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The Soul Centering Process

In document The Heart And Soul Of Eft (Page 79-82)

transformational, connecting us both with our higher awareness and our bodies. The as-cended state Soul Centering produces facilitates healing with EFT or any method. It aligns us with our inner, higher wisdom, an intelligence that is far vaster than our normal aware-ness. At the same time, it grounds us, aligning the body and the earth. Together, these alignments create a profound state of well-being and balance.

Here are four ways to center:

1. Use the Soul Centering Process, which follows.

2. Imagine yourself as a tree, with deep roots and branches extending to the sky, with the sun acting like your higher self, sending energy down through your body.

3. Remember a time where you felt whole and complete, like a time when you were in nature, were surrounded by beauty, or felt much love.

4. Visualize going to a sacred place to meet with your higher self.

The Soul Centering Process

The following process is from our Soul News News E-mail Newsletter. You can find it, along with more related information on our website at www.gettingthru.org/sn0599.htm.

For those who are not familiar with guided visualization processes, the key is to relax, disconnect from the active, rational mind, and connect with receptive side of your nature.

The easiest way to do this is to shift your focus away from the thoughts that normally oc-cupy your attention and focus on the sensations you feel in your body and the emotions you are experiencing. As you do this, allow the experience to unfold without expectation and in-volve all of your inner senses to deepen the experience.

This centering process is designed to be easy enough for anyone to do and short enough that you can do it every day to strengthen your connection with your soul. It will not work, though, if you are in a hurry, because, as we mentioned before, you connect with your soul through the receptive side of your nature. Be sure to allow ample time when you begin to use it; as you become familiar with the process, you will find that the connection will come quickly and easily.

This process is designed for you to read each word slowly and close your eyes at inter-vals to focus on the experience. Before you start, you may want to focus for a moment on an issue that you would like to address as you connect with the energy of your soul and your higher self. Now we can begin.

As you start to read this process and prepare to relax, take a few deep breaths and feel the tension beginning to melt from your body. Fill your lungs completely with pure, clear air with each inhale and allow the tension to continue to release with each exhale, so that with each breath, you feel more and more relaxed and bal-anced, and your body becomes lighter, allowing the tension to drift down through your arms, legs and feet and into the earth. Now, imagine that there is a cord ex-tending from the base of your spine deep into the earth that provides firm grounding and stability. As you continue to focus on your breathing, feel yourself becoming balanced within your body and more stabile with every breath.

Now bring clear energy into your mind with each inhale, so all of the cells of your brain can relax and your mind becomes more and more clear with each breath. Al-low any thoughts you do not need right now to drift away so your mind can become completely clear and relaxed. And allow the clear energy to move down so that your entire head is relaxed, traveling down your neck and shoulders now, and allowing all of the organs in your body to relax. Now allow a wave of clear energy and relaxation to move gently down your arms, all the way down to the tips of your fingers. And feel another wave of relaxation moving down your spine to your legs and feet, traveling all the way to the tips of your toes, so your entire body is relaxed and filled with clear, pure energy. You may want to stop reading for a moment and focus on relax-ing your entire body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

You can use the simple steps above for a quick centering or continue on to connect with the soul, which provides even more stability and a higher level of awareness.

As you continue, begin to focus your breath on the area around your heart, where your soul connects with your body. Imagine that you are sending pure energy into this area, so that with each breath, there is more and more energy there and, as you continue breathing, you can feel the energy intensifying so it may seem like there is a ball of light around your heart. Allow this ball of light to become brighter

and brighter, radiating its energy out in all directions, so that you feel yourself com-pletely surrounded by the energy and you can feel this energy permeate every cell of your body with its beautiful light. As you do this, if any pain comes up in your heart, simply allow the pain to come out into your awareness and ask the breath to release it. You can also clear it with EFT before going further. Letting go of this pain will help you to completely embrace the love you hold in your heart. You may want to stop reading again for a moment and focus on experiencing the energy of your soul in your heart and radiating out around you.

Now you can shift your focus to the area just above your head and imagine that there is another light there. As you imagine it there, allow this light to begin to pour down through the top of your head and fill your entire body, so that you can see and feel yourself filled with this light all the way down to the tips of your fingers and the tips of your toes. As it becomes brighter and brighter, it overflows so that you are completely surrounded with this light and you can feel yourself in perfect harmony and balance with everything that is around you. You can also feel the energy of all of the others who are building this connection and allow it to help you to strengthen the experience for you. Take a moment now to feel this harmony and how you are con-nected with all that is.

From this place of peace, you can ask for guidance about any problem you may be experiencing. This is especially useful if you focused on a problem before starting the process and can recall how it felt to you then. You should find that your perspec-tive is different than it was before. From this place of clarity, you can bring in new levels of awareness to help you in any aspect of your life. If you are focusing on a problem, you may want to stop reading for a moment and view it from this higher perspective.

[As a note, if you were not able to fully experience the energy of your soul, just con-tinue to work with this process and focus on releasing any painful emotions that come up. You will notice a shift as you release the emotions and open to the loving energy of your soul.]

Now it is time to come back to the present time and feel yourself where you are, sitting or lying down, making note of your body’s position. And, as you breathe, allow your breath to bring you back to your normal waking state, feeling alert and alive. As you prepare to go off to other activities, make sure that you are grounded with the cord that extends from the base of your spine to the center of the earth.

Along with creating a wonderfully relaxed and balanced state, being centered is a key to helping others; it provides a firm foundation for healing. It also generally produces ground-ing, but grounding is important enough to merit focusing on it specifically.


When we are ungrounded, we feel spacey and disconnected. With grounding, we feel stable and more able to cope with the twists and turns of daily life. You can ground yourself using

any of the following techniques:

• Sense your feet attached to the floor, or like magnets grounded to the earth.

• Do some deep breathing and feel yourself being connected with your body.

• Imagine a grounding cord from your tail bone to the center of the earth.

• Take a walk. Strolling through grass with bare feet is particularly grounding.

• Drink water.

• Name the objects in the room.

• Bend over with your knees slightly bent, feet firmly planted on the floor, while breathing slowly. Then gradually rise to a standing position.

• Eat some food (yet avoid unhealthy foods and overeating, which are ungrounding).

• Hold a stone like hematite, jasper, onyx, or petrified wood.

Grounding connects us with the body and creates stability. As you saw, the Soul Center-ing Process also includes groundCenter-ing. In a sense, one could say that it brCenter-ings us into a per-fect sense of alignment between heaven and earth.

Our studies of the healing power of the soul have led us to another holistic method that draws directly on the soul’s energy for healing. The Spiritual Kinesiology Reframing and An-choring Process, or R&A for short, is another easy, fast, and effective method that can re-place the tapping sequences, if desired. Since it also works so well, we will provide a brief description of the it here.

In document The Heart And Soul Of Eft (Page 79-82)