• No results found

by Professor Gautam Sethi

Associate Professor of Economics and Econometrics, Bard Center for Environmental Policy % Clear the workspace of existing variables.


% _________________________________________________________________________

% _________________________________________________________________________ % READ DATA IN.

% Read in the raw data.

Raw_Data = xlsread('maxdiff.xlsx');

% Specify the issues using a character array.

Issues = ['Does not pay a living wage';

'Does not provide a safe workplace or take injury prevention precautions'; 'Does not create jobs in the US';

'Discriminates against certain groups of customers or potential customers'; 'Does not have independent board leadership, risks conflicts of interest'; 'Discriminates in pay based on irrelevant characteristics';

'Is not truthful in advertising or labeling'; 'Does not use environmental resources efficiently'; 'Does not minimize pollution';

'Does not protect customer/consumer privacy'; 'Does not provide health insurance';

'Has leadership and business practice controversies or routinely violates laws and regulations';

'Does business with companies with abusive conditions';

'Does business with governments who oppress their people or violate international human rights';

'Does not have a board with diversity based on age, gender, nationality, race, socioeconomic background, and tenure';

'Makes decisions about product quality that negatively affect durability or safety’];

% _________________________________________________________________________

% _________________________________________________________________________ % CLEAN DATA

% Calculate the number of respondents

num_respondents = size(Raw_Data,1);

% Some of the respondents did not answer any of the questions. % First identify them.

Non_respondents = zeros(num_respondents,1); for i = 1:num_respondents if all(isnan(Raw_Data(i,:)) == 1) == 1 Non_respondents(i) = 1; end end Non_respondents = logical(Non_respondents); %

% Now drop the non-respondents.

Raw_Data(Non_respondents,:) = [];

% Recalculate number of respondents.

num_respondents = size(Raw_Data,1);

% Some of the respondents did not answer some of the questions.

% For each question, there should be exactly one "least disliked" and one "most disliked" response. % If this is the case, do nothing (keep the respondent in the sample).

% If not, identify these respondents. %

% Begin with initialization.

Partial_non_respondents = zeros(num_respondents,1);


% Now identify them. for i = 1:num_respondents for j = 1:16 if sum(Raw_Data(i,(j-1)*32+1:(2*j-1)*16) == 1) || sum(Raw_Data(i,(j-1)*32+1:(2*j-1)*16) == 2) == 1 else Partial_non_respondents(i) = 1; end end end %

% Convert the array to logical.

Partial_non_respondents = logical(Partial_non_respondents);


% Make a copy of the raw data for conversion to clean data.

Clean_Data = Raw_Data;


% Drop the raw data.


% Now drop the partial non-respondents from the clean data.

Clean_Data(Partial_non_respondents,:) = [];

% _________________________________________________________________________

% _________________________________________________________________________ % COMPRESS DATA

% Many of the columns in the original data are blank. Compress the clean data. %

% Recalculate number of respondents.

num_respondents = size(Clean_Data,1);

% Specify the number of questions.

num_questions = 16; Compressed_Data = zeros(num_respondents,6*num_questions); for i=1:num_respondents for j = 1:num_questions Compressed_Data(i,(j-1)*6+1) = find(Clean_Data(i,(j-1)*2*num_questions+1:(2*j-1)*num_questions) == 1); Compressed_Data(i,(j-1)*6+2) = find(Clean_Data(i,(j-1)*2*num_questions+1:(2*j-1)*num_questions) == 2); Compressed_Data(i,(j-1)*6+3) = find(Clean_Data(i,(2*j-1)*num_questions+1:2*num_questions*j) == 1); Compressed_Data(i,(j-1)*6+4) = find(Clean_Data(i,(2*j-1)*num_questions+1:2*num_questions*j) == 2); Compressed_Data(i,(j-1)*6+5) = find(Clean_Data(i,(2*j-1)*num_questions+1:2*num_questions*j) == 3); Compressed_Data(i,(j-1)*6+6) = find(Clean_Data(i,(2*j-1)*num_questions+1:2*num_questions*j) == 4); end end % _________________________________________________________________________ % _________________________________________________________________________ % SCORING %

% Now construct the scores for each issue.

num_issues = size(Issues,1);

% Initialize the Like matrix, which shows the number of times a respondent likes an issue.

Like = zeros(num_respondents,num_issues);

% Initialize the Dislike matrix, which shows the number of times a respondent dislikes an issue.

Dislike = zeros(num_respondents,num_issues);

Pref_Matrix = zeros(num_issues,6,num_respondents);

% Make the Like and Dislike matrices for all respondents. for i = 1:num_respondents Pref_Matrix(:,:,i) = reshape(Compressed_Data(i,:)',6,num_questions)'; for k = 1:num_issues Like(i,k) = sum(Pref_Matrix(:,1,i) == k); Dislike(i,k) = sum(Pref_Matrix(:,2,i) == k); end end

% Count the number of times each issue appears for each repondent

Count = zeros(num_respondents, num_issues);

for i = 1:num_respondents for k = 1:num_issues Count(i,k) = sum(sum(Pref_Matrix(:,3:6,i)==k)); end end

% Calculate the maxdiff score.

Score = (Like-Dislike)./Count;

% _________________________________________________________________________

% _________________________________________________________________________ % SUMMARY STATISTICS AND RESULTS

% Compute the mean score for each issue.

Mean_Score = mean(Score,'omitnan');

[a, b] = sort(Mean_Score,'descend');

% Convert the character array into a cell array.

Issues = cellstr(Issues);

% Sort the issues in decreasing order of importance.

Importance = Issues(b)


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