• No results found

The last aspect on which we want to elaborate in this theoretical introduction to socio-ecological modelling concerns the limitations of its use. In order to set the path towards the proposal of new horizons that reflect on the policies of sustainable agrarian systems’ design, we want to avoid embracing a positivist standpoint. We are determined to keep away from the cartesian illusion of an entirely modelized society that astonishingly extends his mechanistic approach to social relations, despite the fact that it seems to be clear evidence of its irrational nature (Saltelli and Giampietro, 2017). For this main reason, a careful assessment of the factors that could be detrimental to the success of the model has to be carried out. As we already mentioned, the model does not become an end in itself but a tool which, based on the reflexive and self-poietic process of society, must be applied to achieve a specific goal – in this case, a sustainable agrarian system.

According to Saltelli and Giampietro (2017), the assessment of the likelihood of success in the application of a proposal through public policies comprises three main types of capabilities:

Feasibility: these are processes which are out of reach to human control – i.e. internal processes. In our case we consider biophysical processes related to the underlying

Chapter 5. Socio-ecological modelling of agroecosystems

thermodynamic, physical, chemical and biological principles of agroecosystems.

Viability: these include processes that are under human control, which in the present case translates to the interaction between society and nature. As we will show later, a further differentiation is appropriate in our model and we will differentiate between technical viability and cash viability.

Desirability: this is a fundamental feature to be taken into account in the model, for the result of the application of SFRA must be desirable in social terms. This is the result of relying on social intentionality.

As can be appreciated in Figure 5.1, the model groups selected capabilities and tailors them in order to enhance its effects on others. To estimate wether they interact in a juxtaposed or in a hierarchical fashion, it is mandatory to go to the roots of both the discipline from which we approach the problem as well as of the particular problems that the case agroecosystem under study is challenging.

In first place, in embracing the point of view of Ecological Economics, our aim is to contribute to Strong Sustainability by means of a reinterpretation of the functioning of markets as sub-systems of human economy – which in its turn depends on ecology in a broader sense (Foster, 2000). The ultimate goal of our approach is to identify the way in which market mechanisms can be established in order to guarantee social-nature relations that do not endanger the sustainability of the territory. We understand it as a strategy of transformation that confronts the current global food regime system (Levidow et al., 2014). The ultimate goal, however ambitious it might seem, is to move forward towards a definition of novel cash exchanges effectively subjugated to particular social and territorial restrictions that allow to shape more resilient and sustainable agroecosystems.

These restrictions include not only what Cronon (1991) defines as first-nature variables (the boundaries strictly relying on biophysical constrains) but also those of second nature affected by social relationships – i.e. cultural practices, technological development and relationships between the different agents of the society. Among all possible restrictions, there are two categories that strongly determine the range of possible uses of a territory, disregarding the role of society itself, namely the biophysical limitations and the available cultural technologies and practices. According to the definition of Saltelli & Giampietro (2017), these would respectively correspond to the already mentioned feasibility and the subcategory technical viability. By means of these two main restrictions, which are determined by the environment and the context of technical-agronomic development beforehand, the structure of the model is set up (Figure 5.1).

All this frames a region of technical-ecological possibilities of agroecosystems termed as site-time specific.

By taking into account considerations about the social suitability of the model, this region of technical-ecological possibilities defined by the restrictions of feasibility and technical viability will be further narrowed. This leads us to the consideration of structure-information, which requires a clear definition of the social objectives according to which we want to design agrarian systems. As pointed out in section 5, this definition implies the introduction of the desirability into our ‘equation’ - i.e. the need to elucidate the intent according to which we want to optimize these scarce resources. Within the structure of the model, this concerns the objective function that determines what has to be maximized or minimized in a territory based on the region of possibilities. As we will show later, it is precisely this objective function that finally leads towards different scenarios.

Chapter 5. Socio-ecological modelling of agroecosystems

By saying that, we do by no means suggest that the whole complexity contained in the concept of desirability is going to be reduced to one single function. This would lack the dialectic approach that an appropriate consideration of social factors requires. Within the structure of the model, there are aspects that respond rather to social desires (notice again that in this sense we refer to a strict society-nature interaction) than to the prevailing needs of the biophysical or technical limiters (e.g. the conservation of certain forest areas due to its historical or cultural value). Nevertheless, from a social perspective, it is certainly required to make choices about the aspect according to which we want to optimize the use of resources. In case multiple goals are simultaneouly pertinent, they can be weighted according to relevance or a hierarchical relationship between them can be established. As will be seen in Chapter 9 about further research, there are several mathematical tools (such as multicriteria analysis or hierarchical optimizations) that allow to cope with these more complex situations indicative of the interaction of multiple social interests, while maintaining the structure of the model. Based on social desires, the process of selection of an optimal point from within a region of possibilities, urges a serious collective and social deliberation. However, as we will show, this is not the only point to be made.

Given the structure of a model that guarantees both feasibility and technical viability, we run the SFRA based on desirability. This allows us to obtain a horizon scenario in which both the structure of funds as well as the flows that guarantee the reproducibility of the agroecosystem in organic terms are defined.

In Chapter 7 we will define the horizons based on all the above mentioned characteristics.

This is however just the first step towards the achievement of the ultimate goals of Ecological Economics as a tool for strong sustainability. Once we set the frame for the design of scenarios on an agroecosystem that fulfill the requirements of feasibility, desirability and technically viability, and assuming it is already socially validated, the next step will be to asses the cash viability. This requires the conception of suitable policies to guarantee that the socio-ecological aspects taken into account before are not adversely affected by an incoherent cash exchange.

Based on the theoretical developments on the relative price relationships between goods, labor

Figure 5.1. Conceptual scheme for the capabilities considered in SFRA modelling. Source: Our own. The bottom drawing on diffraction of light holds a Creative Common License, from Suidroot.

Chapter 5. Socio-ecological modelling of agroecosystems

and capital framed by Marco et al., (forthcoming), our model could give hints about which are the most appropriate converters (prices, salaries and profits) that need to be modified and to which extent. This would clear the path towards the design of public policies in order to define regulations, tax, subsidies, planning, etc. It has to be noticed that the agricultural sector is a fundamental area for life sustainibility and that policies at European level are already subsidizing this activity in a markedly interventionist way. In view of the results of the Common Agricultural Policy and the social and environmental impacts it has had (both internally and externally), we strongly encourage a profound reconsideration of the same, with a systemic vision and a clear socially desirable horizon.

As it is now hopefully clear, our proposal addresses the material dimensions of social metabolism in its strict society-nature interaction, and not among individuals within the society.

Regardless of considerations about the democratization of processes, there are issues that can reveal itself as critical in order to guarantee an agroecological commitment – above all, for instance, the access to resources. Most likely, this suggests that several institutional changes would be necessary in order to cope with these issues through a positive and confident intervention of the immaterial dimensions of social metabolism (González de Molina and Toledo, 2014). In the frame of our research, however, we have limited the study to the material dimension by identifying horizons in an hypothetically pre-established situation of equitable access to resources, assuming full information and flow flexibility. Any scenario of social relations other than the one we have assumed, would lead to a reduction in the efficiency of the use of resources and consequently to a reduction in the degree of optimization of the resulting agroecosystems.

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Chapter 6. Beyond Chayanov, SFRA c.1860