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Fig. 24 Symbol of the Heart chakra

The chakra's symbol is the Star of David, which expresses the perfect unity between matter and spirit. This center relates to the air, to the sense of touch, which denotes the characteristic of association, being in touch with everyone around us. The role of this center is to radiate love.

The Heart chakra has a crucial role in the development of humanity. In its very broadest sense, love is the wish to unite with the Creator. It is the force of gravitation, of attraction, which holds the universe. It is such an immense force, that nothing can stand against it. The heart teaches us to love our fellow human beings; it unites us, and helps us in our life. After having gained self-confidence, one starts to think of others - but before beginning to love others, one has to love oneself. Every person should first balance the different parts in oneself, and afterwards the relationships among

oneself and others. One has to refine the energies of the lower chakras, in order to elate them to the upper centers. Faith, innocence, happiness and love bring about the opening of the heart. Doubts, faultfinding and the oppression of sentiments - shut the Heart chakra. The test is compassion and love that do not separate, but connect.

When the Heart chakra is disturbed, it can disconnect itself and act in a certain distance from the body. It happens usually while lying, and that is the explanation to the many cases of the obstruction of the heart's muscle, which occur during the nights. If the chakra is too far away, or its movement is in the opposite direction - in such cases, it must be treated as it can cause heart problems.

The functioning of the lungs is also under the responsibility of this chakra. In cases of asthma, the chakra gets further away, and the lung meridian does not act properly, and vice versa, if the lung meridian is obstructed, then we have to take care for the proper function of the heart. When we are sick, it is advisable to send love signals from the heart, to the ailing organ. The chakra's energy heals, and a loving person radiates remedy and serenity, to those who surround him. This is the chakra through which healers work. When the center is well developed we become a channel for the love of God. If we love for the sake of love we understand the meaning of life - an expression of love to all human beings. In such a state, we perceive ourselves in our fellow humans, we see in every individual the divine light. If the Heart chakra does not operate properly, love becomes egotistic or it is not possible to receive it, or to grant it. There exists a fear of getting hurt, a fear of emotional involvement, and a fear from being rejected. A firmly shut heart signifies emotional coldness, or apathy, which might lead into depression. When one of the familial couple is the leading member and is oppressing his companion - his love is a choking love and the relationship is frozen. Energy must move freely, and everyone should respect one's partner.

If the Heart chakra is blocked, it harms the thymus gland, which is responsible for the immune system. The thymus gland is located at the upper part of the chest. It is very influential during childhood, but with the growing up process, it is being gradually constricted. Lightly slapping upon it strengthens the immune system. Addictions like drinking alcohol, smoking and gluttony might harm

According to many books and traditions, the Heart chakra is the dwelling of the soul. Some authors think that its dwellings are in the Third eye or the Crown chakra or a chakra situated six to eight inches above the head. Nevertheless, the soul might exist in different dimensions and outside the physical body. If I ask my soul a question, I receive an answer from my heart. The soul is the witness to all our experiences, the God within us, and therefore it is our obligation to identify with our soul.

The soul can express itself properly only when the heart is pure and open, radiating love and happiness. True love is pure and unconditional - and is the quality of the soul. Often, love is identified with the mutual attraction between the sexes - but we must open our hearts, to make it spiritual too. True love is not limited to a sole individual; it is the love that flows from our heart to our fellow human beings. The essence of divinity is love, and when we unite with it, we are not alone anymore - we are with creation, and with the Creator. We are being in a state of joy and its source is within ourselves.

The aim of love is to develop the consciousness from egotistic to collective one. An open heart is a source of love for everyone, and it radiates happiness. When the chakra is open we endow our fellowmen with gifts of help, and bring happiness into their lives. We are just like flowers who give their beauty freely to everyone. The center radiates compassion. Serving others develops the chakra - particularly, if it is done with unconditional love.

Having problems with a mate, parents, or being oppressed by a mate, immorality, showing no respect to other human beings - all those damage the Heart chakra. To balance the Heart chakra, we put the right hand above it and on top of it the left hand. To balance the Heart chakra and the Solar plexus, we put the left hand on the Solar plexus and the right hand on the Heart chakra.

Similarly, we can balance the flow of energy along the spine, by placing the left hand, palm up at the end of the spine, and sitting upon it, and holding the right hand, palm down, above the head's Crown, for one minute. This kind of activity helps particularly in states of fatigue and tension.

The Heart chakra's color is green. The color green is located at the middle of the chromatic color order. Just as the green color balances between the warm and cold colors, so the Heart chakra balances and connects the three lower chakras, with the three upper ones. Green colored crystals:

Aventurine, Jade, Green Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline, Emerald, also Rose Quartz, and among the essential oils - the rose oil - all have a harmonious resonance with the Heart chakra, and are, therefore, suitable to treat it. The chakra is stimulated by a harp, a guitar or a mandolin.

If the Solar plexus is the fighting chakra, the Heart chakra is its antithesis - the chakra of serenity, balance, and tranquility. Whenever my heart is distressed, I imagine and feel as if honey is being poured at the spot where the chakra is, soothing my heart. If you are not fond of honey, you may imagine butter instead, or a nice green color, that finds easily its way to the senses and soothes the heart.

The chakra's element is the air and the heart influences the breathing process. Therefore, breathing deeply and quietly, and concentrating on the heartbeat if it is regular soothes the heart.

An Exercise:

Sit comfortably, with the throat straight, the shoulders hanging loosely, but not hunched. Raise your hands above the head and close your hands into fists behind the head, while inhaling. When you raise your hands to the shoulder height, the lung space widens up. Open up your palms, as we exhale the air from the lungs, bringing the hands down to the initial position. This action should be repeated several times.

The vowel A and the sound "Fa", suit the Heart. It is also recommended to laugh, to yawn, and to concentrate on the wind sounds.