• No results found

As described in section 2.5.4, following the statistical analysis on the data, and feedback from managers, stakeholders and employees, the final number of questions was reduced to 66. Table 3.03 shows the items comprising the resultant ‘Stress management competency indicator tool’ which would be used for an upward feedback questionnaire (i.e. for completion by direct reports about their line manager). All questions would be preceded by ‘My manager’. The self report version (i.e. for completion by line managers about themselves) is shown in Appendix 3.1.

Table 3.03 Items included in the refined ‘Stress management competency indicator tool’

Competency Sub-competency Items

Respectful and Integrity Is a good role model

responsible: Managing Says one thing, then does something different

emotions and having Treats me with respect

integrity Is honest

Speaks about team members behind their backs

Managing Is unpredictable in mood

emotions Acts calmly in pressured situations

Passes on his/her stress to me

Is consistent in his/her approach to managing Takes suggestions for improvement as a personal criticism

Panics about deadlines

Considerate Makes short term demands rather than allowing me to

approach plan my work

Creates unrealistic deadlines for delivery of work Seems to give more negative than positive feedback Relies on other people to deal with problems Imposes ‘my way is the only way’

Shows a lack of consideration for my worklife balance

Managing and Proactive work Communicates my job objectives to me clearly

communicating management Develops action plans

existing and future Monitors my workload on an ongoing basis

work Encourages me to review how I organise my work

When necessary, will stop additional work being passed on to me

Works proactively

Sees projects/tasks through to delivery

Reviews processes to see if work can be improved Prioritises future workloads

Problem solving Is indecisive at decision making Deals rationally with problems Follows up problems on my behalf Deals with problems as soon as they arise Participative/ Gives me the right level of job responsibility

empowering Correctly judges when to consult employees and when to make a decision

Keeps me informed of what is happening in the organisation

Acts as a mentor to me

Delegates work equally across the team Helps me to develop in my role

Table 3.03 Items included in the refined ‘Stress management competency indicator tool’ continued

Competency Sub-competency Items

Reasoning/Managing difficult situations

Managing the individual within the team Managing conflict Use of organisational resources Taking responsibility for resolving issues Personally accessible

Acts as a mediator in conflict situations

Acts to keep the peace rather than resolve conflict issues Deals with squabbles before they turn into arguments Deals objectively with employee conflicts

Deals with employee conflicts head on

Seeks advice from other managers when necessary Uses HR as a resource to help deal with problems Seeks help from occupational health when necessary Follows up conflicts after resolution

Supports employees through incidents of abuse Doesn’t address bullying

Makes it clear he/she will take ultimate responsibility if things go wrong

Prefers to speak to me personally than use e-mail Provides regular opportunities to speak one to one Returns my calls/e-mails promptly

Is available to talk to when needed

Sociable Brings in treats

Socialises with the team Empathetic


Is willing to have a laugh at work Encourages my input in discussions Listens to me when I ask for help

Makes an effort to find out what motivates me at work Tries to see things from my point of view

Takes an interest in my life outside work Regularly asks ‘how are you?’

Treats me with equal importance to the rest of the team Assumes, rather than checks, I am OK

Note: some of the questions are negatively worded. The scores given on these items would be reversed before calculating overall scores.

The following flow diagram is intended summarise the processes involved in creating the ‘Stress management competency indicator tool’.


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Data collected in Phase One from 216 employees, 166 line managers and 54 HR professionals resulted in the emergent ‘Management competencies for preventing and reducing stress at work’ framework’, consisting of 19 competencies.

Phase One data re probed to extract specific observable behaviours and create items. Initial tool created with 156 items across 19 competencies

156 item tool tested qualitatively on 21 participants, resulting in the removal of 4 items.

152 item tool tested quantitatively on 292 participants as an upward feedback measure. Reliability analysis resulted in the reduction of the item pool to 112.

112 item tool used in main pilot in 22 organisations as an upward feedback measure. Data received from 656 direct reports and 152 managers. Reliability analysis on the data reduced the item pool to 99.

Exploratory factor analysis on the data created a four factor solution containing 67 items.

Workshops held with stress experts to name the four factors and to develop sub clusters. 3 sub clusters were identified in each factor, resulting in 4 overarching competencies and 12 sub competencies.

Feedback from managers, stakeholders and experts compiled and final copy and item revisions made to the tool. Final indicator tool created consisting of 66 items across 4 competencies and 12 sub