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4.3.2 Supporting quality teaching and learning in schools

The section presents an account of the participants on how school principals supported quality teaching and learning in the two selected underperforming secondary schools. The majority of the participants reported that their school principals support teaching and learning by ensuring that teachers and learners are punctual and attend school regularly. They also noted that it is the duty of the school principal to garner teaching resources for efficient teaching and learning.

For instance, SMT 2 from School B when asked about how his principal supports quality teaching and learning replied:

“He supports teaching and learning by trying to get teaching and learning resources like study guides for teachers”.

It can be noted that, in SMT 2’s view, his school principal ensures quality teaching and learning by organising resources for her teachers. Principal 2 from School B on the other hand reported that:

“It is also my duty to lead and support all staff members and manage them”.

Although Principal 2 from School B indicated that she executes her instructional leadership roles by supporting teachers in their work, she did not unpack how she supported her teachers. However, she showed an understanding that instructional leadership involves support. She also noted that she acts as a caretaker of the

Department of Education in the school to support and manage staff members and represents the Department in all respects. Although Principal 2 indicated that her duty is to support teachers in executing their teaching responsibilities, she did not give details of what she did to support her teachers.

SMT 1 form School A indicated that instructional leadership is about a collective effort under the leadership of a principal who would, time and again, issue instructions to the group. He noted that in his school the principal involved other SMT members in mentoring and supporting teachers. ST 2 from School B indicated that an instructional leader is not only a leader; she is also a manager, administrator and accounting officer of the school and she alone indicated that the job of a principal is too broad to be carried out by one person. She further noted that her school principal manages curriculum implementation by seeing to it that teachers attend their classes and learners are in class all the time.

Principal 2 further commented that:

“I prepare an academic improvement plan and report to the Department of Education about the implementation of this academic improvement plan. I implement and monitor curriculum activities in the school. I lead, manage, and support staff members and manage the use of teaching and learning support material. I work with my staff and we work as a team. I also go to class to individual teachers”.

It can be noted from the above excerpt that Principal 2 was very passionate about the academic achievement of the learners in her school as according to her there were systems in place to implement and support the implementation of academic activities.

When asked about how she ensures quality teaching and learning in her school, Principal 2 reported that:

“We start from the previous year’s results. We analyse the results and prepare subject improvement plans which are submitted to The SMT. I collect all these to prepare the school academic plan. It is also my duty to ensure that the teachers implement their plans. I also monitor if educational and curriculum activities are implemented and I do this by using the supervision plan and moderation plans”.

It can be noted from the above excerpt that in this school the principal was good in planning for the implementation of the school curriculum and that she had a way of monitoring if these plans were implemented by teachers in her school. She also reported that she does this to ensure that a high performance culture and a dedicated team is in place. She noted that a principal should lead by example and show teachers the way by also mastering his/her subject, and be first to submit and honour the due dates. She also noted that if you are a school principal you have to be a talented but flexible person who can deal effectively with different challenges that constantly surface in school.

She further noted that:

“I am the person who is responsible for efficient operations. I manage time and make sure that the syllabus is completed on time and make sure that each teacher has the necessary subject policy document. I make sure that learner marks are recorded correctly”.

It can be noted from the above quotation that Principal 2 regarded time management as one aspect of ensuring quality teaching and learning in her school and that the availability of teaching and learning resources can assist teachers in carrying out their teaching responsibilities.

When asked about how her school principal supports quality teaching and learning, ST 2 from School A indicated that:

“She uses instructions but sometimes she does not do follow ups. Sometimes she does not know even what she wants”.

It can be noted from ST 2’s point of view that the principal in her school executes her instructional responsibilities by just giving instructions to the teachers without even involving them. In can also be noted from this comment that this participant viewed her principal as somebody who does not understand her role in terms of leading and managing teaching and learning. It can be an indication that this participant realises that instructions are an integral part of teaching and learning but that does not mean the end of the game to the instructor as well as the instructed. To ST 2 it means the instructor must make time to follow up when the task is completed. This means the instructor should not be complacent only with carrying out of the task by the trustee

but should see to it that the task is done correctly and efficiently. The view of the ST2 was that this practice should be on a continuous basis rather than sporadic or irregular. However, the supervision book that the researcher analysed showed that the principal made follow ups only when issued instructions. Perhaps the claim referred to by the ST 2 was a single incident, when the principal could not follow up.

When asked about what role does her principal play in ensuring quality teaching and learning, ST2 reported:

“She looks at the school attendance of teachers and learners and those teachers who do not come to school are made to sign leave forms, and parents of learners who do not attend school regularly are called”.

This was an indication that in ensuring quality teaching and learning the principal in this school used control measures rather than supporting ways to ensure that teaching and learning occur effectively. She further reported that in ensuring quality teaching and learning her principal makes sure that there is a teacher in every classroom, that is, teachers are always in class teaching. ST 2 on the other hand reported that her principal delegates management responsibilities to the SMT and the entire staff and this is done in a meeting situation. This was an indication that SMT members have different views when it comes to how their principal performed instructional responsibilities. SMT2 reported that her principal delegate tasks to teachers by considering their ability. Principal 1 indicated that she supports teaching and learning by making sure that teachers are doing their work. She commented:

“I do class visits where I monitor teachers. But class visits are not done to criticise the teachers but to encourage proper teaching and learning. They are meant to measure the quality of work given to learners and to monitor if the teachers are assessing learners. I use lesson attendance registers to check if the teachers are doing their work. These period attendance registers are given to class reps for them to confirm teachers’ attendance by signing these attendance registers”.

It can be noted from the above quote that Principal 1 viewed supporting teaching and learning as checking the work of teachers. This was actually some form of policing teachers. SMT 1 from the same school confirmed that her school principal did support teaching and learning through class visits. He commented that:

“This is what my principal is doing to support teaching and learning in our school. She is part of teaching as she also has a class to teach. The supporting of teaching and learning is done through class visits. Learners sign the books when the teacher enters the class during teaching time. Although we are not performing well our pass rate is gradually improving and that on its own is an indication that our principal is doing her part as an instructional leader”.