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At next School Team meeting, discuss assessment data and place student in interventions as needed


7 At next School Team meeting, discuss assessment data and place student in interventions as needed

Establish Personnel

Personnel should be in place to secure student records, read school records for history of intervention, administer the needed assessments for placement in tiers and notify the RTI2 School team of any new students and their assessment data. The same person doesn’t need to manage all of this. But schools should assign personnel to manage students who enter during the mid-term so that they are accounted for and interventions, if needed, can begin as soon as possible.

School Records

Local Education Agencies should have a plan in place to secure school records from a school within the district, within the state and outside of the state. Every effort should be made to quickly obtain educational records from the previous school.

If students transfer schools within a district, a plan should be in place to quickly place students in

needed interventions. The District RTI2 Leadership Team may want to establish this plan so that it can be implemented in each school.

Schools may wish to include some information in the school records regarding interventions. The following page includes a sample.

58 Sample RTI Intervention Record for School Records

School Name: School Address/Phone:

Student Name: Student Address/Phone:

Current Grade: Gender:

Date Entered School: Date Exited School:

Did student receive academic interventions? YES NO Universal Screening Data

Type (Name) of Universal Screening

Percentile Score Date Given

The following interventions were provided to this student: (attach additional documentation as needed)

Intervention Type Area of Deficit Duration Progress Monitoring Data Fidelity of Implementation Signature: Title: Example 1

59 1.6 Contact with Parents/Guardians

Communicating with parents/guardians is of utmost importance in gaining the support and

understanding of parents. The more parents understand concerning their children’s education, the more likely they will be to cooperate and participate in assisting their children at home and encouraging their children to do their best at school, day-to-day.

 A culture of collaboration that is focused on student achievement, for both struggling and advancing students, should include educators, families and communities.  Communication with parents should occur regularly and in a similar format.

 Letters should be short and easy to understand, using no acronyms that are not fully understood by all parties.

 All parent materials should be provided in the language spoken by the parent.

 Whenever possible, speak personally with the parent concerning the child’s placement in or removal from Tier II and/or Tier III.

 Keep all communication with parents positive, doing everything possible to communicate the school’s concern for their children.

The parent/guardian letters found within this component are but one of many ways to ensure parents have a full understanding of the solid academic program their school has to offer their child. RTI2 information can also be included in the school handbook, school website, parent conferences, newsletters, and/or open houses.

It is recommended to replace the words he/she and him/her with the student’s name.

You may wish to include a page that parents sign and return, indicating they have seen the RTI2 letter sharing their child’s progress.

The letters included are for your information, as a sample, and may be used as they are or they may be adjusted to meet the individual needs of your school district. The letters may be adapted for district or school use. It is a district decision that should be made by the District RTI2 Leadership Team, as to whether district letters or individual school letters are created.

Table of Contents

K-5 Reading Letters:

RTI2 K-5 Tier I to Tier II Reading RTI2 K-5 Tier II to Tier I Reading RTI2 K-5 Tier II to Tier III Reading RTI2 K-5 Tier III to Tier II Reading RTI2 K-5 Progress Monitoring Letter K-5 Math Letters:

RTI2 K-5 Tier I to Tier II Math RTI2 K-5 Tier II to Tier I Math RTI2 K-5 Tier II to Tier III Math

60 RTI2 K-5 Tier III to Tier II Math

RTI2 K-5 Progress Monitoring Letter 6-12 Reading Letters:

RTI2 6-12 Tier I to Tier II Reading RTI2 6-12 Tier II to Tier I Reading RTI2 6-12 Tier II to Tier III Reading RTI2 6-12 Tier III to Tier II Reading RTI2 6-12 Progress Monitoring Letter 6-12 Math Letters:

RTI2 6-12 Tier I to Tier II Math RTI2 6-12 Tier II to Tier I Math RTI2 6-12 Tier II to Tier III Math RTI2 6-12 Tier III to Tier II Math RTI2 6-12 Progress Monitoring Letter Miscellaneous Communication:

