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In document 100 Pranic HealingProtocol (Page 55-60)

10. Maintain the medically advised weight for your height and age through proper diet and regular exercise.

11. Any underlying medical problems such as diabetes or high cholesterol etc. have to be treated and maintain under control.

12. Avoid drugs or toxins that may be potentially harmful to the liver.

LYME DISEASE (Animal gile)

1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

2.Apply General Sweeping twice.

3. Do localise thorough sweeping on the bitten area alternately with LWG and LWO. Do not apply this on the head, near the heart, near the spleen or near them.

If the bitten area in located on the head, on the heart, on the spleen chakra or near any of them, apply localise thorough sweeping alternately with LWG and ordinary LWV.

4. Energise the bitten area with G-B(G-30%,B-70%).

Do not apply G-B on delicate areas of the body and not on persons below 20 years old or over 45 years old.

For delicate areas and for those below 20 or over 45 years old, Energise the affected part with LWG, LWB then ordinary LWV.

5. If the infection and inflammation is severe repeat steps 1 to 5, three to four times per day for the next several days or until the condition stabilizes.

6. The frequency of treatment using steps 1 to 5 can be reduced to three times per week when the patient's condition has substantially improved.

7. Do localise thorough sweeping on the affected area(s) organ(s) alternately with LWG and ordinary LWV.

Energise with LWG, LWB and ordinary LWV.

8. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front, sides and back of the lungs. Energise through the back of the lungs with LWG, LWO then ordinary LWV. Point your fingers away from the patient's head when

energizing with orange.

Step 8 may be reapplied after rescanning after 15 minutes, more than once during treatment.

9. Do localise thorough sweeping on the basic chakra. Energise with LWR or white. If the patient has fever or venereal disease, do not Energise the basic chakra, just apply thorough localise sweeping on it.

10. Do localise thorough localise sweeping on the minor chakras of the arms and legs. Energise them with

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LWR or ordinary LWV.

If the patient has fever or venereal disease, do not Energise with LWR, simply use ordinary LWV. If LWV is used, do not apply step 10 more than once per day.

11. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back spleen chakra and on the navel chakra. Energise the navel chakra with ordinary LWV.

12. If the spleen is painful, Energise directly the spleen chakra with LWG and ordinary LWV. Apply more localise sweeping on the front and back spleen chakra.

13. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra and on the liver. Energise the solar plexus chakra with LWG, LWB and ordinary LWV.

14. Do localise thorough sweeping on the throat chakra. Energise it with LWG, LWB, then ordinary LWV.

15. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energise through the back heart chakra with LWV.

16. Do localise thorough sweeping on the crown chakra, forehead chakra, ajna chakra, and back head minor chakra. Energise them with LWG then woth more of ordinary LWV.

17. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.

Steps 1, 2, 7 to 17 may be applied even if the initial infection has been over some time.

18. Repeat treatment three times per week.

MERCURY POISONING, HYDRARGYRIA (Poising) 1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

2. Apply General Sweeping 2 to 3 times using LWG.

3. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra and the liver with LWG and LWO.

Energise the solar plexus chakra with LWB, LWG and LWO. Do not use LWO on the solar plexus chakra on pregnant women, patients with loose bowel movement, appendicitis or inner bleeding.

4. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra alternately with LWG and ordinary LWV.

Energise the heart chakra through the back heart with LWG then with more of ordinary LWV.

5. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front, sides and back of the lungs using LWG and LWO.

Energise through the back of the lungs with LWG then LWO. Point your fingers away from the patient's head when energizing with LWO.

6. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back spleen chakra using LWG.

If the spleen is painful, Energise the spleen with LWG then ordinary LWV and apply more localise sweeping until the patient feels substantial relief.

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7. Do localise thorough sweeping on the kidneys and the meng mein chakra. Energise the kidneys with W.

8. Do localise thorough sweeping on the entire head area and the different parts of the brain alternately with LWG and ordinary LWV. Energise with LWG and LWV.

9. Do localise thorough sweeping and energizing with EV on the crown, forehead, ajna, back head and throat chakras.

10. Do localise thorough sweeping on the spine alternately with LWG and LWV.

11. Do localise thorough sweeping on the basic, sex, navel and perineum minor chakra alternately with LWG and LWO.

Energise with LWR.

12. Do localise thorough sweeping on the arms and legs and their minor chakras alternately with LWG and LWO.

Energise the minor chakras with LWR or ordinary LWV.

13. Stabilize and release projected energy. Give thanks.

14. Repeat treatment 3 times per week.

15. Encourage the patient to consult a medical doctor.

MILK PRODUCTION - IMPROVING BREAST 1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

2. General sweeping twice with LWG with emphasis on the central channel alongside the spine - at the back and in front.

3. Localise thorough sweeping on the ajna chakra.

Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

Energise with LWG - 3 cycles then ordinary LWV - 5 cycles.

Rescan. If the chakra is overactivated, inhibit with LB to normalise.

4. Localise thorough sweeping on the front chest area, the nipple minor chakras, armpit minor chakras, front and back heart chakra – 30 times each.

Energise the heart chakra through the back heart chakra with LWG - 3

breathing cycles then ordinary LWV - 3 cycles simultaneously will the heart chakra to become bigger.

