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ME1 Pictures and Matchin3 Pictures

In document Psychic (Page 60-65)

Mental/Emotional Image (MEI) pictures are concentrated pockets of emotional energy and corresponding thoughts/ideas/beliefs that have accumulated in a certain location of our body. These pockets of energy are formed over time and are records of our experiences with corresponding feelings and thoughts about the experiences. They are frames of reference that motivate and control human perception; they dictate the manner in which people interpret and react to every aspect of life.

Clairvoyants see this coagulated grouping of thoughtforms, emotions, and memories in the form of images or pictures, thus the term Mental/Emotional Image picture.

Some MEI pictures are born from an initial emotionally charged or traumatic experience.

Oftentimes they were created centuries ago during a person's former incarnation (past life). This experience forms a core of energy that acts like a magnet for similar experiences and energies. Over time this collection of experiences can have a snowball effect. They can become extremely emotionally charged and have quite a strong influence on one's perceptions, attitude, and lifestyle.

Some people believe that when we were initially created as spirits, we were essentially a "clean slate."

We did not have any of these pictures. Over time we become polluted, clouded, and dimmed by the accumulation of these emotional and mental energies.

As we move through everyday life, we are constantly being bombarded by other people's thoughtforms. Our self-esteem is very closely tied to how other people perceive us or how we think they perceive us, as well as the energy that they send (and that we accept). You may have noticed that when involved in certain intimate relationships, your self-esteem either rises or declines. This is largely because you are reading and to some extent buying in to the pictures that your significant other has of you, which may be totally unrelated to who you really are, but resonate with energy already in your aura.

MEI pictures can block our energy flow in a particular part of our body or energy field. They also create pockets of vulnerability. When a spirit or person wants something from us, they will usually plug into an MEI picture. During a clairvoyant reading/healing, it is helpful not only to uncover foreign energies in the chakras and aura, but also to look at what pictures these energies are attached to and then to describe these pictures. Otherwise, the foreign energy or similar energies may reattach themselves.

Not only do these pictures or pockets of energy attract similar experiences, they attract people into our lives who join us in playing out these experiences and who possess similar pictures, which are referred to as matching pictures. When someone has a matching picture with us, they have usually gone through similar life experiences. The people who are closest to us often have many matching pictures with us. Usually people who come to us for readings or healings have matching pictures with us, or one major core picture, which we are both working on at the time of the reading. Initially, this

may be difficult to identify because their personalities and lives may seem quite different from our own.

In order to effect change in a person, these pictures need to be deenergized, illuminated, destroyed, or replaced. Just as accumulating these pictures is a natural process, so is discarding them. That is why we attract people in our lives with matching pictures. Every experience, event, person, etc., that we meet provides the opportunity to work through our MEI pictures so that these pictures need not control us. As already mentioned, oftentimes the energy from these experiences will glob onto the core pocket of energy to give it even more power. Just as frequently, these experiences or people will

"light up" or activate the emotional energy from the picture so that we can reexperience it, release it, and move on.

Psychologists have observed for a long time that people exhibit patterns in their life that pertain to their experiences and relationships. You yourself have probably noticed how you tend to attract the same sort of love interest in your life or the same conflicts at work. When you send the intention out into the universe (through determination) that you plan to break this pattern and not repeat past mistakes, this sets a healing process in motion. The universe's response will be to send a person or experience into your life that will stimulate the core energies so you can eventually release this type of programming. In some cases you may encounter a string of unbelievably similar people within a frightfully short period of time, especially if you live in highenergy places like Sedona, Arizona, where I live, or when your determination to heal yourself is relentless.

I believe that when yogis or Buddhists talk about attaining "enlightenment" and "nonattachment,"

they are in a sense referring to eliminating these pictures. Since we can see these pictures during a clairvoyant reading, it is possible to work with them through clairvoyant healing by deenergizing the pictures so they have less power over our clients.

As healers, we do have the ability to actually remove a picture from the readee's energy field. But caution and discretion is advised in this area, since we may then be tampering with Mother Nature and our client's spiritual blueprint. Some spirits have worked very hard to accumulate their experiences and don't want some meddlesome psychic taking them away! Also, people ground through pictures in are. The most helpful thing a psychic can do is remind the person that they are trapped within the confines of the MEI picture so they can calm down and become more of a neutral observer to their process. Oftentimes this reminder is all they need so they can begin to climb out of the picture where they can see things from a more balanced and realistic viewpoint, which will have a calming effect on their emotional state. They can then decide whether they wish to hold on to this picture or begin to establish a plan to work through the picture.

Sometimes a client will have been working on a picture for quite some time and is looking for the final catalyst to help them discard or "blow" the picture (a term used in clairvoyant training circles

because you can visualize the picture exploding), which is the clairvoyant reading. However, some psychic helps people to blow their pictures even when neither of them have an intellectual understanding or awareness of this process.

I make a point of getting at least a couple intensive readings a year from reliable clairvoyants in order to discover where I have fallen into a rut (picture) in my thinking and actions. Often a reading will set the stage for a paradigm shift, which makes room for a whole new set of experiences to enter into my life. Sometimes a client will come for a reading who may not be ready for lifetimes to work through certain pictures, but has been sent by God or the universe to the clairvoyant because the clairvoyant is ready to discard the matching picture. This is one of the main benefits of performing a reading and why it's a good idea for students to perform readings on a frequent and consistent basis.

Reading helps move and release energy for both the readee and the reader.

VVorkin3 Throu3h ME1 Pictures in Your Readin3s

The old adage "can't see the forest through the trees" can be applied aptly to MET pictures: you don't see them when you are in the midst of them. During a clairvoyant reading, there are a few telltale signs you can watch for that will let you know when you have a matching MET pictures with your readee. The more you have in common with your readee, the more matching pictures you have. Your readee might be so similar to you in terms of age, life experiences, issues, problems, and even appearance that there will be doubt that this person has been sent to you to help you work through your pictures.

When you encounter several people who could be your twin in a short period of time, you will know that you are getting close to working through a huge core picture, and your awe for the perfection of the universe and the divine order of things will really grow. Initially, you may be sent a emotion. The answer will come when the time is right. In following these steps, you will become more of an observer to your emotional state and less of a victim to it. Other indicators that you have a

matching picture with your client or are on the verge of "blowing" a core picture are when you are us (resisting is different than trying to make positive changes; there is no grace in resistance); or when we are certain of how things are supposed to be despite the fact they are not that way. These are the pictures that create our pain.

In addition to giving and receiving readings, watching movies can also help with the process of moving through and freeing ourselves of pictures that do not serve us. Just as with any experience in life, there is a spiritual reason why we see a particular movie at a particular time. Since movies consist of a string of millions of mental image pictures de rived from the screenwriters, directors, and actors, they will certainly light up our own pictures. The more a person performs clairvoyant readings, the more adept they will become at moving though energy and pictures. I actually start to

Upon blowing or working through a core picture, there is going to be a period of adjustment, referred to as a growth period. During this period, all kinds of emotions, possibly conflicting ones, may arise, and it can feel very unsettling because you will have just discarded what you previously thought was you, but was really just a bunch of past time perceptions, ideas, and emotions. For a while you may find yourself hanging in midair, not knowing where you will land or even who you are. You may also experience grief for all the time you wasted being caught up in those silly pictures. Just remember to go easy on yourself; you were exactly where you needed to be when you were there, just as you are perfect as you are now.


In document Psychic (Page 60-65)