Parent Log Parent Brochure

61 K-5 Reading Letters

62 Insert District or School Name

Response to Intervention (RTI) Parent Letter Tier I to Tier II

K-5 Reading Student:

Date: Dear Parent,

Three times a year, each student at (insert school name) is given a universal screening assessment (insert names of assessment) to determine his or her reading abilities. Your child’s scores show that he/she is experiencing some challenges in reading. Along with the universal screening, your child’s progress has been monitored every two weeks or more. Although he/she is receiving direct reading instruction daily in Tier I (general classroom instruction), he/she has still not shown the needed growth to maintain grade level progress. Your child will now be receiving an additional (insert number of minutes) minutes of reading interventions each day in Tier II. This Tier II intervention will be done in small groups with trained personnel using research based materials. Your child’s progress will continue to be monitored every two weeks or more. Additional assessments maybe completed in order to inform instruction and intervention. It is our goal to provide the best instruction and materials to help your child succeed.

Providing daily opportunities for your child to read aloud and discuss what has been read at home, in any subject area, is strongly recommended. Reading is a skill and not a subject. Improvement in any skill area requires regular ongoing practice. If you have questions, or would like more information please contact your child’s teacher.

Respectfully, Insert Signatures

63 Insert District or School Name

Response to Intervention (RTI) Parent Letter Returning to Tier I

K-5 Reading Student:

Date: Dear Parent,

Three times a year, each student at (insert school name) is given a universal screening assessment (insert name of assessment) to determine his/her reading abilities. Your child’s scores show that he/she has made some improvement in reading. Along with the universal screening, your child’s progress has been monitored every two weeks or more. Your child has been receiving direct reading instruction daily in Tier I (general classroom instruction), and an additional (insert number of minutes) minutes of small group interventions in Tier II. The RTI program, along with your child’s effort, has helped to show improved reading progress. At this time, your child will no longer need the additional Tier II

interventions and will receive all reading instruction through his/her regular classroom. Your child’s progress will continue to be monitored. Additional assessments maybe completed in order to inform instruction and intervention. It is our goal to provide the best instruction and materials to help your child succeed.

Reading aloud at home and discussing what is read will be of great importance to your child’s continued growth. Please continue to encourage your child to give his/her best at school and let him/her know you believe in their ability to be successful. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact your child’s teacher.

Respectfully, Insert Signatures

Insert District/School Contact Information

64 Insert District or School Name

Response to Intervention (RTI) Parent Letter Tier II to Tier III

K-5 Reading Student:

Date: Dear Parent,

Three times a year, each student at (insert school name) is given a universal screening assessment (insert name of assessment) to determine his or her reading abilities. Your child’s scores show that he/she continues to struggle with reading. Along with the universal screening, your child’s progress has been monitored every two weeks or more. Although your child is receiving direct reading instruction daily in Tier I (general classroom instruction), and an additional (insert number of minutes) minutes of small group interventions in Tier II, he/she has still not shown enough improvement. Your child will now be receiving an additional (insert number of minutes) minutes of Tier III reading interventions each day. This will be a total of (insert number of minutes) additional minutes of reading interventions each day. This Tier III instruction will be done in very small groups with trained personnel using research based materials. Your child’s progress will continue to be monitored. Additional assessments maybe

completed in order to inform instruction and intervention. It is our goal to provide the best instruction and materials to help your child succeed. If you would like more information please contact your child’s teacher.

Providing daily opportunities for your child to read aloud and discuss what has been read at home, in any subject area, is strongly recommended. Reading is a skill and not subject. Improvement in any skill area requires regular ongoing practice.

