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Chapter 4 Uncovering Food Web Structure Using a Novel Trophic Similarity Measure

5.3 Future work

Future work will go in two directions. From an ecological perspective, more case studies need to be conducted to confirm the consistency of the performance of a method for a particular or specific goal. For example, it is interesting to apply the compartment detection methods to habitat networks of aquatic species and examine their performance and suitability. The increasing availability of data may also greatly enhance the algorithms and methods examined in this dissertation to better understand the processes in ecosystems. For example, the abundance of plants and animals in the Serengeti ecosystem will enable the estimation of the amount of energy flowing

through the groups of species across the food web and the assessment of importance of each group to food web stability.

From a methodological perspective, the properties (e.g., the distribution of node degree) of these ecological networks, especially the spatial networks of animal

movement proposed in this dissertation, need to be examined. The deep understanding of the properties or traits of the ecological networks and the capture of their

uniqueness is a foundation for developing new methods customized to analyze these ecological networks and creating new criteria or indices for optimization or evaluation. For example, the Harary Index and Alpha Index were used to evaluate traversability and


overall robustness to disturbance of the compartments. It might be possible to design a method to optimize these indices at the same time in compartment detection. New criteria that are more ecological network-oriented may also be created.

Applying methods such as those used in this dissertation in different ecological applications and exploring the linkages between the detected patterns and ecological processes yields insights into their performance, their ability to capture ecologically- meaningful patterns, and the their suitability and robustness to different situations. The feedbacks from these applications will provide valuable information and guidance on improving existing methods and developing ecologically-oriented indices and methods. This trial and error process will deepen insights on the research questions “which one is better for ecological applications” and “why it is better for ecological applications” addressed at the beginning of the dissertation.


Figure 5.1 a) compartments in trajectories of animal movements caused by impedances (e.g., a large creek vs. a small creek); b) the conceptualized graph from a); c) and d) Partitioning of the graph (b) into two compartments by optimizing: c) modularity or d) edge ratio.


c) a)



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