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In document Numerology Made Plain (Page 115-119)



Why do you take an immediate liking to some individuals and feel a natural antipathy toward others? It is a matter of vibration. Just as the chemical elements of calcium and carbon have an affinity for each other and as oil and water do not mix, so do our

vibrations attract similar ones and repel others.

Your Friends

Your friends are those who think as you do, feel as you do or have a like ambition.

When you meet a person with a vowel vibration the same as your own there is an immediate bond of sympathy and understanding, and the more individual vowels you have in common, the stronger will be the attraction. Your subconscious selves have a desire for expression along the same lines which makes for real enjoyment.

One whose consonants are the same as yours will be a splendid friend for your idle hours, as the outward things of life have a kindred appeal.

One whose full name is the same or in the same trinity of expression makes a splendid business companion. Your minds register on the same plane, whether in work or study.

One whose total birth digit is the same as yours is in your present grade of school. You may have come from widely separated localities with a totally different background, yet you are here now for a common purpose and should get along famously together, tackling the same problems with co-operation, sympathy and courage.


One whose name has the same vibration as your birth has something to teach you, provided he is on your mental plane. The probability is that when you meet such a person you will find that one of his birth digits is present in your name, and that you will both benefit from such association.

A strong point of contact frequently noted is where one individual is (through his total name) what the other desires (in his vowels). A person whose total vowels equal your full name will attach himself to you and remain there unshaken whether you notice him or not. You have something he that he wants. After a time you become so accustomed to the situation that you begin to take it as a matter of course. If he has nothing in his name to answer your vowels or birth digit you will be doing all the giving and he all the receiving, but if his name equals your vowels, then you are the complements of each other and there will be an opportunity for splendid growth through such a friendship.

Each has an inner knowledge of the other’s destiny and at the same time is expressing in his full character the other’s subconscious desires.


In order to have an ideal home life there must be some harmony between the individual vibrations. Marriage itself tends to bring this about through the wife taking the husband’s name. In addition thereto there are several ways by which the atmosphere can be made more happily harmonious.

One splendid assurance of genuine pleasure is where husband and wife have the same vowel total. With the same vibrations there are like desires; they enjoy the same


Things, and enjoy each other, the chief danger being that they are apt to settle down in such snug self-satisfaction that their real growth may be retarded. They should endeavor to extend their interests beyond their own family circle and continue to grow, together.

Those with the same total name vibrations can co-operate splendidly, as their minds are on the same plane and their activities can be made of a like enjoyable nature. If they are not the same but in the same trinity, it makes for a splendid partnership, as each has the qualities which the other lacks, both being necessary for complete success.

Those with the same birth path have the same qualities of character to develop; they can succeed in similar occupations; in fact, they can go all through life together, with

sympathy and tolerance for the other fellow, as they have the same shortcomings themselves. This is a very successful marriage vibration.

For those who have 11s or 22s in their original names it would appear that the law of complements should rule. They are already old souls, and if they have elsewhere a 1 in their name they are undoubtedly in their last earth cycle. Their progress may have been over different routes and hence their present lesson not the same, yet each is the ideal expression of the other’s heart’s desire, which makes for a most satisfying, enduring companionship. It may not have the zest in mutual accomplishment which is found when the birth paths are the same, as each now has his own particular destiny to fulfill, nor the thrill of pleasure enjoyed when the vowels are identical, yet there is an inner feeling that each is helping the other to complete his last initiation in this cycle, which unselfish efforts will eventually register in a subsequent change of name, bringing their inner

118 desires closer together through a harmony of vowels.

Another most happy marriage relation is where each one has in his original name the birth vibrations of the other.

Whenever a woman marries a man whose surname has the same vibration as her Year – which is the rule in the majority of cases, she has attracted an important lesson. No matter what his qualities may be, he has something to teach her. The same adjustment may need to be made if his surname or full signature is the same as her total birth path.

One of the strongest points of harmony for mutual companionship, year in and year out, is where the Month and Day of each add to the same total. August 6 (8 plus 6 is 14 or 5) and February 3 (2 plus 3 is 5) are instances of this character. This gives the same

influence each month and year, throughout their lives. If one wants to travel, the other will arrange his affairs and go at the same time. When one wants to stay, that will be the desire of the other. With this splendid point of agreement, they should be able to adjust all other differences and enjoy life to the full.



In document Numerology Made Plain (Page 115-119)