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Psychic Ahitities and Energy

In document Psychic (Page 22-36)



One night as I was doing some last-minute Christmas shopping, I heard a group of excited teenagers discussing the blockbuster film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and the series of books by J. K.

Rowling that have made her the second wealthiest woman in England. They were saying how cool it would be to attend the fictional Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where Harry Potter discovers that he has extraordinary abilities that he never imagined existed but that occasionally exhibited themselves in startling and detrimental ways until he was taught to control these talents. I smiled to myself as I thought about the esoteric school of clairvoyance that I attended, and the one I later established in Sedona, where every day, every minute, was a new adventure, filled with discovery, drama, mystery, and challenges unheard of by most living beings. It still amazes and saddens me that I lived twenty-seven years of my life without the slightest inkling that I possessed clairvoyant abilities, and that there were schools that could teach me things that were not supposed to even be possible.

It's my dream that someday there will be no need for clairvoyant training schools because clairvoyant reading will be understood, encouraged, and taught by parents as well as teachers throughout our educational institutions. Unfortunately, we are not there yet. I hope this book will provide the initial wake-up call for the slumbering adults in the United States who are still oblivious to their own clairvoyant abilities and talents and therefore unaware of their own true potential and that of their children. If I could send everyone to a clairvoyant training school, I would, but that is neither feasible nor really necessary. Instead, I am bringing clairvoyant school to you, in this book, which I am dedicating to the thousands of clairvoyant students and teachers out there who can attest to the validity and usefulness of the information and guidance you are about to receive.

This is the only book of its kind devoted to the specific psychic ability of clairvoyance, although the techniques presented herein will aid in the development and attainment of other spiritual/extrasensory abilities as well. This book is based on the truism that every person is a natural-born clairvoyant and healer, and with training, practice, and faith, anyone can learn to perform detailed and accurate readings. The simple techniques described here are guaranteed to lead to immediate results, provided that you, the reader, do your homework.

This book will travel with you on your path of psychic and spiritual development: from learning basic techniques, to coping with the challenges of being psychic in mainstream society, to braving the business world of professional reading. Most importantly, this book will help you recognize how you naturally and constantly employ your psychic abilities (clairaudience, telepathy, transmediumship, and clairsentience) and will help you understand how these abilities may be enhancing or hindering

I began my clairvoyant training in 1994 at the Berkeley Psychic Institute in Berkeley, California,

The Berkeley Psychic Institute was founded by a brilliant psychic healer and spiritual teacher named Lewis Bostwick. Lewis recognized that people were suffering from pain and distress as a result of their lack of awareness of themselves as Spirit. He traveled throughout the world studying and practicing a variety of religions and disciplines, such as Catholicism, Scientology, the Rosicrucian Order, and Philippine faith healing, all of which strongly influenced the development of his clairvoyant reading and healing techniques. He designed and perfected specific techniques that have served the thousands of students who practiced them, as well as the hundreds of thousands of people who have received psychic readings from these students. Lewis Bostwick "fathered"

generations of clairvoyant teachers, many of whom went on to establish their own clairvoyant and healing institutes and training programs.

I began my clairvoyant training about two months after Lewis' death, and many of the techniques in this book were taught to me by his talented students. Robert Skillman, David Pierce (founder of Intuitive Way, a psychic training school), John Fulton (founder of the Aesclepion Healing Center), and Chris Murphy were a few of my most influential teachers. Lewis Bostwick believed in an oral tradition of teaching. While his school published its own magazine with articles presenting simple techniques and concepts, he never published a comprehensive manuscript on clairvoyant training such as I am doing here. I never received any written materials during my clairvoyant training and have none to refer to as I write this book. Lewis felt that whoever really needed the information supplied by his school would find their way there.

In the late 1990s, I left my job as a federal probation officer in Oakland, California, and moved to the Philippines for nine months, where I studied with the faith healers and psychic surgeons and eventually met Manuel, the father of my son. Manuel was a self-taught acupuncturist and together we traveled to remote regions and villages, healing and giving clairvoyant readings to the indigenous people who had no other access to medical care or counseling.

After the birth of our son in Las Vegas, where I began my teaching career doing workshops through a local spiritual organization called Spiritual Endeavors, I found my way to Sedona, Arizona, where I embarked on a career as a professional psychic and went on to establish the Sedona Psychic Training Center out of my home. The Sedona Psychic Training Center has never had an affiliation with the Berkeley Psychic Institute, although its curriculum was partially based on my own course of

resistances, programming, etc., to work through, although this is not nearly as true today as it was twenty years ago when BPI was established).

