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Strong auric field

In document Crystal Love - The Mystic Mind (Page 34-36)



The Human Mind

sensitive to all the variations in electromagnetic energy emitted by the Sun, the planets and the Moon, which is the closest orbiting body to the Earth, and the Earth's magnetosphere is affected accordingly.

In a threefold action, the planetary fields bombard Earth with electromagnetic energy (the force field of Jupiter for instance, is 6,000 times greater than the Earth's and a hundred times larger), which in turn influences the Earth's magnetic field, which, in its turn, affects the electromagnetic force fields of all life forms on Earth, including ourselves.

The planetary bodies are massive generators of sound and electromagnetic energy, and as they orbit the heavens, forming various angular relationships with each other and us, the varying combinations and frequencies of energy have a direct influence on life on Earth.

The force field of each individual is linked to the universe via the bioplasmic body and the electromagnetic field of the Earth, and the Earth magnetically acts as a receiver for all incoming electromagnetic wave energy. When there is a change in the universal energy matrix, a resonance in produced which then distorts the bioplasmic body of the Earth, which in turn affects the bioplasmic bodies of all life forms on Earth, including us.

In 1959 Dr Leonard Ravitz of William and Mary University in the United States demonstrated that these human energy fields fluctuated with mental and emotional activity (as the Kirlians had discovered) and that the resultant wave energy emitted varied in brilliance, intensity and colour according to the psychological state of the person concerned.

Inside the electromagnetic force field, or bioplasmic body, processes appear to have their own energy pathways or ley lines, and the bioplasmic body itself appears to be a unified organism which acts as a whole, is polarised, gives off its own electromagnetic fields, and is the basis, or blueprint for the subsequent biological, or material form.

Later scientific research confirmed that this electrical force could be measured with a scientific device known as a Super Conducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID), which was able to measure the electrical activity of brain function by the variations in this electromagnetic force field in even more detail than the EEG.

The Mystic Mind

Twenty years later, Dr Robert Becker of the Upstate Medical School in New York confirmed the existence of these complex electrical fields within the human body and found that they changed in strength and intensity depending on psychological factors. He also discovered electron-sized particles moving through this electrical field. (Have you ever walked into a room and instantly felt a vibration, an 'atmosphere'? You may be sensing the state of the magnetic energy of the environment or person in question.)

Dr Rupert Sheldrake, a well-known author and researcher who has worked extensively on the morphic (electromagnetic) fields of animals, believes that invisible organising fields of energy regulate all systems. These fields, he believes, are causative of the physical form and act as a blueprint for the individual form itself.

Dr Sheldrake's own research has reinforced his belief that these bioplasmic, or morphic fields, could have an effect on other morphic fields regardless of how near or far they were. His extensive research into morphic fields and animal behaviour also shows that animals are extremely sensitive to these fields and are able to experience telepathic sensitivity to their owners, even at great distances.

According to current scientific thinking, the world of apparently solid form is, in reality, suffused with an invisible world of radiating energy fields, thought fields and bioplasmic forms. Furthermore, mind and body are now being redefined in terms of energy impulses and rhythms, all of which are in constant motion, and each of which can have a direct effect on the magnetic fields of other bodies however great or small.

Dr Victor Inyushin of Kazakh University in Russia researched human energy fields over many years, and his results suggested that the electromagnetic force field was composed entirely of ions, free protons and free electrons, which was a state absolutely dis­ tinct from the four known states of matter, solid, liquid, gas and plasma. The bioplasmic (electromagnetic) force field he subse­ quently defined as the 5th state of matter.

He also discovered that despite the apparent stability of the bioplasmic field, a large amount of energy was radiated out into space through breakaway particles that could be measured as they emanated from the bioplasmic body.

According to his extensive research, which began in 1950, the bioplasmic field appeared to be a balance of positive and negative

The Human Mind

particles within the bioplasmic field and was relatively stable. If, however, there were a shift in the positive and negative balance of the bioplasmic body, ill health would be the resul�.

What causes the bioplasmic body in humans to fluctuate - what is the agitating factor?

The agitating factor is thought. Where does thought come from? It comes from our minds. What is the mind?

It is pure energy, pure consciousness: pure light.

The aura - soul within

'Let thine sight be single and thine whole body shall be full of Light.' Matthew 6:22 One of the most common recurring themes in all the world's religions is that humans have a divine immortal soul, which survives physical death. We know, of course, that all our bodies will eventually die and disintegrate because they are made from finite material.

What is the Soul? How can it survive physical death?

Quite simply, it is the orb of energy, 'The Light' within us. It survives physical death because it is not physical. It is pure energy. Pure consciousness. Pure Light. It is non-material, infinite and indestructible (see Figure 8).

The 'light energy', which is simultaneously the cause and mind of all things that exist, and which will survive intact after it has withdrawn from the physical body at death, is what we know as the soul. The individual soul however, although part of the greater oneness, also retains a perfect record of its own eternal existence (as we shall see later in the chapter on reincarnation).

Ancient mystics have long described an ethereal energy body, which duplicates the human body, and which is perhaps best defined as an electromagnetic area where sub-atomic vortices of the cosmos are transformed into the individual.

The ancients also believed that the 'aura' was an exact double of the physical body but composed of a much finer substance. The aura is also said to contain all the information about the individual from past, present and future.

In ancient Egypt, this spirit double was simply known as 'Ka'. The Azande tribe in Africa believed that everyone has an etheric/ double, which they called the 'Mbisimo' - a mirror of the

The Mystic Mind

In document Crystal Love - The Mystic Mind (Page 34-36)