Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods ISSN: 2251-
2. Research Methods
The methods used in the study include: systems and terminological analysis of the basic concepts of integration in education and spheres of society; system analysis of the society's development; the competencies' formation and development; psychological and pedagogical analyses of approaches to the development of competent models for vocational institutions' graduates, methods for monitoring and evaluating the students' training results etc.
3. Results
In what condition is the system of training and supporting pedagogical personnel for institutions of secondary vocational education now?
The high demand of the secondary vocational educational system (hereinafter referred to as the SVE) for pedagogical staff testifies better than any arguments about the urgency of the problem of improving the system of teacher professional training. Practically in each institution of the SVE you can find either a vacant place, or an objective need for retraining or upgrading of the existing teaching staff.
Consider a few reasons for this situation:
The 1st reason: The disunity of the professional standard "Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education" [4] with federal state educational standards of higher education (hereinafter referred to as FSES of HE) in the areas of training 44.03.04 [5] and 44.04.04 [6] "Professional Training" (undergraduate and graduate programs, respectively), the standards of the SVE on the specialty 44.02.06 "Vocational training". In particular, the professional standard adopted by some earlier version of FSES of HE, according to the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2013 No. 23, should be taken into account as much as possible in educational standards. In fact, the professional standard is not fully reflected in the FSES. Greater correlation with the professional standard should not be expected in the next edition of the FSES of HE, since from July 1, 2016 according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2016 No. 406, the section "Procedure for the Application of Professional Standards" lost its validity, where its application in the development of FSES in vocational education were written down.
2 nd reason is the dynamism of the essential characteristics of the quality in the pedagogical personnel's training for the SVE system. So, the standards listed above do not reflect all participants' interests in educational sphere, for example, students and their legal representatives, faculty and training and support staff. The quality of education in teacher professional training from this context is a cumulative dynamic indicator, the components and criteria of which change as the social order is updated with education, reflecting the degree of satisfaction of participants' interests in the field of education.
3rd reason: The public stereotype of the prestige of professional pedagogical education. Indeed, the higher engineering and technical, secondary vocational education begins to acquire a promising value in
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Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2017
Page 91
society professional education, while the vocational and pedagogical direction of training remains unclaimed among young people.
In what condition should it be?
In the framework of this speech, we confine ourselves to the following theses on this issue:
Preparation and support of pedagogical staff for the SVE system on the basis of integral quality assessment Vocational and pedagogical education.
The employee of the SVE system is not just a person prepared for professional and pedagogical activity, but a person who is also ready for social relations and the transfer of cultural heritage is a person.
The pedagogical staff of the SVE system are like-minded people united by the desire to develop a culture of quality of secondary vocational education.
4. Discussion
How can one achieve the required condition in the system of teacher professional training?
Let's present for each thesis the prospective state of the system for the preparation and support of pedagogical personnel for the SVE system, the strategic directions of joint work:
1) The finalization of the targets is necessary and urgent. It is necessary to bring the requirements of educational and professional standards to the general grounds that will characterize the quality of the training of pedagogical personnel for the SVE system. The formalization of the quality of such training will in turn ensure the operability of determining the expected result and the possibility of its verification [7]. One such basis, for example, may be standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG 2015) [8] developed by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), in cooperation with the European Union of Students (ESU), European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) and the European Association of Universities (EUA). In particular, these standards focus education on all its consumers (the state, society, employers, etc.)
Russia, since September 2003, one of the countries participating in the Bologna process, in matters of the quality of higher education should be guided by the common standards accepted for the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG). The first version of the standards and recommendations is dated 2005 [9]. Ten years later, a revised document (ESG 2015), which will largely determine the vector of improving the quality of higher education in our country, is approved. Without going into the circumstances that prompted ENQA to revise the ESG, and what has changed, we note the following: any activity of participants in educational relations implemented in the logic of the recommendations of an ENQA standard constitutes the concept of "Quality Assurance". Our analysis allows us to say that in the aggregate of activities of "quality assurance" all the components of the category "quality of professional and pedagogical education" cover, ensuring its improvement according to a plan. The evaluation of this quality in the logic of implementation of the ENQA standards will be conditioned by an equally educational and professional standard.
2) Obviously, formalizing the quality of the training of teachers of vocational training, masters of industrial training, it is necessary to go beyond educational and professional standards. Education finds its expression in the social, spiritual and economic spheres in the necessary sense for each of them. So, for example, in the social sphere, education is oriented toward successful social adaptation of a person, prepares it for social relations.
