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Recommendations for further research


6.3 Recommendations for further research

To further develop simplified analysis methods more research is needed not on the modelling itself but in identifying the key parameters more accurately and providing better correlations of these parameters with in-situ site investigation data. Back-calculations of soil properties (such as β, pmax and SU) from experimental tests and case histories are very valuable; such

studies have been done previously but there is a need to consider data from all sources in a rigorous way using a consistent methodology. Similarly, the interaction between the kinematic loads from the ground displacement and inertial loads from the superstructure can be studied in greater detail. This can be conducted by calculated back-calculating the loads from experimental tests or by using advanced time history analysis; information on the phasing and magnitude of these loads would be of great benefit.

In order to provide more guidance on the application of effective stress analysis to practice, more case studies need to be considered. For these case studies, detailed laboratory tests should be conducted on the soil to obtain the model parameters more accurately. The two- layer model should be further verified using experimental tests and case histories.


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