My own thirteen-month course of clairvoyant training was a sacred experience of which I would not trade a single minute. It was perfect for who I was, where I was, and what I needed to achieve at the time; however, I began to realize that not everyone desired, could manage, or even needed such an intensive and demanding commitment. Most of my classmates at Berkeley had no prior psychic training; in fact, many had never had an identifiable clairvoyant experience in their life. However, in Sedona, Arizona, many of my friends and students had been exploring their spiritual paths for decades. They already had attained a certain level of intuitive development. These were people who would never have found their way into a yearlong clairvoyant training program because they were not beginning students and would not tolerate being related to as such.

Three months after my arrival in Sedona, I created a television program called The Psychic Explorer: Adventures of the Spirit, which aired on channel 17, Geronimo Communications, and later metaphysically oriented guests, several of whom were graduates of various clairvoyant training programs throughout the country. Sedona is a small town and I was constantly being approached on the street, in the grocery store, the video store, and even on hiking trails by people who expressed gratitude and a burning interest in learning more about their clairvoyance.

At the same time, during reading sessions, client after client would ask me questions about how to protect themselves, how to break agreements with ex-lovers, how to overcome their blocks to manifest or get more in touch with their own energies, how to communicate with their spirit guides, and how to develop their clairvoyance. Occasionally I would intuit that a yearlong clairvoyant training program was appropriate for a particular client, but more frequently I would find that teaching these clients a few specific techniques was all they really needed. It became more and more apparent that trying to teach these techniques in the course of ten minutes at the end of a reading was not going to cut it. Many clients asked for books on the techniques that I knew to be effective from direct personal experience and observation of classmates and, later, my own students. I felt helpless and discouraged that I could not refer them to such a book because to my knowledge a book of this kind did not exist. I realized that the only way I could provide these hungry people with the information they needed in a simple, concise, and practical manner was to write a book myself.

As I began work on the book you are now reading, my work with my clients became more pleasurable and less stressful because I knew that soon I would have a means to continue to help them long after our session together had ended. Soon I would have a way to help masses of people help themselves, which is really the key to long-term healing. Before I had even finished writing the second chapter of this book, I already had a long list of clients waiting for its publication.

In this book I will present the techniques that I learned through the various clairvoyant training schools and workshops I have attended and that I have found to work for myself, my classmates, and my students. There is not one word herein that does not represent my own truth based on time-tested

personal experience. The process I have undergone during the past seven years of my own spiritual and clairvoyant development has been extremely challenging and, at times, stressful and painful. After only one month of my own clairvoyant training, I knew I would someday teach clairvoyance and healing, and I have approached every single reading and personal experience from the perspective that whatever I was learning was not just for myself, but for my future students. You, the reader of this book, are as much my student as those I have met face to face, and I am honored to share with you keys to knowing yourself and the universe in ways you may have never imagined.

Who Should Read This Book?

Whether you have a casual interest in psychic phenomena or a burning desire to develop your abilities, there is something for everyone in this book. The entertaining real-life stories, thought-provoking discussions, and easy-to-follow techniques will appeal to novices and gurus alike. The techniques are simple yet extremely powerful. In my workshops and classes, I have witnessed beginning students accessing their clair voyance within a matter of minutes. Many professional psychics that I encountered and taught in Sedona who had been reading for decades were surprised and delighted to discover new methods of clairvoyant development and healing techniques that profoundly enhanced their work and particularly their own health and wellness.

This book offers explanations and insights into the energetic dynamics of relationships, communication, and physical and mental health that you may not find in any other manuscript. It is an eye-opening resource for anyone in a helping profession, such as therapists, counselors, social workers, nurses, psychologists, and even elementary school teachers. Not only will it give you insights into many of your clients' problems, it will also help you avoid and overcome burnout.

What's more, it will provide you with techniques you can put into practice and share with your clients.

How to Utilize This Book

First I implore you to read this book with an open mind. This is not a research paper. There are no statistics and no reports of scientifically controlled experiments, although it could easily be the impetus for numerous experiments, and I encourage all readers to explore the plethora of psychic research that has been written about in journals and other books. The techniques presented here have

For those of you who are natural-born skeptics, I ask you to exercise patience, not just with this book, but with yourself. While skepticism is healthy and necessary in moderation, an unwillingness to even consider that there is more to life than what your eyes see can be detrimental to your health, relationships, and life in general, as I will illustrate in later chapters.

Fanatical skepticism, atheism, doubt, and negativity are dense energies in the form of programmed thoughts and emotional pain that block your abilities and prevent positive, nurturing experiences from gracing your life. The only way to work through these blocks is to ask the universe to bring you experiences that will open your mind, and then be patient and permit the answers to arrive in unexpected ways. I realize that asking the faithless to have faith is an oxymoron, but it is not impossible.