So, for example, in the social sphere, education is oriented toward successful social adaptation of a person, prepares it for social relations. In the economic sphere, the essence of education is reduced to the preparation of man for industrial relations (the person himself is regarded as one of the productive forces). The relations of production are built in the economic sphere through production. In the spiritual sphere, education provides the transfer of cultural heritage to future generations. Replenishment of cultural heritage, development of society takes place in the spiritual sphere through the institutes of science. The political sphere acts as an integrating factor, determining the vector of development of education, science and production, and also improving the welfare of society as a whole. The interrelation
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Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2017
Page 92
and conditionality of the four spheres of social life in our study are interpreted in the integration of education, science and production. Education should work for the satisfaction of the interests of all participants in the formal education relationship (in GEF VO, GEF STR, Professional standards, ISO standards, ENQA, other documents) and informal, but expected from the result, as well as the process itself. Thus, production-oriented concepts must be interrelated with concepts aimed at the development of the individual (society as a whole). An example is the integration of the concepts of social partnership and openness in education.
3) Vocational education institutions in their work are focused on the continuous improvement of the quality of the "process" and "result", in accordance with changes in the internal and external environment of the organization. In this context, we note that this development is carried out in many institutions of STRs in accordance with the standards (ISO 9000: 2015) [10] GOST R ISO 9000-2015, (ISO 9001: 2015) [11] GOST R ISO 9001-2015 and / or (IWA 2: 2002 ) GOST R 52614.2-2006. In fact, the participants in the relations in the sphere of education are interdependent, and their assessments are interdependent. In particular, the teacher evaluates the student's academic performance, while the trainee, for example, the level of teaching. There are many such interrelations. However, the described interdependence can lead to completely opposite results. In this context, we note that the development of education in the direction of meeting the requirements of all interested parties for its quality, in our view, should be considered in the logic of the development of a culture of the quality of education. The term "culture of quality" conveys the meaning of quality as shared value and the collective responsibility of all participants in the educational process in the institution. Quality culture is a constant joint search for innovative mechanisms to support the quality of teaching, corresponding to the goals of the professional and personal growth of the teacher himself, the needs of students, the development strategy of the STR institution in general and ultimately ensuring the high quality of educational results.
Let's note some realized projects devoted to culture of quality: In the period of 2002-2006. The European Association of Universities implemented the project "Development of an internal quality culture in European universities", in which 134 universities participated. Its continuation was the project "The study of the quality culture in universities (EQC)", carried out under the auspices of the European Association of Universities (EUA) in conjunction with the conference of rectors of Germany and the Quality Assurance Agency of Scotland (2010-2012). It was attended by a Russian representative - the Higher School of Economics. In the materials of the projects there is a clear correlation between the development of quality culture and quality assurance in the educational institution. Thus, it is possible to anticipate, on the basis of the development of the quality culture of the ACT, an increase in the level of teachers' satisfaction, including the refraction of the stereotypes of non-prestige in vocational education [12].
5. Conclusion
Training of pedagogical personnel for the ACT system in the conditions of disunity of the professional standard "Teacher of vocational training, ..." with the GEF VO and SPO for vocational training should be replaced by training on the basis of an integrated assessment of the quality of vocational education. The conceptual position of such a shift is proposed to consider bringing the requirements of educational and professional standards to common grounds, such as standards and recommendations of ENQA (ESG 2015).
The second conceptual position reveals the need for training in universities not only for professional and pedagogical activities, but also for social relations, and for the transfer of cultural heritage. The direction of work emphasizes the integration of education, science and production as a reflection of the interdependence of the political, social, spiritual and economic spheres of public life.
The third conceptual provision: the development of a culture of the quality of education in the SSUU should help to ensure that the pedagogical staff of the STR system become like-minded people, united by the desire to develop a culture of quality of secondary vocational education.
This review of the state of professional pedagogical education, its prospective characteristics and strategic tasks is only an illustration of a work whose scale is yet to be evaluated. We invite to cooperation all those who are interested in this problem and current proposals.
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Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2017
Page 93
Acknowledgments [if any]
The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.
1. Fedorov V.A. Professional'no-pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie: teorija, jempirika, praktika [Professional-pedagogical education: theory, empirics, practice]. Ekaterinburg, 2001. 330 p.
2. Romancev G.M. Teoreticheskie osnovy razvitija nachal'nogo professional'nogo obrazovanija v Rossii. Diss. doktora pedagogicheskih nauk [Theoretical foundations for the development of primary vocational education in Russia]. Ekaterinburg, 1998. 469 p.
3. Federal'nyj zakon № 273-FZ «Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii» [Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"], 2012
4. Professional'nyj standart «Pedagog professional'nogo obuchenija, professional'nogo obrazovanija i dopolnitel'nogo professional'nogo obrazovanija» [the professional standard "Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education"], 2015.
5. Federal'nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel'nyj standart vysshego obrazovanija po napravleniju podgotovki 44.03.04 Professional'noe obuchenie (po otrasljam) (uroven' bakalavriata) [Federal state educational standard of higher education in the areas of training 44.03.04 "Professional Training"], 2015. 6. Federal'nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel'nyj standart vysshego obrazovanija po napravleniju podgotovki 44.04.04 Professional'noe obuchenie (po otrasljam) (uroven' magistratury) [Federal state educational standard of higher education in the areas of training 44.04.04 "Professional Training"], 2015 7. Sedov S.A. Integration of the quality assessment of vocational teacher training. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, 2016, 2nd International Forum on Teacher Education (IFTE), pp. 185-189.
