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The functioning of the Arab-Persian elements in the grammatical categories of a noun (based on the language of Tatar poetry of the XIXth century)

In document Vol. 7, Issue 12, December 2017 (Page 175-181)

Damir Haydarovich Husnutdinov1,Аyrat Faikovich Yusupov1,Nurfiya Marsovna Yusupova1,Ramil Hamitovich Mirzagitov1, Jafarli Tahir Aşraf ogli2, Irina Akulova3, Galina Khakova3, Oksana Chernykh4

1.Kazan Federal University, Kremliovskaya str., 18, Kazan, 420008,The Russian Federation 2.Baku State University, Academician Zahid Khalilov str., 23, Baku,

AZ 1148, AZ-1073/1, Azerbaijan

3. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University,38, Lenin Avenue, 455000, Chelyabinsk Region, Magnitogorsk,Russia

4.Moscow University of Finance and Law MFUA, 17, str. Serpukhov Val, 1 korp., 115191, Russia Abstract

The article deals with the problems of grammatical development and the patterns of Arab-Persian element functioning in the language of poetic works of the XIXth century and the ratio of normativity and variation concerning the use of foreign grammatical forms in nominal parts of speech. It proposes the scientific methodology to analyze Arabic and Persian grammatical elements in the language of Tatar poetry of this period; The mechanisms of borrowed grammatical element adaptation in the grammatical aspect are defined; The peculiarities of Arabisms and persidisms development at the grammatical level are revealed.

The scientific novelty of this article is determined by a new approach to the study of Arabic and Persian elements - the description of foreign form grammatical development. In the course of the study, they stated that the language of Tatar poetry of the XIXth century is characterized by the grammatical norms of different languages: Tatar, Arabic and Persian; Heterogeneous linguistic facts in the system of poetry language become expressive or stylistic means.

In order to implement the goal and the objectives of the work, the following research methods were chosen: the method of continuous sampling; descriptive-analytical; the method of vocabulary definition analysis; comparative-historical method; comparative-typological method; comparative-historical method.

Key words: Old Tatar language, history of language, the language of poetry, borrowings, grammatical form, adaptation, Arab-Persian elements.


Borrowings, primarily Arab and Persian one, were recorded in all stages of the Tatar language development. In the process of historical evolution, the lexical composition of a language, including the old Tatar language, is replenished with borrowings and the grammatical means of other languages. If you turn to history, you can see that for many centuries the Turkic writing and literary language was equipped with a large number of foreign lexical units and grammatical elements. At the same time, poetry was considered as the highest form of literature and "poetic works were composed in "sublime poetic style" [Yusupov A.F., 2004: 7], i.e. in the classical literary language "with an active use of Arab- Persian grammatical elements and traditional common Turkic forms" [Yusupov A.F., 2012: 99]. It seems to us that a similar phenomenon is typical for the language of Tatar poetry of the XIXth century.

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 7, Issue 12, December 2017

Page 176

The purpose of this article is to describe the grammatical development of the Arab-Persian elements in the language of Tatar poetry of the XIXth century, the determination of the ratio of norm and the variability concerning the use of foreign grammatical forms in nominal parts of speech and the features of their functioning. From this point of view, the language of Tatar Sufi poetry of the 19th century is interesting and unique one [Yusupova N.M., 2014], since the language of Sufi works is characterized by the synthesis of Arabic, Persian, Chagatai and Ottoman-Turkish languages on the one hand and the main regional linguistic features on the other.

The systematic study of the Arab-Persian borrowings in the Tatar language began relatively long ago. However, the issues of the Arab-Persian elements grammatical development remained out of sight of special linguistic studies. Despite the presence of a large number of works relating to the language history of this period, the scientific methods of Arabic and Persian grammatical element analysis in the language of Tatar poetry of the XIXth century were not developed sufficiently. It should be noted that the works by F.Sh. Nuriyev studied the mechanisms of phonetic adaptation of the Arabic vowels in the process of study of the Old Tatar language history within the Golden Horde period and the medieval manuscripts of the Turkic languages [Khaphizova R.Z., 2015]. The studies by A.F. Yusupov reveal the mechanisms of lexical adaptation and the assimilation of Arab-Persian borrowings, in particular, the specifics of Sufi and Islamic terminology development in the poetic works of the XIXth century [Yusupov A.F., 2015]. The concept of the systematic description of the main features of the old Tatar language of the nineteenth century, the definitions of a norm and the variability in the grammatical categories of the language within the given period were also developed in the scientific literature [Husnutdinov D.H., 2016]. In the works by D.Kh. Khusnutdinov [Husnutdinov D.H., 2015] the lexical composition of the language of the XIXth century and the Tatar literary language as a whole [Husnutdinov D.H., 2016; Husnutdinov, D.H., 2016] is an object of study.

