but also interest of foreign fans and specialists to the Russian Football. Twelve ultramodern stadiums will be put into operation in Russia by the World Championship, 2 of them have already been constructed and accept matches. Two modern club stadiums, which will not take part in the World Championship, will be constructed this year. Launch of 14 ultra- modern new sport facilities creates conditions for the upgrade of the Russian Football League.


One of the main directions in social and economic development of the country is the development of physical training and sports. The state policy task in the sphere of sport: popularization of a healthy life style and population involvement into physical training and sports; creation of an international image of Russia as a sport super power (Ilyin, 2000). The direction considered in the study in the sphere of high- performance sport – development of football.

Targets, tasks and functions of the government in the sphere of football are discovered by state programs development. At the analysis of state programs on development of football in Russia, it was concluded that state program shave common tasks and targets, but have different duration and in many aspects do not have ways of achieving assigned tasks and direct binding of tasks and financing sources. At the present, the assigned tasks have not been fulfilled due to under financing by the government.

High-performance sports in the part of Russian football differs from the model generally accepted worldwide. Thestructureoffinancingsourcesofthenationalfootballdiffersfromthe sources in developed countries, it depends on direct and indirect state financing, and the revenue share of the football clubs is quite low.

The football developments strategy provides for the RFU budget increase, which will ensure financing of football teams. Football club earn most no money on their own. The major part of the profit goes to paying off the current expenses. In most cases, sponsors are interested in support of individual football clubs that are not motivated to grow revenue. Budget funds are not enough for development of the

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 8, Issue 1, January2018

Page 102

football clubs not attracting sponsors. As a result, the clubs develop in big cities, all the rest are not able to compete with them. The current management system of professional football clubs in the Russian Federation is not effective and needs to be improved. The World Football Championship will take place in Russia in 2018. In this connection, the government set tasks o popularize football and construct modern sport facilities. At commissioning and reconstruction of the current sport facilities, a question of the management quality remains relevant after commissioning of these facilities.

During the analysis of the international experience, it was concluded that Russia is behind the football powers in terms of ratio of the total population to involvement into football, provision with football fields and other indicators reflecting the level of football development in the Russian Federation. Low football development index in Russia restricts the opportunities of football sphere development. Old infrastructure does not allow the football clubs getting profit by means of selling tickets and services provided in the stadiums.

The main priority at football development in developed countries is the development of football among children and young people, mass football and sport infrastructure. The international experience shows that for achievement of financial and sport results in the football sphere, the government shall participate in league development and settlement of long-term tasks (development of children academies, infrastructure and stadiums) and using business cooperation consider football as a business. Low level of the Russian population involvement into sports if compared to other countries, at high football popularity in Russia in comparison with other sports, needs football popularization among population in order to increase the number of professional players. The level of youth involvement into football is much lower than in the countries with developed football, which creates a great potential for the government to develop the direction of football among children and young people.

TheanalysisoftheinternationalexperienceofthefootballleaguedevelopmentintheUSAin relation to SWOT- analysis of the Russian league led us to a conclusion that the Russian Football Premier-League (RFPL) is characterized by availability of significant problems and needs to be improved.

The 2018 World Football Championship is a precondition for improvement in the Russian league by increasing the interest to football among the Russian population, foreign fans and specialists.

The business-model developed by me assumes creation of a new Russian football league of a closed type consisting of 16 teams with a stable financing scheme. The government invests not into individual clubs, but into creation of a new league acting according to the rules that ensure equal economic conditions for the teams. If the league entry rules are met, every team will have a modern stadium that will create conditions for increasing the number of fans visiting matches and getting additional benefit from the stadium on match days by selling tickets and services rendered on the stadium. The estimated bud get base and long-term contracts with sponsors will ensure the teams with a possibility to plan their development for a few years, which will finally lead to the league development from year to year. The league in its turn will increase the total attendance of matches in the country, its budget due to revenue received from TV-broadcasting, annual fees to the league budget from the clubs.

