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Jivatma Traps

In document Letters to Gail Two (Page 94-98)

Dear Gail:

The subject is “Jivatma Traps.” The Jivatma may be trapped by emotional pain, sex, mysticism, surgery, facsimiles, mockups, physical, if it has a MEST body, desire for physical possessions, body worship, borrowing pictures, and a half-dozen or more other things you see around you daily, including loyalty, faith, and the qualities used by any orthodox religion.

Now some of the ways a Jivatma may trap other Jivatmas is through the retractor waves. That is to say that one Jivatma can send out a wave length which will act as a retractor force with something else. This beam is sometimes called a tractor beam which means that the Jivatma can pull the object right up to itself. Therefore it is very easy to batter the Jivatma into unconsciousness and pull it up against a wall like a fly; to trap it there for as long as the aggressor desires. Sounds a little strange, but anyone with absolute self-possession can work out a lot of ways to trap a Jivatma even after it has become what might appear to be a physical captive of a group. Remember this, the more the force of an individual is cancelled out by counter-forces, the lower he gets on the scale of attitudes. Hit by strong forces, the Jivatma begins to conceive that it isn’t anything, that it is a nothing—and when it gets to this point it disbelieves.

Invalidation by force is the answer to much of our crime today. Invalidation of the individual makes him become so degraded by force invalidation that he devotes himself to the vegetable thing called a body in a last ditch effort to control some part of the environment. He is invalidated to a nothingness, so the body has to become something.

Therefore, he is trapped; for example, the racial question in the South amounts up to the whites being invalidated by the coloreds, on one hand, and on the other invalidated by the government so they become as an individual group a nothingness, and after a while, in order to counter-act this, take up a fight against those forces which made them invalidated. This force could lead to a full scale, but minor war against either side. The invalidation scale runs like this:

(1) Criticism and Counter-Criticism are the overt and motivator invalidations on the thought level. (2) Misemotionalism and Counter-Misemotionalism are the overt and motivator invalidations on the emotion level. (3) Physical force and Counter-Physical force are the overt and motivator invalidations on the effort level.

Thought, emotion and effort can hang up one on the time track, and keep him trapped in such a way that he will be a willing or unwilling, but at least an obedient, slave or to get him out of the area and keep him from running away thereafter or to nail him into complete useless immobility.

The society wants him to have a good reaction to police threats (and most psychotics will become more psychotic immediately after a police interview, no matter how innocent it was). He is required to leave the MEST body alone and respect it. Furthermore, the now trapped Jivatma will turn on its fellow-Jivatmas who are free and any that it didn’t like; it wants to start running and keep running or, barring that, to be immobile MEST thereafter.

Another way of trapping a Jivatma is to give it a box of pictures, and since it is disposed of collecting pictures it will get so absorbed in them, that it will spend years looking at them like a child does in a picture-book. This is partly from curiosity, and partly from interest. You will find this type Jivatma (when in a MEST body) to be very curious about

cereal boxes which have pictures inside them. A Jivatma which is high on the tone scale can pick up and discard pictures at will. Almost every Jivatma has a fear of losing its facsimiles, and the collapse of its time track.

Sometimes an implant will trap a Jivatma. If it is given a strong postulate by another Jivatma, it might follow out that postulate to a completeness. For example, this is an exaggeration but makes for a picture of what can happen. If an implant is given a Jivatma—say a strong forgetter implant, shot into him and then he is told that he is a rock and will sit on the side of a mountain for ten thousand years, it’s done, until one day another Jivatma comes by and sees him. “What are you doing there, Charley?” The implanted Jivatma says,

“I’m a rock, you fool. Anybody can see that!” Of course, the passing Jivatma gives him the word that he’s really not a rock but a Jivatma, breaking the spell. This is so often done among Jivatmas. Remember so many keep constantly telling a child that he is stupid and after a while he believes that. Same idea—but on a higher scale and the Jivatma is hypnotized into believing he is a rock and will try to act like one.

The zombies of the Haiti Voodoo legend were bodies without the Jivatma inside them. They are driven out by some Jivatma who has a terrible knowledge of what he can do with black magic, and uses the bodies for slave labor. The Jivatmas which have been driven out of the body are trapped and held somewhere, maybe put to sleep, or driven up against a wall and held there by electronic beams so they cannot escape. This all sounds wild but it is true—I’m aware that it’s getting ahead somewhat for you—but if you don’t try to think hard it will all start working out in your mind faster.

Much of the devices used for traps to keep the Jivatma caught are of a hypnotic, stimulus-response variety. One of the best examples of this today is the university education which

makes a file card system out of the mind for the supposed thinking individual. The use of the subconscious as taught now by most so-called mystics and occult leaders is simply a Jivatma trap and many cults like the Aquarian Foundation are a trap for their followers. I don’t mean to say that everything is a trap but most traps are simple, so simple that you can catch them first handed—and they go like this: “You’re guilty so you must pay the penalty or let my church, my group or myself rid you of that guilt!” Most groups will want to set up a guilt pattern in the individual to make him look at himself and tell himself what a bad fellow he is—and that he is awful! Even wives will do this to husbands, or vice versa. Most cults use this device! Most churches, religions use it also, like im-planting one with the original sin idea! When anyone sets out to invalidate you or degrade you, look out! He may be trying to set you a trap; or when anyone tries to arouse your curiosity to the point you are going to investigate—then beware—this might be a trick which he is setting up. Remember advertising? The old curiosity hook is used here to make a person want to look at the merchandise and slammo he’s sold.

(Remember the article on Yang and Yin.) Same principle!

Here is an interesting thing. Know how many types of psychology there are? Seventeen, or more. They are:

Applied, Industrial, Social, Practical, Corporation, Education, Pathological, Religious, Structural, Physiological, Purposive, Animal, Child, Ethnopsychology, Genetic, Psychotherapy, Psychical, to name a few. These are broken down into subdivisions. See how long it takes to learn one branch of psychology. Don’t think you can get spiritual psychology in a few letters.

More later.


71. Necessity of a Strong Mind

In document Letters to Gail Two (Page 94-98)