As our studies show, the grammatical system of Tatar poetry language of the XIX century has fixed Arabic and Persian grammatical elements, first of all, in the design of the nominal parts of speech. However, it is not possible to describe all the Arab-Persian elements used in the language of Tatar poetry of the 19th century within the framework of one article, therefore the attention is focused only on Arabic and Persian grammatical elements in the grammatical categories of a noun within this work.


In order to implement the goal and the objectives, the following research methods were chosen in the work: the method of continuous sampling; descriptive-analytical method; the method of vocabulary definition analysis; comparative-historical method; comparative-typological method; comparative- historical method.

The main research method is the descriptive-analytical method with its main components - observation, generalization, interpretation and typologization. For the purpose of a comprehensive analysis of the grammatical category of a verb, a comparative-historical method is used, it makes it possible to identify the peculiarities of the Tatar language interaction with Arabic and Persian one in the process of Sufi poetic works creation. When you reveal similar, common features, specific features of unrelated languages (Arabic, Persian and Turkic-Tatar), a comparative-typological method is also used. Comparative-historical method was used in the analysis of semantic features of word usage concerning identified linguistic units in the diachronic aspect in relation to modern Tatar literary language.

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 7, Issue 12, December 2017

Page 177


1. In the language of Tatar poetry of the 19th century the meaning of belonging is conveyed by the grammatical means inherent in the Tatar, Arabic and Persian languages. When you express the meaning of belonging, izafet structures are used often, which is the norm for the Persian and Arabic literary languages. In the language of the texts under study, these language constructs are referred to the peripheral indicators of the works under study, forming the variation of grammatical form written standard. The Persian form -am/-äm is also the stylistic variant of the grammatical forms in the Turkic affixes of belonging.

2. The grammatical means of Tatar and Arabic languages are used when the meaning of plurality is expressed in the language of Sufi texts. Thus, when you express the value of plurality, the Arabic nouns are used in the form of a "broken" plural. The borrowed grammatical elements are involved in the development of the lexical-syntactic way of the plural form expression, inherent in the Tatar literary language, which is conditioned by the written and literary traditions and genre specificity of the Tatar poetry of the period under study.

3. Thus, the language of Tatar poetry of the XIXth century is characterized by the grammatical norms of different languages: Tatar, Arabic and Persian one. In the grammar system Arabic and Persian grammatical elements are used, mainly, in the composition of nominal parts. Such mixed nature and the diversity of grammatical forms were obtained due to literary traditions of that period and the genre specificity of poetry, due to which heterogeneous linguistic facts in the language system of poetry are turned into expressive or stylistic means.


As was noted above, the basic form of the grammatical meaning expression of all grammatical categories in the language of the poetic texts under study is the Turkic one. At the same time, grammatical means of the Persian and Arabic languages are used to convey the meaning of individual grammatical categories, which form the variation of the written norm of the language and which are peripheral attributes.

The language of Tatar poetry of the nineteenth century, conveys the grammatical meaning of belonging through the following linguistic means of Persian and Arabic languages:

1) The grammatical meaning of belonging is expressed by the addition of Persian fused pronouns. "This category of pronouns, unlike other kinds of pronouns, always adjoins the previous word, is not used independently, and can not have the main accent ... These affix-like elements correspond to personal pronouns by their meaning, but differ in their nature of use and the performed syntactic function" [Rubinchik YA, 2001: 172-173].

As in modern Persian, the fused pronouns in the language of the poetic texts under study perform an attributive function most often, expressing belonging. Belonging to the first person is transferred by borrowed pronouns -am/-äm, which differ from the Turkic affixes of belonging only phonetically: haman märde diläm qoruγ telemder [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 95] «my heart is still dead, my tongue is dry».

Persian fused pronouns of the Ist person -am / -äm, joining the Turkic personal pronouns are used in the function of the personal pronoun "I", i.e. Bän - män (i) + -äm (i). For example: wä anda mädädqareη bänäm [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 132] "and there I am your assistant". As can be

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 7, Issue 12, December 2017

Page 178

seen from the above examples during the joining of fused Persian Turkic pronouns to personal pronouns, they are used in the function of predicative affixes.

We have documented instances where Persian fused pronouns of the Ist person, joining nouns, are used like in the Persian language in the meaning of "I", in the Tatar language they correspond to the function of predicative affixes: γaribäm, xaqdan üzgä mönisem juq [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 96] "I am a disabled person, I have no friend but God."

Persian fused pronouns of the Ist person -am/-äm express a pronounced emotional and expressive coloring and participate in the formation of an address: xodavändäm, säηadyr ibtihal [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 106] « Oh, my God, I beg you».

2) In the language of Tatar poetry of the nineteenth century, the meaning of belonging is also expressed through the use of the isaphetical combinations of Persian and Arabic languages. According to our observations, Tatar poets often use Persian inconsistent definitions - izafets that are simpler than Arabic izafet design in the course of the belonging category expression.