The business-model assumes that the league will break even and the government will sell the league shares to the business. Thus, the government will optimize its budget expenses and will increase the effectiveness of the funds invested into football by directing them to development of children and youth football, football infrastructure development.


The study materials may be useful for students of vocational and higher educational institutions in the sphere of physical training, coaches in fitness industry, as well as in the system of additional professional education. Acquisition and analysis of data on financing of football clubs in Russia and abroad for the purpose of developing physical training and sports may be useful in preparation of students’ academic papers. A number of explicit conclusions and recommendations were defined, which may be useful for development of football infrastructure.


Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 8, Issue 1, January2018

Page 103

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Page 104

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Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 8, Issue 1, January2018

Page 105

University Pedagogical System And Its Focus On Destructive Student Behavior Overcoming

Aida V. Kiryakova1*, Alla V. Samigulina2, Elmira R. Khairullina3, Alevtina Ya. Melnikova4, Ruteniya R. Denisova5, Alfiya M. Ishmuradova6

1 Department of General and Professional Pedagogy, Orenburg State University,Orenburg, Russia. 2 Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities, Financial University under the Government of

the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

3 Department of Designing Clothes and Shoes, Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia.

4 Faculty of Engineering, Bashkir State University, Ufa, Russia.

5 Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia. 6 Department of Foreign Languages, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia.

Abstract: A certain part of the students often falls under the negative influence of certain social processes due to life experience and ideological convictions lack. These processes generate the individual’s destructive behavior, which requires finding adequate solutions in the university conditions. In this regard, the main attention in this paper is devoted to the substantiation of the theoretical and methodical approach to the development of the university pedagogical system innovative elements, aimed at overcoming the student destructive behavior. The content of research basic concept - "the university pedagogical system" is revealed and rethought, taking into account the specifics of student destructive behavior overcoming; mechanisms for student destructive behavior overcoming in the university pedagogical system are described; based on the results of the study, the structure and content of the pedagogical system innovative elements that are oriented toward correcting the student destructive behavior are justified.

Keywords: pedagogical system, student personality, destructive behavior, value orientations, values.


The change in the requirements for student training as the future specialist in modern spheres of labor, accordingly modifies the pedagogical system of higher professional education, determines its transition from canonicity and "knowledge" orientation to the characteristics of openness, nonlinearity and self- organization (Baeva, 2002; Dmitrievsky, 2002; Zaslavskaya, 2000; Kolesnikova, 2012; Kholueva & Mukharlyamova, 2016). In the course of the study, the priority of the established characteristics for the future specialist personality formation who is oriented to the long-term life perspective was proved (Novikov, 2006; Erickson, 2006); who carries out social and professional self-realization and correcs his or her career growth (Vyugina, 2015; Zeer, 2003; Haken, 2005; Khutorskoy, 2001; Shchelkunov, 2010); who possesses a stable immunity to manifestations of various destructive influences and processes (Kuklin & Belyakov, 2003; Karpukhin, 1998; Kislyakov, 2014; Nordkvelle, 2003).

As an imperative task of the pedagogical system established transformations, the tasks of correctional mechanisms designing and implementing for student destructive behavior overcoming are defined in the course of the research. It is proved that the corrective mechanisms for student destructive behavior overcoming are most fully realized in the innovative conditions of the pedagogical system openness, nonlinearity, self-organization oriented towards the achievement of the following goals:

- formation of the individual's readiness for self-organization, self-realization, professional self- determination;

- independence in the development trajectories choice;

- development of collegial, partner relations with teachers and fellow students;

- free self-expression of individuality in interaction: "teacher-student", "student-student", "student- teacher";

