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On the signification of the ingress of the Moon

The Moon entering in upon Saturn at the time of the revolution, having signification in the year, signifies libidinous or passionate dispositions towards some very old or decrepit women.

And if she were of a bad condition it signifies detentions and contentions; and if it is feared concerning the danger of life in that year, perhaps he will die. And if Saturn has the dignity in the year, it signifies diverse and sad rumors.

But reaching the [natal] place of Jupiter, if she were of a good condition it signifies foreign travel to watery places, and from these to other ones. But if she were of a bad condition, he will fall into adversities and be sick.

Indeed, entering into the [natal] place of Mars while she herself[669] is of a good condition, he will find dignity and will stick by soldiers, he will be sick from heat, and he will suffer a terrible sickness[670] and fears of authorities, and he will go on a useless foreign journey. And if the Moon were impeded both in the nativity and in the revolution, and she were conjoined to a Mars appearing in a bad condition, on that day [his] blood will be poured out by some means, and he will have quarrels and injustices or false accusations.

And if she reached the [natal] place of the Sun, and she had the dignity [in the year], he will suffer [because of] authority, or from those having bad power, or from greater persons. And if the Sun has the dignity in the year, he will acquire some dignity, and he will perhaps be deprived of his mother (or the father instead of the mother).

And if she will enter into the [natal] place of Venus, and she were of a good condition, it signifies impediments concerning movement, and he will be saddened on account of blood-kin, and he will be in rest and delight, and he will acquire immovable substance. But if she herself were the Lady [of the Year], he will obtain glory and his blood-kin will have advantage through him.

But, arriving at the [natal] place of Mercury, it signifies foreign travel and harm from enemies.

But if Mercury had the dignity in the year, his condition will be prosperous, and he will acquire resources and be praised by many.

But the Moon arriving at any [place],[671] it being a nocturnal revolution, [the native] will be in health and safety, and he will obtain advantage from it. And if some planets aspected it,[672]

the individual [planets] will show their operation. And if the Moon were impeded, and she reached [the square of][673] her own place according to the nativity, or to its opposite, he will have danger on that day.

And[674] if a malevolent in the revolution reached the [natal] place of the Moon, and [no benevolent] aspected the Moon,[675] it signifies illnesses and sorrows and difficulties, and especially if the malevolent is the Lord of the Year and it is in a contrary place in the revolution.

And if the Moon reached the place of a malevolent according to the nativity, the same thing happens.

But when the Moon in the revolution of the year is associated through a figure to a benevolent or a malevolent, when she will arrive to the body of that benevolent or malevolent, or to the ray of one of them, it signifies good or bad things according to the nature of the planet.

And when she arrives at a planet signifying good or bad according to the nativity, it will show [its] operation on that day.

[Chapter V.9: General comments on transits]

And if some planet will enter at some time into the degree in which the distribution or distributor was, or to the degree of the Ascendant of the inception [of the nativity] or to the degree of the Ascendant of the revolution, or to the rays of some of the planets, or [to] the Lots or the particular twelfth-parts, or their Lords, it moves the signification according to its own proper nature.

And if a planet aspected the place of another planet from whatever aspect, it will renew its signification.[676]

And when the planet having the dignity in the year will enter upon the twelfth-part of a sign, or the twelfth-part of the planet to which it belongs, it signifies the same thing: the signification of the aforesaid planet and sign. For example: [if] the twelfth-part of the fourth place will fall on the second sign, we say that when a planet will enter into that [second] place, [the native] will handle those things which pertain to houses and resources; indeed the planets have other significations according to the distance of the domiciles of one from the other, about which we say nothing here for the reason that those learning [can] conjecture [the significations from what has been said].[677] For if the planets signified something, both according to the root [of the nativity] and according to the revolution, the determinations of the outcomes will be more certain.

