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15-story hotel 5 separate buildings

A million square feet of combined area 1/2" to 4" ProPress Copper fittings

1/2" to 4" ProPress Stainless fittings and pipe 1/2" and 3/4" ViegaPEX tubing

Significant time savings A satisfied contractor

It was mid-December 2008, and it had been raining in Arizona for days. Work on Casino Arizona in Scottsdale, AZ, was at a halt. “When you allow heavy equipment out there it gets gooey and makes for unsafe working conditions,” said Casey Reed, Casino AZ project director for Kinetics.

Kinetics, a full-service mechanical contractor company, has set itself apart by performing to

higher-than-industry-average safety ratings. Rather than risk the potential of work-related injuries due to the rain, Kinetics took the safe route and restricted work on the jobsite.

Although there wasn’t much of an opportunity to walk the entire jobsite, there was time for a question-and-

answer session. I wanted to learn more about the project and gain a clear understanding of why Kinetics trusted to install Viega ProPress copper, stainless and PureFlow products inside Casino Arizona’s Talking Stick Resort.

I learned ProPress wasn’t originally specified in the bid. “A lot of credit goes out to Viega District Manager JR Fortenberry,” said Reed. “With JR’s help, we pursued a value engineering proposal

to the architect and engineer and showed them it was not only a labor saver but a cost saver.” The proposed savings was significant enough to convince the architect and the engineer that switching to ProPress copper and stainless for both the hotel and casino was worth it.

It wasn’t all downhill from there. Other press products on the market were creating stirs in the marketplace. Contractors were reporting failures. After hearing several concerns, Reed started doing research. He asked a lot of questions and, at the end of the day, all fingers pointed in a positive direction toward Viega. “Viega’s ProPress technology is the only press system that proved consistent and reliable. We needed that reassurance,” said Reed.

The switch from there was easy. “We have changed our methods from solder to press on the plumbing and mechanical side,” said Reed. As a matter of fact, anything copper that Kinetics installs is now done using Viega ProPress.

Kinetics Labor Manager John Niedosik has been working closely with the ProPress Stainless system and added, “We

installed probably 700 feet of ProPress Stainless in a day and a half, which went really quick… It would have taken us weeks to do that same 700-foot section with a welded system,” said Niedosik. “Not only that, welded connections take special equipment, argon, a trained welder, a lot of

preparation and tools that are expensive.” ProPress Stainless makes for a simpler and smarter choice.

Casino Arizona, a 15-story resort at Indian Bend in Scottsdale, AZ, will feature almost 500 rooms, a huge 13,000-square-foot luxury spa and the location’s own Talking Stick Golf Club. The showpiece of the new resort will be the casino with its 240,000-square-foot gaming

floor complete with eight restaurants, 10 lounges and a 750-seat entertainment showroom. Partial to Viega, I would like to think the real showpiece is the products inside the casino and resort.

When I asked for the largest challenge on the jobsite, Reed responded, “Drawings on this project seem to change constantly. With 27 different types of rooms for the almost 500-room resort, only 20 or 25 rooms will be alike.” How did Reed and his team keep up with the design changes? Reed utilized not only the

ProPress System but the flexibility of the Viega PureFlow System to make copper to PEX connections quickly.

Viega PEX tubing supplies water service inside the hotel rooms, where copper lines run down the hallways. Kinetics made copper

to PEX connections with customizable Press ProPress manifolds. The flexibility of ViegaPEX tubing, and design options of Viega press ProPress manifolds, allowed Kinetics to keep up with frequently changing design plans. In the end, Viega products simplified what could have been a very complicated construction process.

Slated to open early 2010, construction of Casino Arizona’s Talking Stick Resort has progressed rapidly since my visit last December. If you are looking for a place to stay on your next vacation, consider Casino Arizona and check out the plumbing.

Casino Arizona’s

Talking Stick Resort

15-story hotel 5 separate buildings

A million square feet of combined area 1/2" to 4" ProPress Copper fittings

1/2" to 4" ProPress Stainless fittings and pipe 1/2" and 3/4" ViegaPEX tubing

Significant time savings A satisfied contractor

39 v i e g a v o i c e N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 9 / w w w . v i e g a . c o m v i e g a v o i c e N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 9 / w w w . v i e g a . c o m 4 0

Somewhere in the High Plains of Northeastern Wyoming, two brave contractors teamed together to install what might be the most unique Viega Climate Mat of all time.

The jobsite, located 33 miles down dirt roads from Gillette, WY, is a long trek from civilization. That is why contractors Bob Larsen with Bob’s Plumbing & Heating and Steve Hansen with Absaroka Plumbing & Heating joined forces to tackle the project together. The remote location even required the contractors to sleep on location in a jobsite trailer. (With limited cell phone access this project was setting the stage for a great Indie film.)

All joking aside, Larsen and Hansen had a lot of work ahead of them. The 17,000-square-foot project is a shop, break room, airport hanger and personal residence for an oil tycoon.

Somewhere in a land

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