Distribute the energy.

5. Localise thorough sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra. Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

Energise with LWG - 3 cycles, then LWV - 3 cycles. Inhibit with LB - 3 cycles.

6. Localise thorough sweeping on the front and back spleen chakra.

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7. Localise thorough sweeping on the kidneys and meng mein chakra. Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

Energise the kidneys with W - 3 cycles.

8. Apply more localise thorough sweeping on the meng mein chakra. Rescan. If the meng mein chakra is overactivated, inhibit it with LB up to 1/2 the average size of the other major chakras.

9. Localise thorough sweeping on the lower abdominal area and the

navel chakra. Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

Energise the navel chakra with LWR - 3 cycles.

10. Localise thorough sweeping on the sex chakra and basic chakra. Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

Energise with W - 3 cycles.

11. Localise thorough sweeping on the entire head, the crown chakra, forehead chakra, back head minor chakra and throat chakra.

Rescan. Continue sweeping and rescanning alternately until the energy is clean and stable.

Energise them with LWG - 1 cycle then ordinary LWV - 5 cycles.

12. Stabilise and release projected energy.

13. Repeat treatment 3 times per week until necessary.

14. Regular low impact aerobic physical exercises for 30 minutes to 1 hour everyday, i.e. taking the baby in a pram for a (brisk) walk in the park every morning.

15. Eat nutritionally balanced healthy food diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. Take sufficient amount of fluids such as water, juices, soups, daily.

16. Have a regular schedule for breast feeding. Use a breast pump if the baby is not hungry on schedule.


1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

2. Apply General Sweeping several times using LWG.

3. Do localise thorough sweeping on the lungs ( front, sides, bottom and back). Energise directly through the back of the lungs first with LWG then with LWO prana.

NOTE: "thorough sweeping" refers to the divide the chakra into 6-parts technique given in the Pranic Crystal Healing book by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.

4. Do localise thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra alternately with LWG and LWV.

Energise the front heart and the thymus gland through the back heart with EV. Simultaneously will the heart chakra to become bigger.

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Rescan the front and back heart chakra.

5. Do localise sweeping alternately with LWG and ordinary LV on the entire head area, on the crown chakra, forehead chakra, ajna chakra, and on the back head minot chakra. The ajna has to be cleansed thoroughly by localise sweeping 30 to 50 times.

Energise them with EV. Simultaneously will the crown, forehead and ajna chakra to become bigger. Rescan the treated chakra. The emphasis is on the ajna chakra.

6. When energizing the ajna with EV, gently but firmly instruct the ajna chakra to noralize and to harmonize all the chakras and all the internal organs.

7. Do localise through sweeping on the jaw minor, throat, and secondary minor throat chakra alternately with LWG and LWV. Energise them with EV. When energizing the throat chakra, simultaneously will it to become bigger.

8. Do localise thorough cleansing on the front and back solar plexus chakra and the liver with alternately LWG and LWO for about 30 to 50 times.

9. Energise the front solar plexus chakra with LWG and LWO.

Wait for a few minutes.

Enegize the solar plexus with LB. Simultaneously will it to become smaller. Do not over inhibit.


10. After several weeks or months, when the patient has substantially improved, Energise the solar plexus chakra with LWG, LWV then LWB instead of LWG, LWO and LB.

11. Do localise thorough cleansing on the kidneys and the meng mein chakra with alternately LWG and LWO 20 to 30 times.

12. Inhibit the meng mein chakra by energizing it with LB and simultaneously will it to become smaller.

Rescan the meng mein chakra. The normal size of this chakra is 1/2 to 2/3 the average size of the major chakras. This step is very important.

13. Energise the basic chakra with LB for localizing effect. Localise thorough sweeping on the basic with LWG and LWO for about 50 to 100 times. Thorough cleansing is very important.

14. Energise the basic thoroughly with W. Inhibit the basic chakra by energizing it with LB and simultaneously will it to become smaller. Rescan the basic chakra.

15. Do localise thorough sweeping on the arms, legs; the armpit, elbow, hand, hip, knee, and sole minor chakras with LWG and LWO. Energise the hand and sole minor chakras with LWV. (Energise the hand and sole minor chakras with LWV only once a day)

16. Do localise sweeping on the spine thoroughly alternately with LWG and LWO. Do not apply O near the head area or above the neck.

17. Energise the basic chakra with EV with the intention of disintegrating the abnormal white cells.

Exert a certain amount of willpower. Form the intention that the basic chakra will not become over activated.

Visualize the EV going into the entire skeletal system: the spine, ribs, chest bone, hip bones and the bones of

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the arms and legs.

Rescan the basic chakra.

18. Do thorough localise sweeping on the front and back spleen chakra with LWG. Energise the spleen chakra with LWG and ordinary LWV. Do this with caution!

19. Do localise thorough sweeping on the navel chakara with LWG. Energise it with W.

20. Do localise sweeping on the sex chakra. Energise it with W.

21. Stabilize and release projected energy.

Repeat treatment if possible, every 3 hours for the first 2 weeks. If not possible, repeat treatment once per day for the first 2 weeks. Gradually decrease the frequency to 3 times per week.


In document 100 Pranic HealingProtocol (Page 55-60)