Respectfully, Insert Signature

Insert District/School Contact Information

65 Insert District or School Name

Response to Intervention (RTI) Parent Letter Returning to Tier II

K-5 Reading Student:

Date: Dear Parent,

Three times a year, each student at (insert school name) is given a universal screening assessment (insert names of assessment) to determine his or her reading abilities. Your child’s scores show that he/she has made some improvement in reading. Along with the universal screening, your child’s progress has been monitored every two weeks or more. Your child has been receiving direct reading instruction daily in Tier I (general classroom instruction), and an additional (insert number of minutes) minutes of small group interventions in Tier III with trained personnel. The RTI program, along with your child’s effort, has helped to show improved reading progress. At this time, your child will no longer need the additional Tier III intervention. In order to maintain your child’s progress, they will continue to receive an additional (insert number of minutes) minutes of Tier II small group interventions along with direct reading instruction through his/her regular classroom. Your child’s progress will continue to be monitored. Additional assessments maybe completed in order to inform instruction and intervention. It is our goal to provide the best instruction and materials to help your child succeed.

Reading aloud at home and discussing what is read will be of great importance to your child’s continued growth. Please continue to encourage your child to give his/her best at school and let him/her know you believe in their ability to be successful. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact your child’s teacher.

Respectfully, Insert Signature

Insert District/School Contact Information

66 Insert District or School Name

Response to Intervention (RTI) Progress Monitoring Letter

K-5 Reading Student:

Date: Dear Parent,

A letter previously notified you that your student is receiving additional reading interventions. During this intervention period, your child has been receiving small group, systematic intervention in reading. Your child has had his/her progress monitored every other week using assessments that are specific to the intervention being used. Attached you will find a copy of your child’s progress monitoring. All progress monitoring is reported using a graph so that you can see the progress your child is making. Based on our progress measurements, we believe your child is:

Making good progress and we plan to discontinue the additional intervention.

Making good progress and we plan to decrease the amount of additional intervention time being provided.

Making some progress and we plan to continue the intervention at this time.

Making limited progress and we plan to consider changes in the intervention that we are providing.

Making insufficient progress and we plan to change the intervention plan at this time. Further assessment and/or a parent meeting may be necessary.

As the school staff, we are pleased to have this opportunity to provide your child with this needed assistance. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher. Respectfully,

Insert Signature

67 K-5 Math Letters

68 Insert District or School Name

Response to Intervention (RTI) Parent Letter Tier I to Tier II

K-5 Math Student:

Date: Dear Parent,

Three times a year, each student at (insert school name) is given a universal screening assessment (insert names of assessment) to determine his or her math abilities. Your child’s scores show that he/she is experiencing some challenges in math. Along with the universal screening, your child’s progress has been monitored every two weeks or more. Although he/she is receiving direct math instruction daily in Tier I (general classroom instruction), he/she has still not shown the needed growth to maintain grade level progress. Your child will now be receiving an additional (insert number of minutes) minutes of math interventions each day in Tier II. This Tier II intervention will be done in small groups with trained personnel using research based materials. Your child’s progress will continue to be monitored every two weeks or more. Additional assessments maybe completed in order to inform instruction and

intervention. It is our goal to provide the best instruction and materials to help your child succeed. We encourage you, as the parent or guardian, to ask your child to share his/her math work with you regularly. Be sure to encourage your child to do his/her best and let them know you believe in his or her ability to improve. If you have questions, or would like more information please contact your child’s teacher.

Respectfully, Insert Signatures

69 Insert District or School Name

Response to Intervention (RTI) Parent Letter Returning to Tier I

K-5 Math Student:

Date: Dear Parent,

Three times a year, each student at (insert school name) is given a universal screening assessment (insert name of assessment) to determine his/her math abilities. Your child’s scores show that he/she has made some improvement in math. Along with the universal screening, your child’s progress has been monitored every two weeks or more. Your child has been receiving direct math instruction daily in Tier I (general classroom instruction), and an additional (insert number of minutes) minutes of small group interventions in Tier II. The RTI program, along with your child’s effort, has helped to show improved math progress. At this time, your child will no longer need the additional Tier II interventions and will receive all math instruction through his/her regular classroom. Your child’s progress will continue to be monitored. Additional assessments maybe completed in order to inform instruction and intervention. It is our goal to provide the best instruction and materials to help your child succeed. We encourage you, as the parent or guardian, to ask your child to share his/her math work with you regularly. Be sure to encourage your child to do his/her best and let them know you believe in his or her ability to improve. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact your child’s teacher.