8. The Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015). Available at:
9. The Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2005). Available at:
10. ISO 9001:2015. Quality management systems – Requirements. Available at:
11. ISO 9000:2015. Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary. Available at:
The European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF). Available at: representation/quality-assurance/eqaf
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Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2017
Page 94
Content And Language Integrated Learning: Language Scaffolding And Speech Strategies
Tatyana Yakaeva, Leila Salekhova , Ksenia Kuperman , Ksenia Grigorieva Kazan Federal University
Kazan Federal University Moscow State University Kazan Federal University
CLIL is an approach that is successively being adopted in Russian universities. The article reports the results of the empirical study focused on the process and specifics of the CLIL English courses implementation in N.I. Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of Kazan Federal University (KFU), Russia. The aim of the study was to define speech behaviour in the context of interaction between teachers and students. The learning process was examined by direct and structured observation and interviewing which helped to infer language scaffolding techniques, and speech strategies of the teachers and students in CLIL environment. All the techniques were examined on the basis of assessment parameters of scaffolding methods and techniques. The study displayed a number of problems and challenges that teachers faced practicing CLIL. Eventually some ways to overcome these challenges were explained to facilitate the learning process.
Key words: CLIL, integrated learning, language scaffolding, speech strategy.
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a developing pedagogical approach in education which combines different methods of integrated learning of content and language. In 1994 the acronym CLIL was proposed by D. Marsh (Finland). In 2005 he suggested making CLIL a term for diverse approaches which are focused on bilingual programmes for teaching both a foreign language and a discipline.
In tertiary education CLIL is being advanced gradually by theoretical and empirical studies, however, there is still no consistent concept of implementing this approach. European studies of CLIL implementation concern CLIL adaptation in many EU educational organizations of university level [1]. D. Coyle distinguished three main models [1-2] of CLIL based on the analysis of teaching different disciplines in a target language in European universities.
1. Model 1: Plurilingual education. Several foreign languages are used for teaching disciplines in CLIL programmes of different courses. As a result, students acquire languages for their professional purposes. This model, characterised as an elite one, is aimed at more motivated and gifted students around the world.
Model 2: Adjunct education. Second language learning and teaching a subject are combined with specific target of developing knowledge and skills in order to activate high-order thinking skills. Language is taught for specific purposes: language teachers, working at different universities, are to support the educational process of future specialists. Students gain the ability to use target language in their field of study and work.
Model 3: Language-embedded content courses. Programmes of vocational education are designed to improve target language proficiency. The classes are conducted by both subject and language teachers. All students have language and cognitive scaffolding in the process of learning so that they can acquire content and a foreign language. The model is suitable for people of different nations and cultures.
N.I. Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, KFU, has been arranging the courses for preparing bilingual teachers of mathematics for five years already. The teachers are to master academic Russian and English. According to D. Coyle, the 3rd model is implemented in N.I. Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, KFU, as 5% of the disciplines are conducted in English [3].
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Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2017
Page 95
CLIL uses a number of common educational principles like visualization, active performance, etc. Methodologists consider them to be indispensable components of a lesson or lecture structures (goal- setting, assessment, feedback) and main approaches of teaching a discipline in any language (native or foreign). Two of them are specific for CLIL: authenticity of materials and language scaffolding.
The aim of the research is to study the specifics of CLIL mathematics programmes implementation in English, particularly the use of scaffolding technique.
To meet the goal there were some questions to answer during the research:
1. What ways of language scaffolding do the teachers employ during the CLIL programme? 2. What speech strategies do KFU teachers and students use in the process of teaching and
learning mathematics in English?
3. What is the teachers’ opinion on their experience in teaching a subject in English?
The study was held in N.I. Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, KFU. 125 bachelor students of fourth and fifth year of education and 5 mathematicians took part in the experiment. The major of the students was “Pedagogics”, specialization “Teacher of Mathematics and English”.
To comprehend the theoretical background of the CLIL practice in the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics we were to collect the data of methods and techniques consistently used by the teachers with students for whom English is not a native language. In the process of the examination we relied on the list of observations by O. Burdakova, A. Dzhalilova and N. Raud [4] who determined the assessment parameters of teachers’ methods and techniques (Table 1).
Table 1
Assessment Parameters of Methods and Techniques in CLIL 1. Teaching Methods
and Techniques 2. Assessment Parameters
3. Lectures 1. Speec
h qualit y
1.1. speech consistency and cohesion; 1.2. following the rules of literary language.
2. Langu
age scaffol ding
2.1. in case of explanation in native language; 2.2. in case of visual aids explanation (including sign