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The Transition Phase (Fruit-Juice Diet)

In document Detox Bible (Page 51-54)

6 a.m.

Out of bed Stretching exercises. Enema (optional for those who don’t like enemas). Lukewarm shower or bath.

One cup of herb tea (your choice). Warm, not hot. You may flavor your tea with one teaspoon of honey, if desired. Use pure water.

Brisk walk or some other form of exercise, such as calisthenics, swimming horseback riding, tennis, etc. Change your exercise routine regularly so that different muscles are used.

11 a.m.

8 ounce glass of fresh fruit juice, preferably grape, apple, or orange, diluted half and half with pure water. Always dilute fruit juices in this manner so as to avoid calcium loss. Rinse mouth.

1 p.m.

Dish of fruit in season, as much as you like. Eat only one kind of fruit at a time. Do not mix foods at this stage of recovery.

Note: fresh fruits are always preferable to dried fruits. However, in certain areas it may be diffi-

cult to obtain fresh fruits during the winter season. In this case, use dried fruit. Just soak over- night in pure water to cover. Do not cook. Such fruits are delicious and need no sugar. Purchase only unsulphured dried fruits at your health food store. They usually carry a wide assortment.

3 p.m.

Exercise period. Fifteen minutes. (See exercise section to follow)

3:30 p.m.

8-ounce glass of undiluted fresh carrot juice or carrot and celery juice. (Or diluted fruit juice, ap- ple or grape only)

4 p.m.

7 p.m.

Dish of fruit, as much as you like. Choose fruit which you did not have at noon. One kind only.

9:30 p.m.

Enema followed by lukewarm shower or bath.

10 p.m.

4-ounce glass of fresh undiluted carrot (or grape) juice. Bedtime. Pleasant dreams. (Note: if you use grape juice, be sure to dilute it 50-50 with pure water.)

The foregoing regime is often called a modified or partial fast. This is not strictly correct. The word “fast” implied total abstinence from food, the individual having recourse only to pure wa- ter. Quicker results can usually be obtained from a total fast with complete bed rest, using only pure water as needed. Our transition regimen should correctly be called a juice-fruit diet and ex- cellent results will be forthcoming if it is faithfully followed. Severe cases, of course, should go on a complete fast, but only under the supervision of an experienced practitioner and in an insti- tution away from disturbances of any kind.

On our juice-fruit diet you will probably have no need for additional liquid. However, if real thirst is felt, drink some distilled water 15 to 30 minutes before the two fruit meals. In our opin- ion, distilled water acts as a therapeutic unclogging measure. We particularly advise its use for older people. It tends to clean out debris from the blood. Under no circumstances, should either chlorinated (tap) or fluoridated water be used. Distilled water may be purchased or distilled at home.

The juice-fruit diet can be undertaken by most people with complete safety. It should be contin- ued for a minimum of seven days and may be continued longer, if desired. One’s physician should be consulted as to the advisability of beginning this regimen. However, it is advisable that he be experienced in the art of fasting and knowledgeable about nutritional therapy.

Under a total fast or transitional diet, toxins are often released from hidden confines of the body and may produce headaches and other symptoms. These are not alarming. The body is eradicat- ing toxins which have long been present. The more strictly the above regime is followed, the faster will the system be cleansed of its toxic debris and improved health be assured. The liquids and fruits provide an abundance of alkalinizing minerals to eradicate acids from within the body and sufficient roughage to encourage normal elimination after a period of time. Additionally, they flood the body with vitamins and enzymes to make the system sing!

For three days after your transition diet add the following foods gradually: ripe avocado follow- ing morning carrot juice (wait 15 minutes after juice); blended salad as a substitute for one fruit meal (Recipe for blended salad: 1/4 medium cucumber, 1/2 medium green bell pepper, 5-6 leaves Romaine lettuce, 1/2 stalk celery: place ingredients in blender in order given. Set blender for chop. Use celery stalk to guide ingredients into blades; use no water; season with vegetable salt, if desired. Serves one.); baked potato to follow blended salad. The transition Diet should be repeated one month after you resume a normal diet and it may be repeated thereafter at least

twice each year. We recommend a fruit day once each week as a part of your normal living pat- tern. On that day, eat only fruit. Allow your digestive organs a day of rest. They will be most grateful.


Stand tall. Extend arms directly overhead and S-T-R-E-T-C-H.

Stand tall. Clasp hands together directly overhead. Bend as far as possible to left. Repeat to right. Stand tall. Clasp hands together directly overhead. Now try to touch floor, hands still clasped. You may bounce (gently) in this position.

Clasp hands together in front of chest. Swing to right, then to left. Clasp hands together in front. Bend at waist. Swing to right, then to left.

Lie down on floor. Extend arms overhead on floor. Breathe through nostrils. Push out abdomen. Count of three. Exhale through nostrils. Repeat three times. Do NOT force breathing.

Same position. Extend arms over and above head first in vertical motion, then in horizontal movement along floor.

Same position. Raise right leg, then left leg, then both, assisting when necessary with hands be- hind hips.

Same position. Extend both arms behind head on floor. Bend knees placing feet flat on floor close to buttocks. S-T-R-E-T-C-H extending arms back as far as possible. Push the soles of feet against floor at same time.

Run in place either in-doors or out-of-doors. Always keep air in good circulation during all exer- cise periods.

All exercise should be commensurate with your physical condition at the time. DO NOT OVER- DO, but at the same time bear in mind that you should not also UNDER-DO! Keep active and keep young.

[Note from Chet: Dr. Kiki Sidhwa is another one of my health heroes and one of my favorite Natural Hygienist mentors. I especially appreciate his work on living sanely and thoughtfully, trying to keep the good of others in mind at all times. This next article presents a simple but ex- cellent detox routine. I’ve gone on it several times, and I always feel like a million bucks after completing it. You will too.]

In document Detox Bible (Page 51-54)

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