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Hands of Light, Barbara Ann Brennan The ancient Chinese in the 3rd millennium BC believed that every­

In document Crystal Love - The Mystic Mind (Page 37-39)

thing was composed of 'Ch'i', or vital energy, and that Ch'i itself was composed of two opposite but complementary forces, Yin and Yang. W hen Yin and Yang were in balance, the subject experienced good health, but when out of balance, ill health resulted.

They subsequently developed acupuncture, a system of healing which accessed this inner energy, and by manipulating the life force, as it ran along the invisible energy lines within the body, they could help restore the balance of positive and negative energies.

In its original sense, the word healing means to complete, 'to make whole'. To achieve a state of health, or wholeness, a balance must be found between these two positive and negative energies. W hen we are out of balance, ill health is the ultimate result.

The aura itself can best be described as pure energy, or light, that is primarily agitated by thought vibrations. Eventually the thought vibrations on the auric field crystallise, or densify, and become physical form. Matter is the end result of thought in its crystallised form.

The Human Mind

A trained energy healer or spiritual healer will be able to detect these imbalances on the auric field, before they manifest onto the physical body. Those gifted with clairvoyant sight will be able to detect them visually by using the rods and cones in the corner of the eye - peripheral vision - which are more sensitive to subtle energies and wavelengths. When in the process of energy (spiritual) healing, the electrical field of the healer increases drastically in voltage as the healer passes energy on to the patient.

Verena Davidson, a gifted spiritual energy healer, claims that when in the process of healing, 'I tune into a higher source of energy and simply ask to be a clear channel of universal energy. I then imagine that same energy radiating out of my hands and I find I can· alter energy fields and vibrations in this way. Working primarily through the seven Chakras, or wheels of energy I am able to detect energy blockages or imbalances. Because each Chakra resonates at a certain tone and channels one of the colours of the spectrum, I am able to calm or energise the Chakra, and increase, decrease or cleanse the colours there.' The hands, she says, act as a scanner, picking up energy from the patient.

More new age touchy-feely mumbo-jumbo? Not so. Scientifically verifiable!

Dr Robert Beck is a nuclear physicist who has travelled the world measuring the brain waves of healers in an attempt to try and explain the healing force. Dr Beck soon made a startling scientific discovery. He basically found that no matter what their own particular method of healing, all healers exhibit an identical brain wave frequency during healing itself. The frequency was 7.8- 8.0 hertz. Why it should align to this frequency? This puzzled Dr Beck until he realised that the Earth's magnetic field also fluctuated between 7.8-8.0 hertz. These are known as Schumann waves.

Dr Beck also discovered that during the healing process the healer's brain becomes both frequency and phase synchronistic to these waves and the natural frequency of the global magnetic field. Dr Beck also believes that healers are able to take energy directly from the magnetic field of the Earth itself at the unconscious level. This phenomenon is known as field coupling.

According to Dr Beck's research, after healing the patient's brain frequencies had also become phase synchronistic with the healer and the 7.8-8.0 hertz frequency of the Earth's magnetic field.

The Mystic Mind

Dr John Zimmerman, founder of the Bio-Electromagnetics Institute in Reno, Nevada, also researched this field coupling phenomena and found that the healers left and right brain became balanced with each other and demonstrated the same alpha rhythm predominating during healing as Dr Beck had found.

In our original form we are pure energy and pure light and beyond sickness and ill health. It is negative thinking that causes imbalances. Ultimately, everything is pure energy, and if we are not in balance and living in harmony with the universe and ourselves, these negative emanations will eventually materialise onto the physical body and begin to block the energy fields resulting in ill health.

Natural healing methods help direct healing energy onto the auric field and help correct these imbalances. The type of imbalance may also be detected by assessing the colour balance within the energy field itself.

We are continually creating colour within our thoughts which filter onto the auric field, and in constant reaction with colour from our environment. Although we may think of colour as an inert substance with no power or meaning, colour can affect our mood and temperament. We also use colour to express our feelings - thus, 'red with anger', 'green with envy', and so on. Can colour affect our mood? In 1932 Robert Gerard, a US scientist conducted a series of scientific experiments. He subsequently discovered, under strict laboratory conditions, that exposure to red light excited the senses, increased heart and respiration rate and inevitably made people much more stimulated and aggressive. Exposed to pink light however, his experimental subjects became tranquilised and incapable of anger. Blue too, was calming and relaxing, decreasing pulse and respiration rate and so on. These effects he noted, applied to those with or without physical sight.

This is because light behaves as both particles and as waves, and can be perceived with both physical sight and at the sub­ atomic level on the auric field, which will be perceived as vibrations, or wave energy through the relevant Chakra. We literally perceive colour at the wave level, the auric field acting as a magnetic receptor to wave energy. Each colour has its own wave frequency. We pick up colour at this level in the same way that a

The Human Mind

radio tunes into radio waves. The aura is continually reacting to colour vibration.

What are the Chakras? According to the Indian Vedic tradition, the Chakras are seven major invisible wheels, or vortexes of energy within the auric field itself. These are situated parallel to the spinal column, and are the invisible receptors for cosmic or universal energy. Each is tuned to a different planetary magnetism, note and colour and twinned with a major glandular system (see Figure 9).

The Chakras act as receivers for universal wave energy, each operating at its own frequency of sound and colour. The Chakras then transform this powerful universal energy into an energy vibration the physical body can withstand, via the seven major glandular systems. The glandular systems are then responsible for distributing this energy throughout the body in order to maintain and nourish vital life systems at the physical level.

There are seven major Chakras and seven major glandular systems. Third Eye Centre, or Brow Chakra is paired with the Pineal Gland, the Throat Chakra with the Thyroid gland, The Solar Plexus with the Adrenals, the Bass Chakra with the Gonads, and so on. A disturbance, imbalance or blockage at one of these paired chakric-glandular centres will cause an imbalance in the energy field and if it is not prevented, will eventually manifest as physical disease.

Colour is a living energy. Like Light. Like Sound. The colours which appear on the aura are associated with each of these Chakras and each Chakra is associated with a colour, a note, and a planetary ruler, and the colour manifesting on the aura is indicative of mood, spiritual and mental state, and physical health. These chakric centres are sub-atomic receptors to cosmic energy, which is converted into form. They distribute light throughout the body.

As we saw with the Kirlian leaf experiment, the stronger the light, the stronger the energy. The weaker the light, the weaker the energy. Blockages on the physical body will be preceded by blockages on the aura itself.

The aura, being composed as it is of some form of sub-atomic vibrating substance, is also sensitive to sound as a healing medium and 'overtoning' is now a popular method of inducing healing onto the auric field by the use of sound vibrations. Each of

The Mystic Mind

The seven major Chakras

In document Crystal Love - The Mystic Mind (Page 37-39)