Respectfully, Insert Signatures

Insert District/School Contact Information

70 Insert District or School Name

Response to Intervention (RTI) Parent Letter Tier II to Tier III

K-5 Math Student:

Date: Dear Parent,

Three times a year, each student at (insert school name) is given a universal screening assessment (insert name of assessment) to determine his or her math abilities. Your child’s scores show that he/she continues to struggle with math. Along with the universal screening, your child’s progress has been monitored every two weeks or more. Although your child is receiving direct math instruction daily in Tier I (general classroom instruction), and an additional (insert number of minutes) minutes of small group interventions in Tier II, he/she has still not shown enough improvement. Your child will now be receiving an additional (insert number of minutes) minutes of Tier III math interventions each day. This will be a total of (insert number of minutes) additional minutes of math interventions each day. This Tier III instruction will be done in very small groups with trained personnel using research based materials. Your child’s progress will continue to be monitored. Additional assessments maybe completed in order to inform instruction and intervention. It is our goal to provide the best instruction and materials to help your child succeed. If you would like more information please contact your child’s teacher.

We encourage you, as the parent or guardian, to ask your child to share his/her math work with you regularly. Be sure to encourage your child to do his/her best and let them know you believe in his or her ability to improve. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact your child’s teacher.

Respectfully, Insert Signature

Insert District/School Contact Information

71 Insert District or School Name

Response to Intervention (RTI) Parent Letter Returning to Tier II

K-5 Math Student:

Date: Dear Parent,

Three times a year, each student at (insert school name) is given a universal screening assessment (insert names of assessment) to determine his or her math abilities. Your child’s scores show that he/she has made some improvement in math. Along with the universal screening, your child’s progress has been monitored every two weeks or more. Your child has been receiving direct math instruction daily in Tier I (general classroom instruction), and an additional (insert number of minutes) minutes of small group interventions in Tier III with trained personnel. The RTI program, along with your child’s effort, has helped to show improved math progress. At this time, your child will no longer need the additional Tier III intervention. In order to maintain your child’s progress, they will continue to receive an additional (insert number of minutes) minutes of Tier II small group interventions along with direct math instruction through his/her regular classroom. Your child’s progress will continue to be monitored. Additional assessments maybe completed in order to inform instruction and intervention. It is our goal to provide the best instruction and materials to help your child succeed.

We encourage you, as the parent or guardian, to ask your child to share his/her math work with you regularly. Be sure to encourage your child to do his/her best and let them know you believe in his or her ability to improve. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact your child’s teacher.

Respectfully, Insert Signature

Insert District/School Contact Information

72 Insert District or School Name

Response to Intervention (RTI) Progress Monitoring Letter

K-5 Math Student:

Date: Dear Parent,

A letter previously notified you that your student is receiving additional math interventions. During this intervention period, your child has been receiving small group, systematic intervention in math. Your child has had his/her progress monitored every other week using assessments that are specific to the intervention being used. Attached you will find a copy of your child’s progress monitoring. All progress monitoring is reported using a graph so that you can see the progress your child is making.

Based on our progress measurements, we believe your child is:

Making good progress and we plan to discontinue the additional intervention.

Making good progress and we plan to decrease the amount of additional intervention time being provided.

Making some progress and we plan to continue the intervention at this time.

Making limited progress and we plan to consider changes in the intervention that we are providing.

Making insufficient progress and we plan to change the intervention plan at this time. Further assessment and/or a parent meeting may be necessary.

As the school staff, we are pleased to have this opportunity to provide your child with this needed

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