If you cannot suspend your judgment long enough to attempt to have an experience that might teach you something, then ask yourself what emotion (probably fear) is behind this resistance. Ironically, every single skeptic I have met that had such a vengeful resistance to the possibility of extrasensory perception was actually more sensitive and more naturally intuitive that the average human being. A quotation I read years ago in a book about past lives has always stuck with me: "It is no more amazing to have lived many lives than to live even one life" (author unknown). The fact that we humans exist at all is so mind-boggling and wondrous that to question the possibility of anything in this world is a wonder to me. What a miracle we all are regardless of our psychic abilities! If you so sincerely doubt the possibility that you are psychic, how can you even believe in your own existence?

For believers and skeptics alike, I suggest that you first read the book from cover to cover and then go back and practice the exercises. Many of the chapters build upon the preceding one, so reading them in chronological order will enhance your comprehension of the material. Of course, as with anything, there are no rules that apply to everyone. Some of you may be drawn to the book because of a single sentence; intuitively opening the book to a particular page where a much-needed message is waiting may be all you ever need from it.

I recommend practicing the clairvoyant exercises and psychic tools as they are prescribed, since every step of each exercise is presented for a specific reason. However, if you feel uncomfortable with a particular exercise or are not getting results with continued practice, go within yourself and see what modifications you can come up with that will work better for your particular needs.

Common Questions

What is clairvoyance ?

Clairvoyance means seeing clearly. It is the ability to access and decipher visual information through extrasensory means in the form of images or pictures. It does not involve the eyes, but rather the infinite universe behind the eyes. When you access your clairvoyance, you are using the same mechanics and parts of your brain that are active when you dream or use your imagination to visualize. If you have the ability to visualize anything, even something as simple as a circle, then you have clairvoyant ability. When you perform a clairvoyant reading, you relax your logical mind and let information in the form of images appear to you. Often you will obtain information that you could

not possibly have obtained through logical or physical means.

Why would I want to le arn how to do clairvoyant re ading s?

First and foremost, the reason to do clairvoyant readings is because they are fun! It is like sitting back and watching a movie unfold before your eyes, or dreaming while you are awake. You get to see all kinds of fascinating things, and access information firsthand about other people and yourself that you would otherwise never get to experience. Clairvoyant reading is like embarking on a great adventure:

you are often surprised by the images that appear, and like a detective you work your way through clues in the form of pictures, sounds, colors, and feelings until you solve the mystery of what these

A clairvoyant reading can be extremely beneficial for both the person receiving the reading (the readee) and the person performing the reading (the reader). Clairvoyant reading is a form of meditation. More than any other mental exercise, it forces you to concentrate, since the second that your attention wanders, you will stop accessing information and this will be immediately apparent to the reader and readee. Clairvoyant reading brings you into a state of relaxation and makes it impossible for you to continue to focus on your own worries.

When you clairvoyantly read other people, you naturally heal yourself. By the end of a session, you are often in a completely different frame of mind and emotional state than you were at the beginning. Disciplined use of your clairvoyance will send you sailing through vast oceans of perceptions, paradigms, experiences, challenges, and opportunities that were previously nonexistent, or at best were only murky shadows in your logical mind. Through doing clairvoyant readings you will process energy, break patterns and programming, and heal wounds and heartbreaks for yourself and the person you are reading faster and more easily than you ever would doing anything else in your life! Reading other people helps you gain insights into your own situation because you will be drawn to read people who are mirrors for yourself.

While reading yourself may be a bit trickier than reading other people (since it is harder to concentrate and you have more biases to work through), you'll find it very valuable when you need clarification about a relationship in your life or are wondering about an upcoming event, like the result of a job interview.

Through developing your clairvoyance, you will access your power in ways you never imagined. I use the term power in the sense of personal power, power over oneself. While clairvoyance can give you power over other people as well, as in some forms of black magic or voodoo, that is not a path I chose to pursue and one that will not be addressed in this book. Control over others is always fleeting

and self-defeating because what you are usually trying to get from someone else is what is missing in access a higher form of learning: you will learn through direct experience rather than through regurgitation of someone else's information. You will be better able to discern fact from fiction, truth from lies. Clairvoyance can also be utilized to help access creative energies and ideas that can greatly enhance creative projects and artistic endeavors.

What is the diffe re nce be twe e n clairvoyant re ading and spiritual counse ling ?

A clairvoyant reading is one of the most effective and easiest forms of therapy/counseling because the clairvoyant can immediately identify the client's core issues; uncover unconscious motivations, desires, dreams, and fears; and actually witness and thus validate the client's past and present external and internal experiences. An experienced clairvoyant can identify and bypass a client's defense mechanisms within a single session. He or she can see through the most convincing persona and

A clairvoyant reading is one of the most effective and easiest forms of therapy/counseling because the clairvoyant can immediately identify the client's core issues; uncover unconscious motivations, desires, dreams, and fears; and actually witness and thus validate the client's past and present external and internal experiences. An experienced clairvoyant can identify and bypass a client's defense mechanisms within a single session. He or she can see through the most convincing persona and

In document Psychic (Page 22-36)