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platfora-license view

In document Platfora Installation Guide (Page 108-111)

Displays the details of the currently installed license.


platfora-license view [-h]


The platfora-license view command is used to view the details of the currently installed Platfora license. The Platfora server must be running to use this utility.

Required Arguments

No required arguments.

Optional Arguments

-h | --help


Views the current Platfora license: $ platfora-license view


Starts, stops, restarts, checks, updates, disables, enables, or removes a worker node in a multi- node Platfora cluster. Requires one of the following sub-commands: add, remove, start, stop, restart, status, sync, config, enable, or disable.


platfora-node [-h] [-q] [-v] [-V] status | enable | stop | sync | remove | start | add | disable | config | restart [sub-command options]


The platfora-node utility is used to manage worker nodes in a multi-node Platfora cluster, and is always executed from the Platfora master. It must be run with one of the following sub-commands: • add - Adds and initializes a new worker node to a Platfora cluster.

remove - Removes an existing worker node from a Platfora cluster.

start - Starts the Platfora server process on the designated worker node(s). • stop - Stops the the Platfora server process on the designated worker node(s). • restart - Issues a stop immediately followed by a start.

status - Shows the status of the Platfora server process on the designated worker node(s). • disable - Takes a worker node out of operation. Disabled nodes remain in the cluster

configuration, but are not available to process queries. Typically you would disable a node to do server maintenance, and then enable it again after maintenance is complete. When a node is disabled, other nodes in the cluster will take over the lens data and processing work it was responsible for serving.

enable - Brings a disabled worker node back into operation. When a node comes up, it must retrieve the latest lens data it is responsible for serving before it will be fully available to work on queries.

sync - Copies the Platfora software binaries from the master to the designated worker node(s). • config - Configures the management port and host name of an existing node.

You can also use the platfora-services utility to run the start, stop, restart, status, sync, and config commands on all nodes at once. This utility is mainly used for adding new worker nodes, or taking nodes in and out of the cluster for server maintenance.

A node is identified by its unique node ID. This corresponds to the order that the node was added to the Platfora cluster configuration. Usually the master node is 0, the first worker node added is 1, the second worker node added is 2, and so on. You can run platfora-services status to see the IDs of all nodes in the Platfora cluster.

Finally, this utility ensures the clock on remote, worker nodes are in the acceptable tolerance from the master node clock. The tolerance is 60 seconds. If the node is not within the acceptable tolerance, the utility logs an error and, depending on the context, the node is not started/added/enabled.

Required Arguments

Requires one of the following sub-commands: add, remove, start, stop, restart, status, sync, config, enable, or disable.

Optional Arguments -h | --help

Shows the command-line syntax help and then exits. -q | --quiet

Runs in quiet mode. Do not send output messages to STDOUT. -v, -vv, -vvv | --verbose

Runs in verbose mode. Show all output messages. -V | --version

Shows the software version information and then exits.

platfora-node add

Adds a new worker node to a Platfora cluster configuration.


platfora-node add --host hostname [--port admin_port] [-- data_port data_port]

[--websvc_port http_port] [--datadir path] [-- disabled] [--skip_syscheck]

| [-h]


The platfora-node add command checks the remote node for the required software, registers a new worker node in the Platfora metadata catalog, copies the Platfora installation files to the remote node, starts the Platfora server on the new node, and enables the node to begin serving query requests. This command is run from the Platfora master.

Before you can add a node to the Platfora cluster, the remote server has to be correctly provisioned with the required prerequisite software and OS configuration settings. See the Provisioning a Platfora Server section of the Platfora Installation Guide for more information.

Required Arguments

--host hostname

The host name or IP address of the new worker node to add to the Platfora cluster.

Optional Arguments

-h | --help

Shows the command-line syntax help and then exits. --datadir path

The local directory where Platfora will store lens data and log files on the worker node. By default, uses the same $PLATFORA_DATA_DIR location as the master node.


This is the data transfer port used during query proccessing on multi-node Platfora clusters. By default, uses the same port number as the master node.


Adds the node to the cluster configuration but in a disabled state. The node will not participate in query processing until it is enabled.

--port admin_port

This is the server administration port used for management utility and API calls to the Platfora server. This is also the port that multi-node Platfora servers use to connect to each other. By default, uses the same port number as the master node.


Do not run the platfora-syscheck utility prior to adding the node. --websvc_port web_service_port

The web service port of the Platfora application server. By default, uses the same port number as the master node.


Add a new worker node with the host name of platfora-worker-1 to the Platfora cluster: $ platfora-node add --host platfora-worker-1

In document Platfora Installation Guide (Page 108-111)

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