Indeed, in ingresses it is good to look and see to which of the planets (according to the nativity or according to the revolution) the entering planet is configured. And if the planets are configured according to the nativity, it signifies the outcome is from a preceding cause; but if the planets are configured according to the revolution [alone], they signify [it is] from a supervening cause.[678] And if [ingressing planets] are not configured to any [planet], either of those which are according to the nativity or the revolution, it signifies the outcome is from an unexpected cause.[679]

[Chapter V.10: Miscellaneous considerations][680]

However, in a revolution of the year it is good to look at the Moon and her Lord: if they were of a good condition and associated to benevolents through a figure, they signify a good bearing and health and prosperity. But if it were of a bad condition, there will not be good in that year.

However, you should look at the twelfth-part of the Moon, and it will be worse if it is being aspected by malevolents. And if the Moon is not being aspected by any [planet], nor does she aspect the Ascendant, he will strive to acquire something in that year but he will not acquire it.

And know that the Sun burning up the planets is worse than a malevolent; and if he is being aspected by a bad one, it signifies combustions and exiles. And if he is being aspected by Saturn, he will suffer a long illness or death. But if by Mars, murder or flight.

And if Jupiter and Venus were in the angles or in the succeedents of the angles according to the nativity or according to the revolution, they signify goods and glory from men, and the compacts of friendship. However, Venus does not have the same power as Jupiter does, except for womanly things and for having advantages from noble women—even more so for delights.

And if Mars and Saturn were in places of this kind, they signify adversities for natives; in

doing good he will be censured and men whom he has not harmed will injure him. And if he were a king, the condition of his kingdom and blood-kin and house will be diminished, and he will fall into the greatest misfortunes, such as that he will be in need of necessities. And if he were of middling [people], the condition of his house will be handled [badly]. And if Saturn were in places of this kind, he will always be refuting himself in thoughts and worries, and be harmful[681] to others. But if it were Mars, he will be bold and worthless[682] and having his hands full in many matters.

And if Mercury were with Jupiter he will be skilled and fit to be consulted, and eloquent and intelligent, and delightful or loved by all, and praised by all; [when] speaking lies he will even be believed, and perhaps he will be a secretary of kings.

And if someone wanted to know at what time he will receive pleasant rumors, and when he will receive sorrowful rumors, he should look at Mercury according to his own nativity. For if the benevolents aspected [Mercury], or the ray of the Sun or Moon [were] appropriate,[683] a good rumor will reach him. But if the Moon were in that sign, and a malevolent with [Mercury], he will receive adverse rumors. And if Mercury were oriental [and] inspected by benevolents and malevolents, he will receive rumors less.[684] But whenever Jupiter and Venus reach the place of the Sun or Moon or to their squares, and the sign were one of the angles according to the revolution, and Mercury is not being aspected by a malevolent at the time of the nativity,[685]

good and pleasant and useful rumors will reach [him].

Moreover, if the Lord of the Year were well disposed in the revolution, it signifies health and soundness of the body. Even the Lord of the Lot of Fortune [being well disposed signifies that]

he manages [things] well and signifies riches and advantage. And if they were of a bad condition, you will make it the contrary, and even [make] a direction, taking it in the months and days.

When however the Sun arrives at the place where Mars was, but Mars happened to be where the Moon had been according to the nativity, you will say that blood has flowed out from the native.

And when the Moon will reach the place of Venus, with there not being a malevolent, it is the best. And if it will be with Mars, he will obtain venereal actions. And if Saturn aspected or is being conjoined, it signifies their frigidity.

And when Saturn arrives at his own bound it introduces advantages; but when the Moon arrives at the place of Mercury, you will make a determination according to the quality of the place.

And when she arrives at the [natal] Ascendant, it elevates thoughts.[686] But when she arrives at the Midheaven, it signifies according to the nature of the stars aspecting her;

however, the figure will be appropriate to the one seeking the action. But when she arrives at the angle of the earth, there will be good with respect to things able to be hidden, and counsels, and thieveries, and incantations or magic,[687] and for the belief in secret things. [And in the seventh, it is good against enemies.][688]