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Thematic clipping of children’s language for effective learning


(1) To help the students developing language effectivelyin Kindergarten. (2) Attracting children in learning activities so that children do not get bored. (3) Make it easy for children to multiply vocabulary by using source (picture). (4) Growing children’sinterest to love reading books.

(5) Streamlining the maturity of soft motoric skills through cutting activities. (6) Train the children’s courage in expressing their opinion.

(7) The usage of magazines, worn-out newspapers and others.


The study of thematic clipping not only could be implemented in the language area but also could be given as homework at home, with the given homework at home, the author hopedthat the parents give such contributions in this study. Children are not given a lesson in another institutions using “Reading, writing and counting technique” and reduce serving children to watch TV proggramme such as cartoons that show violence, pornography, cruelty, revenge, crime, etc.If collaboration between the kindergarten school and parents done successfully, it would create a good children as expected .

This is according to the results of research Izzo et al, 1999 in the American Journal of Community Psychology, 27(6), shows that when parents and schools collaborate effectively, the child may behave and show a better performance. In

Thematic clipping of children’s language for effective learning 51 Hartini

accordance opinions Greenwood and Hickman (Gurbuzturk and Sad, 2010) states that parental involvement make a positive contribution in academic achievement, positive attitude and behavior, the readiness of the child with homework, increasing time children spend with parents and the child's awareness towards well being.

Language is as the means of communication and it is a very important tool in life and also a tool of conveying and understanding our thoughts, feelings to others and serving as a tool for developing children expression (Depdiknas, 2003: 103 ). Children's language development vocabulary is less than optimal because of the lack of media use in the learning process, something which can be used to deliver the message from the sender to the receiver so that it can stimulate the mind, feelings and attention so that there is a learning process, Djamarah (Elyawati, 2005). Clipping is a medium in multiply thematic vocabulary because by reading images, the spoken language skills which will be the basis for the development of reading and writing.

The scope of the development of language appropriate level of achievement in a child's development Permendikbud 137 in 2014, namely:

a. Understand the language, among others: listen and distinguish sounds in the language (sound and speech), know the vocabulary, understands several commands simultaneously, repeat the more complex sentences, understand rules in a game, happy and appreciate literature.

b. Disclose languages include: answering questions as questions, express opinions to other people, stating the reason for something to be desired or disapproval, telling and enriching vocabulary, oral communication, recognize the symbols for the preparation of reading writing and arithmetic, have more words to express ideas on others.

c. Literacy among other things: recognize the symbol, animal sound objects, create meaningful graffiti, call groups of images that have the same sound to understand the relationship of sound and form of letters, read write and understand the meaning of words in the story.

The achievement of the language development of language in understanding, revealed and no visual literacy will be fail, then clipping thematically as being effective, for the author to convey the preparation of planning, measures and reports on the activities of the following activities:

a) Preparation or planning

1. Preparation of program and technical implementation in the area of language learning

Clipping implemented in the area of language according to the program every two days, the teacher prepares books, old newspapers as well as equipment magazines tasks given to children in accordance with instructions of teachers, children search for images according to the theme that is being implemented. Eg theme work, the doctor orders an image swatch teacher, then a pair of scissors and glue to the scrapbook, for children who can or wants to write should be written underneath the doctor.

2. Preparation of program and learning techniques clipping with homework Teachers socialize activities on children's parents then assign tasks according to

the theme of activities carried out at home, with the children brought books contents liaison trustee statements that are mandatory and scrapbooks each - each child has been written in working order according to the theme.

3. Parents provide space-materials as well as materials and equipment used for clipping. Children must be accompanied not to cut the book is still used. Homework or task is given every Saturday and Monday in the scrapbook and book liaison taken to kindergarten to be discussed and read with children and teachers.

4. Core activities

Children were told to do the work in their respective groups in accordance with instructions in turn, children in the area of language ready for searching, open reading magazines, old newspapers and others, then cutting out images and text posted on scrapbook with each corresponding command , the guidance of teachers . Children were told to read and tell each picture in turn.

Step - step discussion of clipping :

1. Teacher gives an example of clipping to children

2. Teacher read the image / results of clipping in front of children 3. The teacher tells the image content in children

4. A child asked the teacher about the content of the image made by teacher 5. The teacher tells the children to prepare each scrap book

6. Children read the image clipping are made alternately and communicating the contents of the image clipping in front of friends - friends .

7. Children with children and children with the teacher make discussion of images then they made with simple question and answer

8. The teacher gives praise and stars for children who are brave enough and give encouragement to children who have not dared to advance storytelling and lead the discussion.

Learning Outcomes

Based on the research results brother Hartini in Kindergarten of Aisyiyah, Bustanul Affal, Krapyak Wetan for 3 months proved that based on the observation, assessment work, and portfolio documents of 15 children in the early months, about 11 children scored dersong or undeveloped (BB) and the value dersi 4 children or ( BSH), at the end of the observation results are 2 child gets values to dersong or underveloped (BB) and the value even developed very well (BSB) 13 children.

This success is due to a big share of the parents, this is in line also with the findings Sayekti (1994) which concluded that the family has a major contribution to the adequacy of child adjustment that will ultimately affect children's achievement. Also according to Ki Hajar Dewantara 1935 said that the family is the primary educator from the Tri education centers namely: the natural family, nature education and nature youth movement. In line with Kotaman (Gurbuzturk and Sad, 2010) explained that an active parent involvement can have a positive effect on various aspects of development.

It is clear that parents are a big hand in the success of their children in all areas of education development. Thematic Clipping activities undertaken for homework help to facilitate the development of language skills. One of the serious problem faced by the child is the lack of creativity. They tend to be silent or they are often not serious, difficulty in adjustment in joining lesson. After looking for the cause, it shows that their parents do not support them with means and collects statement reports. The difficulties can be overcome with intensive individual approach, in consulting with parents and even making home visit.

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From the results of the writing, it can be concluded are as follows:

(1) The study of thematic clipping implemented effectively to facilitate conversations between the children and teacher.

(2) Clipping Thematic held 2 days with homework to do at home gradually increase seen in the discussion of the event, according to the child's active argues done at home, respectively.

(3) In the group's activities in the area of children's corner diligent, enterprising, energetic and responsible.

(4) Thematic Clipping can be an effective language learning in Kindergarten because according to plan prescribed time in accordance with the expected capabilities, achieved, even more rapidly in children receiving activities, can be enjoyed as well as a satisfactory result.

(5) Thematic Clipping creates children tend to love reading and writing quickly. (6) Thematic Clipping in still habituation for children early to practice reading and

writing, cultivate children’s interest in reading.


Based on the results mentioned above, author delivered some recommendation for teachers, schools and government as follows:

Teachers should be more careful in choosing activities that fit the theme for the activities more meaningful. Teachers should be more creative in providing activities for children, the children enjoy doing activities with intended results trustee. The principal should always be active directly in leading teaching and learning activities. Principals should be more innovative and creative in developing learning in children so that children do not get bored active. Schools should provide adequate means for krgiatan learning, children do not have to be new and purchased. Parents should be always active to pay attention to their child in following study activities. Parents can assist learning activities at home calmly, with no tension and emotion, having the children learning at home simply by providing tools / media that they need and let them learn by themselves. Parents must be known the children's development and school activities taught them, so parents can help them if they found any difficulties.


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