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Grammar Revision (Infinitive, -ing form)

See G ram m ar R e v ie w p a g e 153

Complete the sentences b e lo w with the bare infinitive, the full infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets. You can use either the Present or the Perfect form.

1 We watched the ship disappear (disappear) slowly over the horizon 2 Forgive mv getting

3 She begged her brother.

(get) so upset about such a trivial matter.

to ier|d (lend) her his car, but he refused.

4 The children were not accustomed to

' i / '

having stolen 5 The thief admitted stealing

living .(live) in a village.

6 My wife prevented me from

(steal) the jewels.

driving (drive) as I was really tired.

to take 7 My driving instructor encouraged me _

8 I’m in favour of Keeping (keep) the environment clean.

9 How about eaving (leave) on Thursday evening?

10 That man is believed to have caused (cause) the accident.

(take) the driving test.

11 They are unlikely. to come .(come) home early tonight.

12 The traffic was so heavy that it took me three hours to get house.

.(get) to my country

The coffee was too cold fo r me to drink. / r he coffee was too cold fo r me to d rin k it. - The coffee wasn't hot enough for me to drink. /

Vhs coffee wasn't hot enough for me to dri n k it. ■ (No object pronouns after too and enough) She objects to staying up late. /

Subject of-ing form same as subject o f main verb) She objects to the children/children's staying up late. / She objects to their/them staying up late. /

She objects to thcystaying up late.

-Subject of-ing form different from subject o f main verb) We heard John sing an old song. /

(witnessed the whole action)

We heard John singing an old song. / 'witnessed part o f an action)

,Ve heard John to sing an old song.

-(Verbs of the senses in Active Voice+bare infinitive/-ing form) John was heard to sing an old song. /

John was heard sing/singing an old song. - CVerbs o f the senses in Passive Voice+fu ll infinitive) The teacher made Judy apologise for lying. / The teacher made Judy to apologise fo r-tying. - Judy was made to apologise for lying. /

Judy was made apologise for lying. - (make+bare infinitive in Active Voice,

make + fu ll infinitive in Passive Voice) Helen used to wake up early. / Helen is used to waking up early. /

Helen w ill soon get used to waking up early. / Helen is used to wake Bp-eariy—-

Helen w ill soon get used to wake apeariy—

(used to +infinitive, be/get used to +-ing form) It seems that he hates animals. /

He seems to hate animals. / Ho scorns that he hatc3 animals—

(It seems/appears + that-clause Subject+seem/appear+fu ll infinitive)

It appears that she didn't lose m uch weight. / She appears not to have lost m uch weight. / She doesn't appear to have lost much weight. / Sheappears to not have loot much w cighfc—

It is likely/unlikely that John is interested in football. S John is likely/unlikely to be interested in football. /

Key Transformations

» It took Susan one hour to dye her hair.

Susan took one hour to dye her hair.

Susan spent one hour dyeing her hair.

- She found w orking long hours difficult.

She found it d iffic u lt to w ork long hours.

It was d ifficu lt fo r her to w ork long hours.

She had d iffic u lty (in) w orking long hours.

$ I expect that they w ill arrive soon.

I expect them to arrive soon.

They are expected to arrive soon.

0 I suggest we plan a surprise party for him . I suggest planning a surprise party fo r him . W hy not plan a surprise party for him?

How about planning a surprise party fo r him?

@ I don't see w hy we should discuss this m atter any further.

There’s no point in discussing this m atter any further.

It's no use/good discussing this m atter any further.

It is not w orth discussing this m atter any further.

This m atter is not w orth discussing any further.

The clim bers d id not manage to reach the m ountain peak.

The clim bers did not succeed in reaching the m ountain peak.

The clim bers were not successful in reaching the m ountain peak.

The clim bers were unsuccessful in reaching the m ountain peak.

He prevented/stopped his children from going out alone.

He prevented/stopped them from going out alone.

He prevented/stopped his children's going out alone.

He prevented/stopped th e ir going out alone.

unit 0 6

Examination Practice

A Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.


“A healthy mind lives in a healthy b ody” is a saying th at is believed to (1)___ have

often been used by the ancient Greeks. Thousands of years later, the same idea still applies. According to health experts, it’s advisable to (2)_______ drink___________ eight to ten glasses of water every day.

However, water itself is not enough; a balanced diet is essential, too.

A healthy body naturally is the result of (3)________ doing_________ exercise. Many people, however, do not like gyms and object (4 )__________ to___________ going there for different reasons. Some, for instance, say th at aerobic sessions are too difficult (5)__________ to___________follow while others claim that gyms are just too expensive. Many people also claim that they have difficulty in

(6 )________ finding________ tim e to exercise due to their hectic lifestyle, but the truth is that everyone can make a little tim e every now and (7)_______ then_______ . Regardless of the way people

choose to exercise, (8 )__________ it___________ is im portant to remember that there’s no point (9 )____________in___________ doing it only for a short period of time.

Last (10)_________ but________ not least, having a positive attitude and doing (11) away_________

w ith negative thoughts contributes (12)______ to

this simple advice surely helps in having a healthy mind and body.

one’s well-being. In short, follow ing

B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1 John is too im m ature to make decisions fo r himself,

m ature John is _______________ not mature enough to make decisions fo r himself.

2 He can’t get used to travelling abroad every fortnight, accustomed H e _____________ is not accustomed to travelling 3 He managed to convince me that it was a safe operation,

succeeded H e _______________succeeded in convincing me 4 Hearing that a war had broken out was a shock to everyone,

shocked Everyone___________________was shocked to hear

. abroad every fortnight.

. th at it was a safe operation.

___ that a war had broken out.

5 John told Helen he was sorry he had argued w ith her.

apologised J o h n _______________ apologised to Helen for arguing w ith her.

6 Nobody liked having a new fa cto ry in the area,

objected Everyone___________________ objected to having 7 She couldn’t afford to buy a laptop computer,

expensive A laptop c o m p u te r____________ was too expensive for her

. a new fa cto ry in the area.

_________ to buy.

8 More dustbins have been put around so th at people w on’t th ro w rubbish in the streets,

prevent More dustbins have been put a ro u n d ________ to prevent people (from ) throw ing rubbish in the s 9 It would be d ifficu lt fo r me to adjust to a new w orking environm ent,

d ifficu lty I w o u ld ______________ have d ifficulty (in) adjusting 10 I don’t see w hy we should w ait fo r the blood test results all day.

point There’s _________________ no point in waiting for 11 He firs t told his m other about his success in the exam.

know His m o th e r__________________ was the first to know

_to a new w orking environm ent.

. the blood test results all day.

__ about his success in the exam.

12 The police forced the crim inal to get into the car.

made The p o lic e _____________made the crim inal get into the car.

unit 0 6