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 8, Issue 1, January2018

Page 106

- integration of all entities of the pedagogical process in conditions of self-organization and the risks of the educational environment (Novikov, 2006; Parsons, 1998; Fromm, 2009; Shchenina, 2005; Yasvin, 2000). To substantiate the importance of the theoretical and methodical approach to the development of university pedagogical system innovative elements, the paper reveals the content of the concept the university pedagogical system, rethought taking into account the specifics of the student destructive behavior's overcoming; mechanisms are given for student destructive behavior overcoming; based on the study results, the structure and content of the pedagogical system innovative elements (openness, nonlinearity, self-organization), which correct the manifestations of student destructive behavior, are justified. The effectiveness of the structure and content of innovative elements has been proved with the help of "high", "average" and "low" levels of students' readiness to overcome destructive behavior in the university pedagogical system: a constant virtual conflict with oneself, with teachers, the future profession, production; decreased interest in learning, unwillingness to learn, problems with attendance and academic achievement; negative motivation to communicate with teachers, fellow students, representatives of labor collectives; a decline in activity, responsibility, initiative nature and independence, dependence on "bad companies", illegal actions, "dropouts".

Literature Review

It is established that a special role in solving the problem of student destructive behavior overcoming in the university pedagogical system belongs to scientists developing the problem of specialists’ clusters development with creative thinking for modern labor markets. This group of researchers also developed technologies for designing student personality models - a future specialist with a high level of intellectual capacity of topical, prognostic, reflexive and strategic nature, providing students with long-term immunity from destructive influences (Vyugina, 2015; Kuklin & Belyakov, 2003; Parsons, 1998; Haken, 2005; Halpern, 2000; Hjell & Ziegler, 1997; Hamel & Prahalad, 2001). The trends in this direction allow us to substantiate the key notions of the student's destructive behavior, to establish the causes of this phenomenon and to develop mechanisms for its correction in the creative orientations of the university pedagogical system to the process of training future specialists. Another group of researchers (Baeva, 2002; Dmitrievsky, 2002; Marchenkova, 2009) focuses on the problem of students' self-alienation in society, the cause of which they allocate the aggressive influence of social networks. Researchers who focus on the problems of an individual’s identity (Zeer, 2003: Fromm, 2009; Chuprov, Zubok & Williams, 2003), make informed conclusions that professional identity - is an objective and subjective unity with either a separate representative of the profession or with a professional group and the activities carried out in it, which determines the adoption and implementation of professional norms, roles and statuses. The process, that is inversely proportional to identity, ends with the professional destruction of the personality. Specialists on the problems of student socio-cultural immunity formation in the university educational environment singled out problems of the environment identification with the society sociocultural space, which is methodologically incorrect (Karpukhin, 1998; Kislyakov, 2014; Kolesnikova, 2012). To date, researchers give special attention to the problems of educational process innovative models designing and implementing, as a space that is safe for the future specialist's personality formation (Vyugina, 2015; Kislyakov, 2014; Kholueva, Mukharlyamova, 2016: Shchelkunov, 2010; Erickson, 2006; Yasvin, 2001). In the course of the research it was proved that, despite a rather extensive array of scientific works on the phenomenon of student destructive behavior in the university educational space, most of the research is of a discrete nature that does not touch upon the specifics of the university pedagogical system as a unifying research vector. In connection with this trend, the need for a scientific and methodical justification for correcting the student destructive behavior in the innovative space of the university pedagogical system is still topical.


Modern discourse of the concept "pedagogical system of the university"

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 8, Issue 1, January2018

Page 107

It was established that one of the first in the scientific community in 1967 who substantiated the systematic approach in pedagogy was the Russian scientist F. F. Korolyov (1967), who proved pedagogical reality structure’s and functions’ systemic nature:

- the personality is pedagogically systemic, since its properties and qualities are interrelated, and actions are an integral manifestation of its characteristics, the interaction of properties and qualities;

- the training team is not just a group of trainees, not every group is an authentic collective;

- the transformation of a trainees group into a training team, achieved by certain efforts of the instructors and the trainees themselves, raises the level of the pedagogical results of the upbringing, education, training and development of each one and the success of the collective as a whole.

In document More... Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2018) (Page 101-108)