At the same time, linguists note that in the Persian language, various lexical-grammatical categories of words are combined with an izafet connection. The result of their values interaction, the relations of determinative, belonging, quantitative, spatial and temporal" nature appear [Rubinchik Y.A., 2001: 363].

In poetic works, izafet structures are a universal type of attributive connection. "Using an izafet, not only qualitative definitions, expressed by the names of adjectives, but also the definitions of belonging in the broad sense of the word, can be attached to the defined element, i.e. expressed by the nouns" [Ovchinnikova I.K., 1956: 71-72]. The noun, acting as the second member of the izafet phrase, acquires the value of an adjective and plays the role of an attribute. For example: küzlejä γyjbrät doryr xal-э cihan [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 131] « the state of the world is an example for a person who has sight» etc.

3) Besides, the language of poetic texts fixed the expression of belonging by Arabic uncoordinated definitions. "Uncoordinated definitions are the definitions expressed by a noun in the genitive case without a preposition or with a preposition" [Kovalev A.A., 2002: 90]. As you know, such types of definitions in Arabic grammars are called isafa or izafet combinations. For example: fa šökru niγmäti allahi, — dide xaq [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 125] "be grateful to the gifts of the Highest," God said.

An isaphetical combination is a substantive phrase, consisting of a definition in the form of the possessive case and the defined element. As you know, the order of words in the Arabic language, in the isaphyte combination differs from the order of the words in isaphyte combination, used in the Tatar language. In Arabic, the second word also is in the possessive case. The Arabian structure is the word combination where a word is defined without an article, the definition is with the article: belgel, allah wälijü äl-mö΄minin [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 125] "Know this: Allah is the patron of believers (Muslims)."

Our research allows us to state that such a way of a grammatical meaning of belonging expression by the means of the Arabic language is found in religious expressions and phraseologisms written in Arabic. In the language of Tatar poetry of the XIXth century, when the meaning of the grammatical category of a number is expressed for a noun, the following Arabic grammatical elements are fixed:

1) In the texts under study, the expression of the multiplicity value by Arabic borrowings in the form of a "broken" plural is observed. "The peculiarity of such a plural form is that it is formed not by the

Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 7, Issue 12, December 2017

Page 179

attachment of the plural form ending to the singular form, but by the changing of the word internal structure, i.e. by the so-called internal inflexion" [Kovalev A.A., 2002: 117].

In Arabic grammar over thirty models of this type of plural formation are presented, so the language of studied works contains numerous examples of the use of "broken" plural forms. Below are the frequently used forms of this type of plural development, in accordance with the rules of pronunciation adopted in the Tatar language:

• γäläm «activity» – äγmäl «activities» [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 102]; • šiγer «poem» – äšγar «poems» [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 90];

• xädis «a story» – äxädis «the words allegedly said by the Prophet Muhammad» [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 126];

• saxib «a friend» – äsxab «friends» [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 123]; • rux «spirit» – ärwax «spirits» [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 112];

• mäγnä «meaning» – mäγani «meanings» [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 85]; • xäzinä «treasure» – xäzain «richness» [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 91] etc.

2) The grammatical elements of the Arabic language are used in the formation of the lexical- syntactic way of the plural expression, inherent in the Tatar literary language.

As is known, in the above-mentioned way of the meaning of plurality expression, separate words expressing the concept of plurality appear as an attribute of a noun. In the study of poetic texts, the function of adverbial words, reinforcing the value of plurality, also uses the Arabic word cömlä «all» and the word of the Persian origin hämmä «all». For example: cömlä bimarnyη däwasy bondadyr [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 112] «here is the drug for all injured».

The value of pluraliity may be transmitted by the combination of morphological and lexical-syntactic methods, i.e. "by mixed method" of plural: čön hämmä taläbäläreη mätluby sän, čön hämmä γašyjqlaryη mäxbuby sän [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 132] "because you are desired for all students, because you are the favorite one for all beloved ones".

During the transmission multiplicity value the Arabic words in the form of "broken" plural within the above-noted method: nähan ulsa kiräkder cömlä äsrar [SHәmsetdin Zәki shigyr'lәre, Sh. 108] "if necessary, it is important to keep secrecy in all matters", etc.


During the research it was proved that the language of Tatar poetry of the XIXth century is characterized by the grammatical norms of different languages: Tatar, Arabic and Persian one. In the grammar system Arabic and Persian grammatical elements are used, mainly, in the composition of nominal parts. The written literary traditions of that time and the genre specificity of poetry contributed to such mixed and varied grammatical forms, due to which heterogeneous linguistic facts in the language system of poetry turn into expressive or stylistic means.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-6204

Vol. 7, Issue 12, December 2017

Page 180

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In document Vol. 7, Issue 12, December 2017 (Page 175-181)


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