• No results found

Vol 6, Issue 9, December 2016 Page 93 narrative writing.Students are more accused to the teachers and more like the classrooms of

In document Vol. 6, Issue 9, December 2016 (Page 93-96)

teacher-centered. Students are not acquaintance with modern methods of learner-centered. Learner-centered learning situates students' interests first, acknowledging student voice as central to the learning experience. In a learner-centered classroom, students select what they will learn, how they will learn, and how they will recognize their own learning. This is different fromtraditional education in which teaching process is "teacher-centered learning". This type of teaching putsthe emphasis on the teacher as the primarily role. Thus the learners are more passive and get the receptive role. In a teacher-centered classroom, teachers select what the students will learn, how the students will learn, and how the students will be recognized on their learning. In contrast, learner-centered learning needs students to be not passive, responsible participants in their own learning and with their own way of learning. Teachers teach traditionally, and students learn traditionally too. Traditional perspective is all dependent. They like to check all the things in the classroom in the manner of teacher-centered not in the manner of learner-centered(Bing, 2011).

Cognitive styles influence the strategies applied by learners (Winke, 2005). The learning strategies are the activities learners docognitively and meta-cognitively which are all involved in the process of writing narrative essays as well as other types of texts (Myles, 2002). The teachers need to help the learners to be more self-directed and deal with self-study materials in the process of learning(Kang, 1999) so that they can compensate for their weaknesses using appropriate strategies.

This study was an attempt to compare field dependent students and field independent students other different kind of cognitive styles can be compared in future research.

6.3. Limitation of the Study

The researchers faced several limitations in this study including, first, the small size of the research population. The present study only focused on student respondents located in selected Jahad University in Ahvaz, who are academically good. Thus, the findings cannot be generalized to all Universities and students in Ahvaz. It is suggested that future research may check students from various university types with varies academic background so that findings can be generalized across a much larger population. Second, the time allocated to the instructions was so limited. Third, there was a lackof treatment teaching narrative writing classes and enough spaces to FD and FI students in Jahad University.


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