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In document Letters to Gail Two (Page 114-118)

Dear Gail:

This letter is going off-beat for a change. I am going to sketch in background of the times so you can understand the forces which are pressing in upon you from the outside. I will discuss this time “Socialism.” This is a political and economic theory of social organization based on collective or government ownership and democratic management of the essential means for the production and distribution of goods; it is also a policy or practice based on this theory.

On the extreme end of socialism we have it existing in Russia under the guise of communism, where all things are state owned, and the other side is a milder form in this country called democracy or liberalism. Here we have it in the form of unions, payroll deductions for (7) social security, (2) old age benefits, (3) federal taxes, (4) union dues, (5) sales taxes, (6) educational mill tax, (7) proposed old age medical benefits, (8) compulsory licensing of animals, autos, and a half-hundred laws on farming, industry, and business.

Socialism is that theory which was invented by Karl Marx and promoted through Friedrich Engels during the latter part of the 19th century. Both Jewish people put the theory together in the British Museum library and got it going in Germany. It is the socialistic forces which are to make the class struggle the fundamental force in history. Out of this came the socialistic disguise which made its attack upon capitalism and has practically driven capitalism to its knees in the west. Socialism was adopted by England and it ruined her, along with World War I, and brought about the destruction of the English empire. It has such a hold upon the English people today that their food is rationed, they cannot

change jobs unless necessary for health purposes, and only with a physician’s notice to the government authorities, and lastly, an Englishman’s home can be entered and searched without a warrant.

I am giving you this because this country is rapidly coming to the same level of ruin as England, if the trend keeps on going the same way it is now. Business and industry are rapidly becoming close to the edge with the payments made toward medical plans for their employees, and other benefits, plus the high salaries being paid out for labor. I am not against this; I only point it out that somewhere there must be a limit. I point out that our national budget was raised to the credit of several more billions of dollars again. Our gold reserve is rapidly dwindling. In the meantime the common man in the street is being taxed more and more. What is the result of this?

The public media, newspapers, magazines, television, radio, etc., have sold themselves out to the public issues. You never hear or read a brave newspaper or TV commentator criticize any of the powers that be anymore. They are afraid because they have sold themselves out for luxury — and body comfort — and without these they are completely in the cold, unhappy and have lost face. Also the churches have gone overboard for the socialistic form of life in these United States. It seems to be that nobody has the nerve to speak their voice because it might mean their income can be cut off and they are ostracized from society which means they have no way of making a living.

Good, bad or indifferent — I don’t know what to tell you about this as a system to live under. But I do know that we are constantly getting new laws enforced on us which are cutting down our liberties. Briefly let me point out the various political systems under which we can live:

Individualism; Democracy, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Nationalism, and Internationalism.

Now let’s line this up against the spiritual life. What the clergy is preaching today is a socialistic paradise in which we will live in the hereafter in conformity with the laws of that world — so they say. Christianity says that we suffer here and have our happiness in the hereafter; Hinduism says we suffer in this life but are reincarnated as long as the problem is there, and then we go into heaven for the glorious reward. So taking advantage of the church teachings the socialists have preached to the people to suffer, suffer and have your reward in heaven; they preach that every man is alike and must be treated equally, and therefore the masses are homogeneous and all people are the same except themselves, and they live as they wish and make the laws. So by using the clergy, which is often a tool in the hands of the high politics, they control the people. If salvation is going to be the sameness of life as it is here, then who wants to spend eternity there?

Remember in one of my letters I pointed out that mass thought and belief could postulate a place in the Astral world? Well, then this is exactly what is taking place. When one of the religions forms a heaven for itself, modeled after the life on earth, socialism or anything else, then when the body dies the Jivatma goes to that place, if he belongs to that particular faith. I refer to this in The Tiger’s Fang. This is why I took so long to explain what was going on in the world today — and those who are of another culture or race will certainly gravitate to their own kind in the Astral world. You see they are not really free even after death — and this is the key to what is happening on Earth today, and the non-free persons. This is why there is so much disturbance going on within the Astral world, and why a large number of persons

are returning in spirit form to try to tell those still in the body to change their ways or it’ll be just as rough over there. If they in the spirit form can recognize this — but you must remember many cannot, though a few can — they come back to try to get the word across.

This materialistic society is wrong, and there is going to be an upheaval one of these days because the mass of thought form will eventually force those forces of nature to go in reverse and like the ancient continent of Atlantis will go down into the ocean. Only a few thousand will be able to get away. Certain mediums have been preaching this for years, and there is an inkling of truth in their statements. How much I cannot say, but it is bound to come, not because the moral downfall of man has come about, but because he has forced it with his atom bomb explosions which have disturbed the atom chain, and other natural powers, as well as other mass energies which have been released on this planet.

This isn’t a scare letter, but it is to make you aware of what is going on around you. Remember the general person is quite ignorant of these forces which have upset the economic, social and natural lives of all peoples. This is why I have kept pointing out to you that this is a warring universe, and man must get off of it or else he comes to self-destruction;

otherwise he must learn to leave his body, at will, and be free of all these inflows of destructive energy upon him. The body means nothing, and therefore one should not allow it to be his main goal — its upkeep, pampering, and its comforts.

Socialism means to hinder those who believe in freedom of mind and spirit. It certainly doesn’t want anyone to be able to get out of the body for this means freedom!

More later.


76. Names of God

In document Letters to Gail Two (Page 114-118)